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# data-miner
A tool to periodically collect data from api endpoints and store them inside a folder.
**Please ensure that you are allowed to use the api this way before using this tool!**
## Prerequisites
You need to have python 3.8 or higher and pipenv installed.
## Install
```shell script
pipenv install
## Usage
usage: [-h] [-t] -o OUTPUT_DIR [-i INTERVAL] [-m METHOD] [-b BODY] [-p TOR_PASSWORD] [-z] url [url ...]
Periodically mine data
positional arguments:
url the data endpoint url
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --tor If tor should be used for requests
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
The output directory for the data
-i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
The interval in which the data is requested
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
The HTTP method that is used
-b BODY, --body BODY The file containing the requests payload/body.
-p TOR_PASSWORD, --tor-password TOR_PASSWORD
The password used for the tor control port.
-z, --compress If the data should be compressed
## License