const cmd = require('./cmd'),
music = require('./music'),
data = require('./data'),
handlers = {};
let logger = require('winston');
exports.setLogger = function (newLogger) {
logger = newLogger;
exports.GuildHandler = class {
constructor(guild, prefix) {
this.guild = guild;
this.dataHandler = new data.DataHandler(guild.name);
this.dj = null;
this.servant = null;
this.mention = false;
this.prefix = prefix || '~';
* function shortcut returns the data from the dataHandler
* @param name
* @returns {{}}
getData(name) {
return this.dataHandler.getData(name);
* appends data to the data handler
* @param name
* @param key
* @param value
appendData(name, key, value) {
let data = this.getData(name);
data[key] = value;
this.dataHandler.setData(name, data);
* deletes an entry from the data handler
* @param name
* @param key
deleteDataEntry(name, key) {
let data = this.getData(name);
delete data[key];
this.dataHandler.setData(name, data);
* registers all music commands and initializes a dj
* @param cmdPrefix
registerMusicCommands(cmdPrefix) {
let prefix = cmdPrefix || this.prefix;
this.dj = new music.DJ();
// play command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'play', (msg, argv) => {
let vc = msg.member.voiceChannel;
let url = argv['url'];
if (!vc)
return 'You are not connected to a VoiceChannel';
if (!url)
return 'No url given.';
if (!url.match(/http/g)) {
if (this.getData('savedplaylists') && this.getData('savedplaylists')[url]) {
url = this.getData('savedplaylists')[url];
} else {
return 'Not a valid url.';
try {
if (!this.dj.connected) {
this.dj.connect(vc).then(() => {
} else {
return this.dj.playYouTube(url);
} catch (err) {
return `${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
}, ['url'], "Adds the url to the YouTube video/playlist into the queue.");
// playnext command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'playnext', (msg, argv) => {
let vc = msg.member.voiceChannel;
if (!this.dj.connected) this.dj.voiceChannel = vc;
let url = argv['url'];
if (!url) return 'No url given.';
if (!url.match(/http/g)) {
if (this.getData('savedplaylists') && this.getData('savedplaylists')[url]) {
url = this.getData('savedplaylists')[url];
} else {
return 'Not a valid url';
try {
return this.dj.playYouTube(url, true);
} catch (err) {
return `${JSON.stringify(err)}`;
}, ['url'], "Adds the url to the YouTube video as next song to the queue.");
// join command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'join', (msg) => {
if (msg.member.voiceChannel) {
} else {
return "You are not connected to a voicechannel.";
}, [], "Joins the VC you are in.");
// stop command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'stop', () => {
return "Stopping now";
}, [], "Stops playing music and leaves.");
// pause command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'pause', () => {
return "Pausing playing";
}, [], "Pauses playing.");
// resume command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'resume', () => {
return "Resuming playing";
}, [], "Resumes playing.");
// skip command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'skip', () => {
return "Skipping Song";
}, [], "Skips the current song.");
// clear command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'clear', () => {
return "DJ-Queue cleared";
}, [], "Clears the playlist.");
// playlist command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'playlist', () => {
let songs = this.dj.playlist;
logger.debug(`found ${songs.length} songs`);
let songlist = `**${songs.length} Songs in playlist**\n`;
for (let i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if (i > 10) break;
songlist += songs[i] + '\n';
return songlist;
}, [], "Shows the next ten songs.");
// np command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'np', () => {
let song = this.dj.song;
return `Playing: ${song.title}\n ${song.url}`;
}, [], "Shows the currently playing song.");
// shuffle command
this.createCommand(prefix + 'shuffle', () => {
return "Randomized the order of the queue."
}, [], "Shuffles the playlist.");
// saves playlists
this.createCommand(prefix + 'save', (msg, argv) => {
this.appendData('savedplaylists', argv.name, argv.url);
return `Saved song/playlist as ${argv['name']}`
}, ['url', 'name'], "Saves the YouTube song/playlist with a specific name");
// saved command - prints out saved playlists
this.createCommand(prefix + 'saved', () => {
let response = '```markdown\nSaved Playlists:\n==\n'
Object.entries(this.getData('savedplaylists')).forEach(([key, value]) => {
response += `${key.padEnd(10, ' ')} ${value} \n\n`;
response += '```'
return response;
}, [], "Prints out all saved playlists.");
* creates a servant if not set and lets the servant create a command
* @param command
* @param call
* @param args
* @param description
createCommand(command, call, args, description) {
if (!this.servant) this.servant = new cmd.Servant(this.prefix);
this.servant.createCommand(command, call, args, description);
* handles the message by letting the servant parse the command. Depending on the message setting it
* replies or just sends the answer.
* @param msg
handleMessage(msg) {
if (!this.servant) this.servant = new cmd.Servant(this.prefix);
let answer = this.servant.parseCommand(msg);
if (!answer) return;
if (this.mention) {
} else {
* @param guild
* @param prefix
* @returns {GuildHandler}
exports.getHandler = function (guild, prefix) {
if (!handlers[guild.id]) handlers[guild.id] = new this.GuildHandler(guild, prefix);
return handlers[guild.id];