You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
2.2 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to the discord bot will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [0.10.0] - 2019-03-03
### Added
- AniList api commands powered by [](
- MessageHandler - handles all incoming messages, parses the syntax, executes the syntax and handles rate limits
- CommandHandler - handles all single commands, checks command Permission and executes the command
- Command - represents a single command with the necessary metadata and answer instance
- Answer - represents a commands answer with own syntax parsing (can be overwritten)
- CommandModule - represents a single module of a command with the initialization and registring of command to the command handler. Each module owns an instance of the logger
- ExtendedRichEmbed - extends the functinality of the default discord.js RichEmbed with auto cropping of too long field values, functions to add an Object with fields that are not empty and automatic timestamp addition
### Changed
- Command Syntax now orients more on linux/unix style with `&&` and `;`
- GuildHandler now doesn't handle commands anymore
- the default logger is now a wrapper around the winston.js logger that loggs the current module's name
- all commands are now defined in the lib/commands folder with a folder for each command that contains a `index.js` and a `CommandTemplate.yaml`.
- Rate Limits now only affect commands
- Music commands `~skip` and `~stop` now are votable when the user doesn't have the role *dj* or *botcommander*
- renamed the lib/music to lib/MusicLib and the DJ class to MusicHandler class
- renamed the lib/weblib to lib/WebLib
- changed graphql schema to fit the new internal names
- changed interface to fit the new graphql schema
- changed module export definition to `Object.assign(exports, {...})` at the end of the module file
- added section `commandSettings` to config.js file
- added module information to webinterface log
### Removed
- removed lib/cmd because all functionalities are now adapted to the MessageHandler and CommadnHandlers