const Discord = require("discord.js"), fs = require('fs-extra'), logging = require('./lib/utils/logging'), msgLib = require('./lib/message'), guilding = require('./lib/guilds'), utils = require('./lib/utils'), config = require('./config.json'), args = require('args-parser')(process.argv), dblib = require('./lib/database'), authToken = args.token || config.api.botToken, prefix = args.prefix || config.prefix || '~', gamepresence = || config.presence; let weblib = null; /** * The Bot class handles the initialization and Mangagement of the Discord bot and * is the main class. */ class Bot { constructor() { this.client = new Discord.Client({autoReconnect: true}); this.logger = new logging.Logger(this); this.rotator = null; this.maindb = null; this.presences = []; this.messageHandler = new msgLib.MessageHandler(this.client); this.guildHandlers = {}; this.logger.verbose('Verifying config'); let configVerifyer = new utils.ConfigVerifyer(config, [ "api.botToken", "api.youTubeApiKey", "commandSettings.maxSequenceParallel", "commandSettings.maxSequenceSerial" ]); if (!configVerifyer.verifyConfig(this.logger)) if (!args.i) {'Invalid config. Exiting'); this.logger.flush().then(() => { process.exit(1); }); } } /** * Initializes all services. * @returns {Promise} */ async initServices() { this.logger.verbose('Registering cleanup function'); utils.Cleanup(() => { for (let gh in Object.values(this.guildHandlers)) if (gh instanceof guilding.GuildHandler) gh.destroy(); this.client.destroy().then(() => { this.logger.debug('destroyed client'); }).catch((err) => { this.logger.error(err.message); this.logger.debug(err.stack); }); this.maindb.close(); }); await this.initializeDatabase(); if (config.webinterface && config.webinterface.enabled) await this.initializeWebserver(); this.logger.verbose('Registering commands'); await this.messageHandler.registerCommandModule(require('./commands/AnilistApiCommands').module, {}); await this.messageHandler.registerCommandModule(require('./commands/UtilityCommands').module, { bot: this, config: config }); await this.messageHandler.registerCommandModule(require('./commands/InfoCommands').module, { client: this.client, messageHandler: this.messageHandler }); await this.messageHandler.registerCommandModule(require('./commands/MusicCommands').module, { getGuildHandler: async (g) => await this.getGuildHandler(g) }); await this.messageHandler.registerCommandModule(require('./commands/ServerUtilityCommands').module, { getGuildHandler: async (g) => await this.getGuildHandler(g), messageHandler: this.messageHandler, config: config }); await this.messageHandler.registerCommandModule(require('./commands/MiscCommands').module, {}); this.registerEvents(); } /** * Starting the bot by connecting to the discord service and starting the webservice. * @returns {Promise} */ async start() { await this.client.login(authToken); this.logger.debug("Logged in"); if (this.webServer) { this.webServer.start();`WebServer runing on port ${this.webServer.port}`); } } /** * Initializes the database by checking first for the existence of the data folder. * @returns {Promise} */ async initializeDatabase() { this.logger.debug('Checking for ./data/ existence'); await fs.ensureDir('./data'); this.logger.verbose('Connecting to main database'); this.maindb = new dblib.Database('main'); await this.maindb.initDatabase(); let sql = this.maindb.sql; await'presences', [ sql.templates.idcolumn, new dblib.Column('text', sql.types.getVarchar(255), [sql.constraints.unique, sql.constraints.notNull]) ])); await'messages', [ sql.templates.idcolumn, new dblib.Column('server', sql.types.getVarchar(255)), new dblib.Column('channel', sql.types.getVarchar(255)), new dblib.Column('username', sql.types.getVarchar(255), [sql.constraints.notNull]), new dblib.Column('message', sql.types.text), new dblib.Column('timestamp', sql.types.datetime, [sql.constraints.notNull, sql.default('NOW()')]) ])); this.logger.debug('Loading Presences...'); await this.loadPresences(); } /** * initializes the api webserver */ async initializeWebserver() { this.logger.verbose('Importing weblib'); weblib = require('./lib/web'); this.logger.verbose('Creating WebServer'); this.webServer = new weblib.WebServer(config.webinterface.port || 8080); this.logger.debug('Setting Reference Objects to webserver'); await this.webServer.setReferenceObjects({ client: this.client, presences: this.presences, maindb: this.maindb, prefix: prefix, getGuildHandler: async (g) => await this.getGuildHandler(g), guildHandlers: this.guildHandlers }); } /** * If a data/presences.txt exists, it is read and each line is put into the presences array. * Each line is also stored in the dbot-main.db database. After the file is completely read, it get's deleted. * Then the data is read from the database and if the presence doesn't exist in the presences array, it get's * pushed in there. If the presences.txt file does not exist, the data is just read from the database. In the end * a rotator is created that rotates the presence every configured duration. */ async loadPresences() { let sql = this.maindb.sql; if (await fs.pathExists('./data/presences.txt')) { let lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({ input: require('fs').createReadStream('./data/presences.txt') }); this.maindb.begin(); lineReader.on('line', async (line) => { try { await this.maindb.query(sql.insert('presences', {text: sql.parameter(1)}), [line]); this.presences.push(line); } catch (err) { this.logger.warn(err.message); this.logger.debug(err.stack); } }); await this.maindb.commit(); this.rotator = this.client.setInterval(() => this.rotatePresence(), config.presence_duration || 360000); await fs.unlink('./data/presences.txt'); let rows = await this.maindb.all('presences', false, ['text'])); for (let row of rows) if (!(row[0] in this.presences)) this.presences.push(row.text); } else { let rows = await this.maindb.all('presences', false, ['text'])); for (let row of rows) this.presences.push(row.text); this.rotator = this.client.setInterval(() => this.rotatePresence(), config.presence_duration || 360000); } } /** * changes the presence of the bot by using one stored in the presences array */ rotatePresence() { let pr = this.presences.shift(); this.presences.push(pr); this.client.user.setPresence({ game: {name: `${gamepresence} | ${pr}`, type: "PLAYING"}, status: 'online' }).then(() => this.logger.debug(`Presence rotation to ${pr}`)) .catch((err) => this.logger.warn(err.message)); } /** * Registeres callbacks for client events message and ready */ registerEvents() { this.client.on('error', (err) => { this.logger.error(err.message); this.logger.debug(err.stack); }); this.client.on('ready', () => {`logged in as ${this.client.user.tag}!`); this.client.user.setPresence({ game: { name: gamepresence, type: "PLAYING" }, status: 'online' }).catch((err) => { if (err) this.logger.warn(err.message); }); }); this.client.on('voiceStateUpdate', async (oldMember, newMember) => { let gh = await this.getGuildHandler(newMember.guild); if (newMember.user === this.client.user) { if (newMember.voiceChannel) gh.musicPlayer.updateChannel(newMember.voiceChannel); } else { if (oldMember.voiceChannel === gh.musicPlayer.voiceChannel || newMember.voiceChannel === gh.musicPlayer.voiceChannel) gh.musicPlayer.checkListeners(); } }); } /** * Returns the guild handler by id, creates one if it doesn't exist and returns it then * @param guild {Guild} * @returns {*} */ async getGuildHandler(guild) { if (!this.guildHandlers[]) { let newGuildHandler = new guilding.GuildHandler(guild); await newGuildHandler.initDatabase(); await newGuildHandler.applySettings(); this.guildHandlers[] = newGuildHandler; } return this.guildHandlers[]; } } // Executing the main function if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) { let logger = new logging.Logger('MAIN-init'); process.on('unhandledRejection', err => { // Will print "unhandledRejection err is not defined" logger.warn(err.message); logger.debug(err.stack); });"Starting up... "); logger.debug('Calling constructor...'); let discordBot = new Bot(); logger.debug('Initializing services...'); discordBot.initServices().then(() => { logger.debug('Starting Bot...'); discordBot.start().catch((err) => { //eslint-disable-line promise/no-nesting logger.error(err.message); logger.debug(err.stack); }); }).catch((err) => { logger.error(err.message); logger.debug(err.stack); }); }