const cmdLib = require('../../lib/command'), utils = require('../../lib/utils'), config = require('../../config'); function checkPermission(msg, rolePerm) { if (!rolePerm || ['all', 'any', 'everyone'].includes(rolePerm)) return true; if (config.owners.includes( return true; else if (msg.member && rolePerm && rolePerm !== 'owner' && msg.member.roles .some(role => ( === rolePerm.toLowerCase() || === 'botcommander'))) return true; return false; } /** * Music commands provide commands to control the bots music functions. * These commands are for server music functionalities. */ class MusicCommandModule extends cmdLib.CommandModule { /** * @param opts {Object} properties: * getGuildHandler - a function to get the guild handler for a guild. */ constructor(opts) { super(cmdLib.CommandScopes.Guild); this._templateDir = __dirname; this._getGuildHandler = opts.getGuildHandler; } /** * Connects to a voice-channel if not connected and plays the url * @param gh {guilding.GuildHandler} * @param vc {Discord.VoiceChannel} * @param url {String} The url to the YouTube media * @param next {Boolean} Should the song be played next * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _connectAndPlay(gh, vc, url, next) { if (!gh.musicPlayer.connected) { await gh.musicPlayer.connect(vc); return await gh.musicPlayer.playYouTube(url, next); } else { return await gh.musicPlayer.playYouTube(url, next); } } /** * The play function for the music commands play and playnext * @param m {Discord.Message} * @param k {Object} kwargs * @param s {String} argsString * @param t {Object} template * @param n {Boolean} play next * @returns {Promise<*>} * @private */ async _playFunction(m, k, s, t, n) { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); let vc = gh.musicPlayer.voiceChannel || m.member.voiceChannel; let url = k['url']; if (!vc) return t.response.no_voicechannel; if (!url) return t.response.no_url; if (!utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl(url)) { url = s; let row = await gh.db.get('playlists', false, ['url'], gh.db.sql.where('name', '=', gh.db.sql.parameter(1))), [url]); if (!row) { this._logger.debug('Got invalid url for play command.'); return t.response.url_invalid; } else { let songcount = await this._connectAndPlay(gh, vc, row.url, n); if (songcount) return `Added ${songcount} songs to the queue.`; else return t.response.success; } } else { let songcount = await this._connectAndPlay(gh, vc, url, n); if (songcount) return `Added ${songcount} songs to the queue.`; else return t.response.success; } } async register(commandHandler) { await this._loadTemplate(); let play = new cmdLib.Command(, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m, k, s) => { return await this._playFunction(m, k, s,, false); }) ); let playNext = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.play_next, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m, k, s) => { return await this._playFunction(m, k, s, this.template.play_next, true); }) ); let join = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.join, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); if (m.member.voiceChannel) await gh.musicPlayer.connect(m.member.voiceChannel); else return this.template.join.response.no_voicechannel; }) ); let stop = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.stop, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); let vc = gh.musicPlayer.voiceChannel || m.member.voiceChannel; if (gh.musicPlayer.connected && vc) { let votes = gh.updateCommandVote(,; let neededVotes = Math.ceil((vc.members.size - 1) / 2); if (neededVotes <= votes.count || checkPermission(m, 'dj')) { this._logger.debug(`Vote passed. ${votes.count} out of ${neededVotes} for stop or permission granted`); gh.musicPlayer.stop(); gh.resetCommandVote(; return this.template.stop.success; } else { this._logger.silly(`Vote count increased. ${votes.count} out of ${neededVotes} for stop`); return `${votes.count} out of ${neededVotes} needed voted to stop.`; } } else { return this.template.stop.not_playing; } }) ); let pause = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.pause, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); if (gh.musicPlayer.playing) { gh.musicPlayer.pause(); return this.template.pause.response.success; } else { return this.template.pause.response.not_playing; } }) ); let resume = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.resume, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); if (gh.musicPlayer.playing) { gh.musicPlayer.resume(); return this.template.resume.response.success; } else { return this.template.resume.response.not_playing; } }) ); let skip = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.skip, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); let vc = gh.musicPlayer.voiceChannel || m.member.voiceChannel; if (gh.musicPlayer.playing && vc) { let votes = gh.updateCommandVote(,; let neededVotes = Math.ceil((vc.members.size - 1) / 2); if (neededVotes <= votes.count || checkPermission(m, 'dj')) { this._logger.debug(`Vote passed. ${votes.count} out of ${neededVotes} for skip or permission granted`); gh.musicPlayer.skip(); gh.resetCommandVote(; return this.template.skip.response.success; } else { this._logger.silly(`Vote count increased. ${votes.count} out of ${neededVotes} for skip`); return `${votes.count} out of ${neededVotes} needed voted to skip.`; } } else { return this.template.skip.response.not_playing; } }) ); let clear = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.clear, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); gh.musicPlayer.clear(); return this.template.clear.response.success; }) ); let mediaQueue = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.media_queue, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); this._logger.debug(`Found ${gh.musicPlayer.queue.length} songs.`); let description = ''; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(gh.musicPlayer.queue.length, 9); i++) { let entry = gh.musicPlayer.queue[i]; description += `[${entry.title}](${entry.url})\n`; } return new cmdLib.ExtendedRichEmbed(`${gh.musicPlayer.queue.length} songs in queue`) .setDescription(description); }) ); let mediaCurrent = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.media_current, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); let song =; if (song) return new cmdLib.ExtendedRichEmbed('Now playing:') .setDescription(`[${song.title}](${song.url})`) .setImage(utils.YouTube.getVideoThumbnailUrlFromUrl(song.url)) .setColor(0x00aaff); else return this.template.media_current.response.not_playing; }) ); let shuffle = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.shuffle, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); gh.musicPlayer.shuffle(); return this.template.shuffle.response.success; }) ); let toggleRepeat = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.toggle_repeat, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); gh.musicPlayer.repeat = !gh.musicPlayer.repeat; return gh.musicPlayer.repeat? this.template.toggle_repeat.response.repeat_true : this.template.toggle_repeat.response.repeat_false; }) ); let saveMedia = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.save_media, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m, k, s) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); let saveName = s.replace(k.url + ' ', ''); let row = await gh.db.get('playlists', false, [gh.db.sql.count('*')], gh.db.sql.where('name', '=', gh.db.sql.parameter(1))), [saveName]); if (!row || Number(row.count) === 0) await'playlists', {name: gh.db.sql.parameter(1), url: gh.db.sql.parameter(2)}), [saveName, k.url]); else await'playlists', {url: gh.db.sql.parameter(1)}, gh.db.sql.where('name', '=', gh.db.sql.parameter(2))), [k.url, saveName]); return `Saved song/playlist as ${saveName}`; }) ); let deleteMedia = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.delete_media, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m, k, s) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); if (!s) { return this.template.delete_media.response.no_name; } else { await'playlists', gh.db.sql.where('name', '=', gh.db.sql.parameter(1))), [s]); return `Deleted ${s} from saved media`; } }) ); let savedMedia = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.saved_media, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m) => { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); let response = ''; let rows = await gh.db.all('playlists', false, ['name', 'url'])); for (let row of rows) response += `[${}](${row.url})\n`; if (rows.length === 0) return this.template.saved_media.response.no_saved; else return new cmdLib.ExtendedRichEmbed('Saved Songs and Playlists') .setDescription(response) .setFooter(`Play a saved entry with play [Entryname]`); }) ); let volume = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.volume, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m, k) => { let volume = Number(k.volume); if (volume && volume <= 100 && volume >= 0) { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); gh.musicPlayer.setVolume(Math.round(volume)/100); await gh.db.setSetting('musicPlayerVolume', Math.round(volume)/100); return `Set music volume to **${volume}**`; } else { return this.template.volume.response.invalid; } }) ); let quality = new cmdLib.Command( this.template.quality, new cmdLib.Answer(async (m, k) => { let allowed = ['highest', 'lowest', 'highestaudio', 'lowestaudio']; if (allowed.includes(k.quality)) { let gh = await this._getGuildHandler(m.guild); gh.musicPlayer.quality = k.quality; await gh.db.setSetting('musicPlayerQuality', k.quality); return `Set music quality to **${k.quality}**`; } else { return this.template.quality.response.invalid; } }) ); // register commands commandHandler .registerCommand(play) .registerCommand(playNext) .registerCommand(join) .registerCommand(stop) .registerCommand(pause) .registerCommand(resume) .registerCommand(skip) .registerCommand(clear) .registerCommand(mediaQueue) .registerCommand(mediaCurrent) .registerCommand(shuffle) .registerCommand(toggleRepeat) .registerCommand(saveMedia) .registerCommand(deleteMedia) .registerCommand(savedMedia) .registerCommand(volume) .registerCommand(quality); } } Object.assign(exports, { module: MusicCommandModule });