{ "utils": { "help": { "name": "help", "permission": "all", "description": "Shows this help command.", "category": "Utility", "args": [ "command" ] }, "say": { "name": "say", "permission": "all", "description": "Says something. ~say [String].", "category": "Utility" }, "addpresence": { "name": "addpresence", "permission": "owner", "description": "Adds a presence to presences.", "category": "Utility" }, "shutdown": { "name": "shutdown", "description": "Shuts the bot down.", "permission": "owner", "category": "Utility" }, "rotate": { "name": "rotate", "description": "Forces a presence rotation", "permission": "owner", "category": "Utility" }, "createUser": { "name": "createUser", "permission": "owner", "description": "Creates a new user for the webinterface.", "category": "Utility", "args": [ "username", "password", "scope" ] }, "bugreport": { "name": "bug", "permission": "all", "description": "Get info about how to report a bug", "category": "Utility", "response": { "bug_report": "Please report your bugs [here](https://github.com/Trivernis/discordbot.js/issues)" } } }, "info": { "about": { "name": "about", "permission": "all", "description": "Shows information about this bot.", "category": "Info", "response": { "about_icon": "This icon war created by [blackrose14344](https://www.deviantart.com/blackrose14344). \n [Original](https://www.deviantart.com/blackrose14344/art/2B-Chi-B-685771489)", "about_creator": "This bot was created by Trivernis. More about this bot [here](https://github.com/Trivernis/discordbot.js)." } }, "ping": { "name": "ping", "permission": "owner", "description": "Answers with the current average ping of the bot.", "category": "Info" }, "uptime": { "name": "uptime", "permission": "owner", "description": "Answers with the current uptime of the bot.", "category": "Info" }, "guilds": { "name": "guilds", "permission": "owner", "description": "Answers with the number of guilds the bot has joined.", "category": "Info" } }, "api": { "AniList": { "animeSearch": { "name": "anime", "permission": "all", "description": "Answers the anime found for that name on AniList.", "category": "AniList", "response": { "not_found": "The Anime was not found :(" } } } } }