const Discord = require("discord.js"), ytdl = require("ytdl-core"), ypi = require('youtube-playlist-info'), yttl = require('get-youtube-title'), ytapiKey = "AIzaSyBLF20r-c4mXoAT2qBFB5YlCgT0D-izOaU"; /* Variable Definition */ let logger = require('winston'); let client = null; let connections = {}; let current = null; let queue = []; /* Function Definition */ // TODO: initCommands function that takes the cmd.js module as variable and uses it to create commands /** * Getting the logger; * @param {Object} newLogger */ exports.setLogger = function (newLogger) { logger = newLogger; }; /** * Sets the discord Client for the module * @param newClient */ exports.setClient = function(newClient) { client = newClient; }; /** * Connects to a voicechannel * @param voiceChannel */ exports.connect = function(voiceChannel) { logger.debug(JSON.stringify()); logger.verbose(`Connecting to voiceChannel ${}`); if (client !== null) { voiceChannel.join().then(connection => {`Connected to Voicechannel ${}`); connections[] = { 'conn': connection, 'disp': null, 'queue': [], 'playing': false, current: null }; }); } else { logger.error("Client is null"); } }; /** * Plays a file * @param filename */ exports.playFile = function(voiceChannel, filename) { let gid =; let conn = connections[gid].conn; if (conn !== null) { connections[gid].disp = conn.playFile(filename); connections[gid].playing = true; } else { this.connect(voiceChannel); logger.warn("Not connected to a voicechannel"); } }; = function(voiceChannel, url) { let gid =; if (!connections[gid]) this.connect(voiceChannel); let conn = connections[gid].conn; if (conn !== null) { let plist = url.match(/(?<=\?list=)[\w\-]+/g); if (plist) { logger.debug(`Adding playlist ${plist} to queue`); ypi(ytapiKey, plist).then(items => { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let vurl = `${items[i].resourceId.videoId}`; connections[gid].queue.push(vurl); }, connections[gid].queue.shift()); }); return; } if (!connections[gid].playing) { logger.debug(`Playing ${url}`); connections[gid].disp = conn.playStream(ytdl(url, { filter: "audioonly" }), {seek: 0, volume: 0.5}); connections[gid].disp.on('end', () => { connections[gid].playing = false; connections[gid].current = null; if (connections[gid].queue.length > 0) {, connections[gid].queue.shift()); } }); connections[gid].playing = true; connections[gid].current = url; } else { logger.debug(`Added ${url} to the queue`); connections[gid].queue.push(url); } } else { logger.warn("Not connected to a voicechannel"); } }; /** * Sets the volume of the music * @param percentage * @param voiceChannel */ exports.setVolume = function(voiceChannel, percentage) { let disp = connections[].disp; logger.verbose(`Setting volume to ${percentage}`); if (disp !== null) { disp.setVolume(percentage); } else { logger.warn("No dispatcher found.") } }; /** * pauses the music */ exports.pause = function(voiceChannel) { let disp = connections[].disp; logger.verbose("Pausing music..."); if (disp !== null) { disp.pause(); } else { logger.warn("No dispatcher found"); } }; /** * Resumes the music */ exports.resume = function(voiceChannel) { let disp = connections[].disp; logger.verbose("Resuming music..."); if (disp !== null) { disp.resume(); } else { logger.warn("No dispatcher found"); } }; /** * Stops the music */ exports.stop = function(voiceChannel) { let gid =; let disp = connections[gid].disp; let conn = connections[gid].conn; logger.verbose("Stopping music..."); if (disp !== null) { disp.end(); logger.debug("Ended dispatcher"); } if (conn !== null) { conn.disconnect(); logger.debug("Ended connection"); } connections[gid].playing = false; }; /** * Skips the song */ exports.skip = function(voiceChannel) { let disp = connections[].disp; logger.debug("Skipping song"); if (disp !== null) { disp.end(); } }; /** * executes the callback when the titlelist is finished */ exports.getQueue = function(voiceChannel, callback) { let titles = []; connections[].queue.forEach((url) => { yttl(url.replace(/http(s)?:\/\/(www.)?\/watch\?v=/g, ''), (err, title) => { if (err) { logger.error(err); } else { titles.push(title); } }); }); setTimeout(() => callback(titles), 2000 ); }; /** * evokes the callback function with the title of the current song * @param callback * @param voiceChannel */ exports.nowPlaying = function(voiceChannel, callback) { let gid =; if (connections[gid].queue.length > 0) { yttl(connections[gid].current.replace(/http(s)?:\/\/(www.)?\/watch\?v=/g, ''), (err, title) => { if (err) { logger.error(err); } else { callback(title, connections[gid].current); } }); } }; /** * shuffles the queue */ exports.shuffle = function(voiceChannel) { connections[].queue = shuffle(queue); }; /** * Shuffles an array with Fisher-Yates Shuffle * @param array * @returns {Array} */ function shuffle(array) { let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle... while (0 !== currentIndex) { // Pick a remaining element... randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; // And swap it with the current element. temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; }