const mockobjects = require('./mockobjects.js'), sinon = require('sinon'), assert = require('assert'), rewire = require('rewire'); let Discord = require("discord.js"); mockobjects.mockLogger = { error: () => {}, warn: () => {}, info: () => {}, verbose: () => {}, debug: () => {} }; describe('lib/utils', function() { const utils = require('../lib/utils.js'); describe('#getSplitDuration', function() { it('returns an object from milliseconds', function() { assert(utils.getSplitDuration(1000).seconds === 1); assert(utils.getSplitDuration(360000).minutes === 6); assert(utils.getSplitDuration(3600000).hours === 1); assert(utils.getSplitDuration(100).milliseconds === 100); }); }); describe('#getExtension', function() { it('returns the correct extension for a filename', function(done) { assert(utils.getExtension('test.txt') === '.txt'); assert(utils.getExtension('test.tar.gz') === '.gz'); assert(utils.getExtension('../lib/utils.js') === '.js'); assert(utils.getExtension('.gitignore') === '.gitignore'); done(); }); it('returns null if the file has no extension or is no file', function(done) { assert(utils.getExtension('filenameisstrange') === null); assert(utils.getExtension('...') === null); assert(utils.getExtension(Object.create({})) === null); assert(utils.getExtension(null) === null); done(); }); }); describe('#YouTube', function() { it('returns if an url is valid', function(done) { assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidUrl('notevenanurl')); done(); }); it('returns if an url is a valid entity url', function(done) { assert(utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidEntityUrl('notevenanurl')); done(); }); it('returns if an url is a valid playlist url', function(done) { assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl('notevenanurl')); done(); }); it('returns if an url is a valid video url', function(done) { assert(utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('')); assert(!utils.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl('notevenanurl')); done(); }); it('returns the id for a playlist url', function(done) { let getPlId = utils.YouTube.getPlaylistIdFromUrl; assert('PL-ID' === getPlId('')); assert('PL-ID' === getPlId('')); assert('PL-ID' === getPlId('')); assert('PL-ID' === getPlId('')); assert(null === getPlId('')); done(); }); it('returns the id for a video url', function(done) { let getVidId = utils.YouTube.getVideoIdFromUrl; assert('VID-ID' === getVidId('')); assert('VID-ID' === getVidId('')); assert('VID-ID' === getVidId('')); assert('VID-ID' === getVidId('')); assert(null === getVidId('')); assert(null === getVidId('')); assert(null === getVidId('')); assert(null === getVidId('')); done(); }); it('returns the video url for an id', function(done) { let getVid4Id = utils.YouTube.getVideoUrlFromId; assert('', getVid4Id('VID-ID')); assert('', getVid4Id('12345567885432')); done(); }); it('returns the thumbnail url for a video url', function(done) { let getVid4Id = utils.YouTube.getVideoUrlFromId; let getTh4Id = utils.YouTube.getVideoThumbnailUrlFromUrl; assert('', getTh4Id(getVid4Id('VIDID'))); assert('', getTh4Id(getVid4Id('1234'))); done(); }) }); describe('#ConfigVerifyer', function() { it('verifies correct configs', function(done) { const testObj = { 'key1': { 'key2': 'value2', 'key3': 'value3' }, 'key4': [], 'key5': false, 'key6': 'a longer string', 'key7': { 'key8': [{ 'key9': 'okay...' }] } }; let confVer = new utils.ConfigVerifyer(testObj, ['key1', 'key1.key3']); assert(confVer.verifyConfig(mockobjects.mockLogger)); confVer = new utils.ConfigVerifyer(testObj, ['key1', 'key1.key2', 'key7.key8.0.key9']); assert(confVer.verifyConfig(mockobjects.mockLogger)); confVer = new utils.ConfigVerifyer(testObj, ['key4', 'key1.key2', 'key5', 'key7']); assert(confVer.verifyConfig(mockobjects.mockLogger)); done(); }); it('rejects invalid configs', function(done) { const testObj = { }; let modifiedMockLogger = mockobjects.mockLogger; modifiedMockLogger.error = (msg) => {}; let confVer = new utils.ConfigVerifyer(testObj, ['key1', 'key1.key3']); assert(!confVer.verifyConfig(modifiedMockLogger)); confVer = new utils.ConfigVerifyer(testObj, ['key1', 'key1.key2', 'key7.key8.0.key9']); assert(!confVer.verifyConfig(modifiedMockLogger)); done(); }) }); }); describe('lib/music', function() { const music = rewire('../lib/music'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; music.__set__("logger", mockobjects.mockLogger); music.__set__("yttl", (id, cb) => { cb(null, 'test'); }); music.__set__('ytdl', () => { let s = new Readable(); s._read = () => {}; s.push('chunkofdataabc'); s.push(null); return s; }); describe('#DJ', function () { it('connects to a VoiceChannel', function (done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(()=> { assert(dj.connected); done(); }); }); it('listens on Repeat', function () { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.current = {'url': '', 'title': ''}; dj.listenOnRepeat = true; assert(dj.repeat); assert(dj.queue.length > 0); }); it('plays Files', function (done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.playFile(); assert(dj.playing); done(); }); }); it('plays YouTube urls', function (done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.playYouTube(''); setTimeout(() => { assert(dj.playing); done(); }, 100); }); }); it('gets the video name', function (done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.getVideoName('').then((name) => { assert(name === 'test'); done(); }) }); it('sets the volume', function(done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.playFile(); dj.setVolume(100); assert(dj.volume === 100); done(); }) }); it('pauses playback', function(done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.playFile(); dj.pause(); done(); }) }); it('resumes playback', function(done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.playFile(); dj.resume(); done(); }) }); it('stops playback', function(done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.playFile(); assert(dj.playing); dj.stop(); assert(!dj.conn && !dj.disp); done(); }); }); it('skips songs', function(done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.playYouTube(''); dj.playYouTube(''); dj.playYouTube(''); dj.playYouTube(''); dj.skip(); dj.skip(); done(); }); }); it('returns a playlist', function(done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.queue = [{ 'title': 'title', 'url': ''}, { 'title': 'title', 'url': ''}]; assert(dj.playlist.length > 0); done(); }).catch(() => done()); }); it('clears the queue', function(done) { let dj = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); dj.connect().then(() => { dj.queue = [{ 'title': 'title', 'url': ''}, { 'title': 'title', 'url': ''}]; dj.clear(); assert(dj.queue.length === 0); done(); }).catch(() => done()); }) }); }); describe('lib/cmd', function() { const cmd = rewire('../lib/cmd'); cmd.__set__("logger", mockobjects.mockLogger); describe('#Servant', function() { it('creates commands', function() { let servant = new cmd.Servant(''); servant.createCommand(mockobjects.mockCommand, mockobjects.mockCommand.textReply); assert(servant.commands['test']); servant.createCommand(mockobjects.mockCommand, mockobjects.mockCommand.promiseReply); assert(servant.commands['test']); servant.createCommand(mockobjects.mockCommand, mockobjects.mockCommand.richEmbedReply); assert(servant.commands['test']); }); it('removes commands', function() { let servant = new cmd.Servant(''); servant.createCommand(mockobjects.mockCommand, mockobjects.mockCommand.textReply); assert(servant.commands['test']); servant.removeCommand('test'); assert(!servant.commands['test']) }); it('parses commands', function() { let spy = sinon.spy(); let servant = new cmd.Servant(''); servant.createCommand(mockobjects.mockCommand, spy); assert(servant.commands['test']); assert(!spy.called); servant.parseCommand({ content: 'test', author: { tag: undefined } }); assert(spy.called); }); }); }); describe('lib/guilding', function() { const guilding = rewire('../lib/guilding'); const servercommands = require('../commands/servercommands'); const utils = require('../lib/utils'); guilding.__set__("sqlite3", null); guilding.__set__("utils", { dirExistence: (file, callback) => { }, sql: utils.sql, YouTube: utils.YouTube }); guilding.setLogger(mockobjects.mockLogger); describe('#GuildHandler', function() { it('initializes', function() { let gh = new guilding.GuildHandler('test', ''); gh.db = new mockobjects.MockDatabase('', ()=>{}); gh.createTables(); gh.registerMusicCommands(); gh.ready = true; assert(gh.ready); }); it('destroyes itself', function() { let gh = new guilding.GuildHandler('test', ''); gh.db = new mockobjects.MockDatabase('', ()=>{}); gh.createTables(); gh.registerMusicCommands(); gh.ready = true; gh.destroy(); assert(!; }); it('answers messages', function() { let gh = new guilding.GuildHandler('test', ''); gh.db = new mockobjects.MockDatabase('', ()=>{}); gh.createTables(); gh.registerMusicCommands(); gh.ready = true; let msgSpy = sinon.spy(); gh.answerMessage({ content: 'test', author: { tag: undefined }, reply: msgSpy, channel: { send: msgSpy } }, 'Answer'); assert(msgSpy.called); }); it('handles messages', function() { let gh = new guilding.GuildHandler('test', '~'); gh.db = new mockobjects.MockDatabase('', ()=>{}); gh.ready = true; let cbSpy = sinon.spy(); gh.servant.createCommand(mockobjects.mockCommand, cbSpy); assert(gh.servant.commands['~test']); gh.handleMessage({ content: '~test', author: { tag: undefined }}); assert(cbSpy.called); }); it('connects and plays', function(done) { const music = rewire('../lib/music'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; music.__set__("logger", mockobjects.mockLogger); music.__set__("yttl", (id, cb) => { cb(null, 'test'); }); music.__set__('ytdl', () => { let s = new Readable(); s._read = () => {}; s.push('chunkofdataabc'); s.push(null); return s; }); let gh = new guilding.GuildHandler('test', '~'); gh.db = new mockobjects.MockDatabase('', ()=>{}); gh.ready = true; = new music.DJ(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel); gh.connectAndPlay(mockobjects.mockVoicechannel, 'test', false).then(() => { done(); }) }); it('handles all servercommands', function() { let gh = new guilding.GuildHandler('test', '~'); gh.db = new mockobjects.MockDatabase('', ()=>{}); gh.registerMusicCommands(); gh.ready = true; let msgSpy = sinon.spy(); let msg = { content: 'test', author: { tag: undefined }, reply: msgSpy, channel: { send: msgSpy } }; for (let category of Object.keys(servercommands)) { for (let command of Object.keys(servercommands[category])) { msg.content = '~' + command; gh.handleMessage(msg); } } assert(msgSpy.called); }); }); });