const ytdl = require("ytdl-core"), ypi = require('youtube-playlist-info'), yttl = require('get-youtube-title'), args = require('args-parser')(process.argv), config = require('../config.json'), utils = require('./utils.js'), ytapiKey = args.ytapi || config.api.youTubeApiKey; /* Variable Definition */ let logger = require('winston'); let djs = {}; /* Function Definition */ exports.DJ = class { constructor(voiceChannel) { this.conn = null; this.disp = null; this.queue = []; this.playing = false; this.current = null; this.repeat = false; this.volume = 0.5; this.voiceChannel = voiceChannel; this.quality = 'lowest'; } /** * Connects to the given voice channel. Disconnects from the previous one if it exists. * When the bot was moved and connect is executed again, it connects to the initial VoiceChannel because the * VoiceChannel is saved as object variable. */ connect(voiceChannel) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.voiceChannel = voiceChannel || this.voiceChannel; if (this.connected) this.stop(); logger.verbose(`Connecting to voiceChannel ${}`); this.voiceChannel.join().then(connection => {`Connected to Voicechannel ${}`); this.conn = connection; this.checkListeners(); resolve(); }).catch((error) => reject(error)); }); } /** * Defining setter for listenOnRepeat to include the current song into the repeating loop. * @param value */ set listenOnRepeat(value) { this.repeat = value; if (this.current) this.queue.push(this.current); } /** * Returns if a connection exists * @returns {boolean} */ get connected() { return ( this.conn !== null && this.conn !== undefined && this.conn.status !== 4 // status 4 means disconnected. ); } /** * Plays a file for the given filename. * TODO: Implement queue * @param filename * @todo */ playFile(filename) { if (this.connected) { this.disp = this.conn.playFile(filename); this.playing = true; } else { logger.warn("Not connected to a voicechannel. Connection now."); this.connect(this.voiceChannel).then(() => { this.playFile(filename); }); } } /** * Checks if there are still members listening and sets an exit timeout (5 min) before checking again * and exiting when noone is listening. Once this function is executed, it calls itself every 10 seconds (stops when * not connected). */ checkListeners() { if (this.connected && === 1) { logger.verbose(`Set exit timout for ${}`); setTimeout(() => { if (this.voiceChannel && this.voiceChannel.members.size === 1) logger.verbose(`Exiting ${}`); this.stop(); }, || 300000); } else if (this.connected) { setTimeout(() => this.checkListeners(), 10000); } } /** * Plays the url of the current song if there is no song playing or puts it in the queue. * If the url is a playlist (regex match), the videos of the playlist are fetched and put * in the queue. For each song the title is saved in the queue too. * @param url * @param playnext */ playYouTube(url, playnext) { let plist = utils.YouTube.getPlaylistIdFromUrl(url); if (plist) { logger.debug(`Adding playlist ${plist} to queue`); ypi(ytapiKey, plist).then(items => { let firstSong = utils.YouTube.getVideoUrlFromId(items.shift().resourceId.videoId); this.getVideoName(firstSong).then((title) => { // getting the first song to start playing music if (this.repeat) // listen on repeat this.queue.push({'url': firstSong, 'title': title}); // put the current song back at the end of the queue this.playYouTube(firstSong); // call with single url that gets queued if a song is already playing }).catch((err) => logger.verbose(err.message)); for (let item of items) { let vurl = utils.YouTube.getVideoUrlFromId(item.resourceId.videoId); this.getVideoName(vurl).then((title) => { this.queue.push({'url': vurl, 'title': title}); }).catch((err) => logger.verbose(err.message)); } logger.debug(`Added ${items.length} songs to the queue`); }); } else { if (!this.playing || !this.disp) { logger.debug(`Playing ${url}`); this.getVideoName(url).then((title) => { this.current = ({'url': url, 'title': title}); this.disp = this.conn.playStream(ytdl(url, { filter: 'audioonly', quality: this.quality, liveBuffer: 40000 }), {volume: this.volume}); this.disp.on('end', (reason) => { // end event triggers the next song to play when the reason is not stop if (reason !== 'stop') { this.playing = false; this.current = null; if (this.queue.length > 0) { this.current = this.queue.shift(); if (this.repeat) // listen on repeat this.queue.push(this.current); this.playYouTube(this.current.url); } else { this.stop(); } } }); this.playing = true; }); } else { logger.debug(`Added ${url} to the queue`); if (playnext) this.getVideoName(url).then((title) => { this.queue.unshift({'url': url, 'title': title}); }).catch((err) => logger.verbose(err.message)); else this.getVideoName(url).then((title) => { this.queue.push({'url': url, 'title': title}); }).catch((err) => logger.verbose(err.message)); } } } /** * Gets the name of the YouTube Video at url * @param url * @returns {Promise<>} */ getVideoName(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { yttl(utils.YouTube.getVideoIdFromUrl(url), (err, title) => { if (err) { logger.debug(JSON.stringify(err)); reject(err); } else { resolve(title); } }); }); } /** * Sets the volume of the dispatcher to the given value * @param percentage */ setVolume(percentage) { logger.verbose(`Setting volume to ${percentage}`); if (this.disp !== null) { this.volume = percentage; this.disp.setVolume(percentage); } else { logger.warn("No dispatcher found."); } } /** * Pauses if a dispatcher exists */ pause() { logger.verbose("Pausing music..."); if (this.disp !== null) this.disp.pause(); else logger.warn("No dispatcher found"); } /** * Resumes if a dispatcher exists */ resume() { logger.verbose("Resuming music..."); if (this.disp !== null) this.disp.resume(); else logger.warn("No dispatcher found"); } /** * Stops playing music by ending the Dispatcher and disconnecting. * Also sets playing to false and clears the queue and the current song. */ stop() { this.playing = false; this.queue = []; this.current = null; logger.verbose("Stopping music..."); try { if (this.disp) { this.disp.end('stop'); this.disp = null; logger.debug("Ended dispatcher"); } if (this.conn) {; this.conn.disconnect(); this.conn = null; logger.debug("Ended connection"); } if (this.voiceChannel) { this.voiceChannel.leave(); logger.debug("Left VoiceChannel");`Disconnected from Voicechannel ${}`); } } catch (error) { logger.verbose(JSON.stringify(error)); } } /** * Skips to the next song by ending the current StreamDispatcher and thereby triggering the * end event of the dispatcher that automatically plays the next song. If no dispatcher is found * It tries to play the next song with playYouTube */ skip() { logger.debug("Skipping song"); if (this.disp !== null) { this.disp.end(); } else { this.playing = false; if (this.queue.length > 0) { this.current = this.queue.shift(); this.playYouTube(this.current.url); } else { this.stop(); } } } /** * Returns the song saved in the private variable 'current' * @returns {null|*} */ get song() { return this.current; } /** * Shuffles the queue */ shuffle() { this.queue = utils.shuffleArray(this.queue); } /** * Clears the playlist */ clear() { this.queue = []; } }; /** * Getting the logger; * @param {Object} newLogger */ exports.setLogger = function (newLogger) { logger = newLogger; }; /** * Connects to a voicechannel * @param voiceChannel * @deprecated */ exports.connect = function (voiceChannel) { let gid =; let voiceDJ = new this.DJ(voiceChannel); djs[gid] = voiceDJ; return voiceDJ.connect(); }; /** * Plays a file * @param filename * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.playFile = function (guildId, filename) { djs[guildId].playFile(filename); }; /** * Plays a YT Url * @param voiceChannel * @param url * @deprecated */ = function (voiceChannel, url) { let guildId =; if (!djs[guildId]) this.connect(voiceChannel).then(() => { djs[guildId].playYouTube(url); }); else djs[guildId].playYouTube(url); }; /** * plays the given url as next song * @param voiceChannel * @param url * @deprecated */ exports.playnext = function (voiceChannel, url) { let guildId =; if (!djs[guildId]) this.connect(voiceChannel).then(() => { djs[guildId].playYouTube(url, true); }); else djs[guildId].playYouTube(url, true); }; /** * Sets the volume of the music * @param percentage * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.setVolume = function (guildId, percentage) { djs[guildId].setVolume(percentage); }; /** * pauses the music * @deprecated */ exports.pause = function (guildId) { djs[guildId].pause(); }; /** * Resumes the music * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.resume = function (guildId) { djs[guildId].resume(); }; /** * Stops the music * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.stop = function (guildId) { djs[guildId].stop(); delete djs[guildId]; }; /** * Skips the song * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.skip = function (guildId) { djs[guildId].skip(); }; /** * Clears the playlist * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.clearQueue = function (guildId) { djs[guildId].clear(); }; /** * Returns the queue * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.getQueue = function (guildId) { return djs[guildId].playlist; }; /** * evokes the callback function with the title of the current song * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.nowPlaying = function (guildId) { return djs[guildId].song; }; /** * shuffles the queue * @param guildId * @deprecated */ exports.shuffle = function (guildId) { djs[guildId].shuffle(); };