You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* template index.js. Doesn't implement actual commands */
const cmdLib = require('../../lib/command'); // required for command objects
* A description what the command module includes and why. Doesn't need to list commands but explains
* category of the defined commands aswell as the scope.
class TemplateCommandModule extends cmdLib.CommandModule {
* @param opts {Object} properties: --- define the properties the opts object needs aswell as the type
* bot - the instance of the bot
constructor(opts) {
super(cmdLib.CommandScopes.Global); // call constructor of superclass with the scope of the module
this._templateDir = __dirname; // define the current directory as directory for the template.yaml file
this._bot =; // define opts attributes as private properties of the module class
* Defines and registers commands to the commandHandler.
* @param commandHandler {CommandHandler}
async register(commandHandler) {
await this._loadTemplate(); // loads the template file to the property this.template.
let templateCommand = new cmdLib.Command( // create a new instance of Command
this.template.template_command, // pass the template to the constructor
new cmdLib.Answer(() => { // pass a new instance of Answer to the constructor
/* Command Logic */
return this.template.response.not_implemented; // this command just returns the answer not_implemented
// register the commands on the commandHandler
commandHandler.registerCommand(templateCommand); // register the command to the handler
// set the export properties
Object.assign(exports, {
module: TemplateCommandModule // Export the commandModule as module property. This is the default.