You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

284 lines
7.4 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-console*/
* A Series of utility functions
function noOp() {
* returns the extension of a file for the given filename.
* @param {String} filename The name of the file.
* @return {String} A string that represents the file-extension.
function getFileExtension (filename) {
if (!filename)
return null;
try {
let exts = filename.match(/\.\w+/g); // get the extension by using regex
if (exts)
return exts.pop(); // return the found extension
return null; // return null if no extension could be found
} catch (error) {
return null;
* Walks the path to the objects attribute and returns the value.
* @param object
* @param attributePath
* @returns {undefined/Object}
function objectDeepFind (object, attributePath) {
let current = object,
paths = attributePath.split('.');
for (let path of paths)
if (current[path] !== undefined && current[path] !== null)
current = current[path];
return undefined;
return current;
* Shuffles an array with Fisher-Yates Shuffle
* @param array
* @returns {Array}
exports.shuffleArray = function(array) {
let currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
* lets you define a cleanup for your program exit
* @param {Function} callback the cleanup function
* @constructor
* @author CanyonCasa & Pier-Luc Gendreau on StackOverflow
function Cleanup(callback) {
// attach user callback to the process event emitter
// if no callback, it will still exit gracefully on Ctrl-C
callback = callback || noOp;
process.on('cleanup', callback);
// do app specific cleaning before exiting
process.on('exit', function () {
// catch ctrl+c event and exit normally
process.on('SIGINT', function () {
//catch uncaught exceptions, trace, then exit normally
process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) {
console.log('Uncaught Exception...');
function getSplitDuration (duration) {
let dur = duration;
let retObj = {};
retObj.milliseconds = dur % 1000;
dur = Math.floor(dur / 1000);
retObj.seconds = dur % 60;
dur = Math.floor(dur / 60);
retObj.minutes = dur % 60;
dur = Math.floor(dur / 60);
retObj.hours = dur % 24;
dur = Math.floor(dur / 24);
retObj.days = dur;
return retObj;
* Resolves a nested promise by resolving it iterative.
* @param promise
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async function resolveNestedPromise (promise) {
let result = await promise;
while (result instanceof Promise)
result = await result; // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop
return result;
/* Classes */
class YouTube {
* returns if an url is a valid youtube url (without checking for an entity id)
* @param url
* @returns {boolean}
static isValidUrl(url) {
return /https?:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/(watch\?v=|playlist\?list=)/g.test(url) ||
* returns if an url is a valid youtube url for an entity
* @param url
* @returns {boolean}
static isValidEntityUrl(url) {
return /https?:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/(watch\?v=.+?|playlist\?list=.+?)/g.test(url) ||
* Returns if an url is a valid youtube url for a playlist
* @param url
* @returns {boolean}
static isValidPlaylistUrl(url) {
return /https?:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/playlist\?list=.+?/g.test(url);
* Returns if an url is a valid youtube url for a video
* @param url
* @returns {boolean}
static isValidVideoUrl(url) {
return /https?:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=.+?/g.test(url) || /https?:\/\/youtu\.be\/.+?/g.test(url);
* Returns the id for a youtube video stripped from the url
* @param url
* @returns {String}
static getPlaylistIdFromUrl(url) {
if (!exports.YouTube.isValidPlaylistUrl(url))
return null;
let matches = url.match(/(?<=\?list=)[\w-]+/);
if (matches)
return matches[0];
return null;
* Returns the id for a youtube video stripped from the url
* @param url
* @return {String}
static getVideoIdFromUrl(url) {
if (!exports.YouTube.isValidVideoUrl(url))
return null;
let matches1 = url.match(/(?<=\?v=)[\w-]+/);
if (matches1) {
return matches1[0];
} else {
let matches2 = url.match(/(?<=youtu\.be\/)[\w-]+/);
if (matches2)
return matches2[0];
return null;
* Returns the youtube video url for a video id by string concatenation
* @param id
static getVideoUrlFromId(id) {
return `${id}`;
* Returns the youtube video thumbnail for a video url
* @param url
* @returns {string}
static getVideoThumbnailUrlFromUrl(url) {
let id = exports.YouTube.getVideoIdFromUrl(url);
return id? `${id}/maxresdefault.jpg` : null;
class ConfigVerifyer {
* @param confObj
* @param required {Array} the attributes that are required for the bot to work
constructor(confObj, required) {
this.config = confObj;
this.requiredAttributes = required;
* @param logger set the logger to log to
verifyConfig(logger) {
let missing = [];
for (let reqAttr of this.requiredAttributes)
if (exports.objectDeepFind(this.config, reqAttr) === undefined)
this.missingAttributes = missing;
return this.missingAttributes.length === 0;
* Promts the user which attributes are missing
* @param logger
logMissing(logger) {
if (this.missingAttributes.length > 0)
logger.error(`Missing required Attributes ${this.missingAttributes.join(', ')}`);
exports.sql = {
exports.logLevels = {
'debug': 0,
'verbose': 1,
'info': 2,
'warning': 3,
'warn': 3,
'error:': 4
Object.assign(exports, {
resolveNestedPromise: resolveNestedPromise,
YouTube: YouTube,
ConfigVerifyer: ConfigVerifyer,
getSplitDuration: getSplitDuration,
getExtension: getFileExtension,
getFileExtension: getFileExtension,
objectDeepFind: objectDeepFind,
Cleanup: Cleanup