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40 lines
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const {src, dest, watch, series, task} = require('gulp');
const ts = require('gulp-typescript');
const del = require('delete');
* Clears the dist folder by deleting all files inside.
* @param cb
function clearDist(cb) {
del('dist/*', cb);
* Typescript compilation task.
* @returns {*}
function compileTypescript() {
let tsProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');
let tsResult = tsProject.src().pipe(tsProject());
return tsResult
* Task for moving all remaining file from source to dist that don't need procession.
* @returns {*}
function moveRemaining() {
return src(['src/**/*', '!src/**/*.ts'])
task('default', series(clearDist, compileTypescript, moveRemaining));
task('watch', () => {
watch('**/*.ts', compileTypescript);
watch(['src/**/*', '!src/**/*.ts'], moveRemaining());