# Configuration file debug { # Enable to mark tree spawn locations with wool circles. [default: false] B:worldGenDebug=false } interaction { # Modes: 0=Standard 1 Damage, 1=By Branch/Trunk Thickness, 2=By Tree Volume [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 1] I:axeDamageMode=1 # If enabled players receive reduced fall damage on leaves at the expense of the block(s) destruction [default: true] B:canopyCrash=true # If enabled then thinner branches can be climbed [default: true] B:enableBranchClimbling=true # If enabled then trees will harm living entities when falling [default: true] B:enableFallingTreeDamage=true # If enabled then trees will fall over when harvested [default: true] B:enableFallingTrees=true # Multiplier for damage incurred by a falling tree [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0] S:fallingTreeDamageMultiplier=1.0 # If enabled all leaves will be passable [default: false] B:isLeavesPassable=false # If enabled player movement on leaves will not be enhanced [default: false] B:vanillaLeavesCollision=false } seeds { # The rate at which seeds voluntarily drop from branches [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.125] S:dropRate=0.125 # The rate at which seeds plant themselves in their ideal biomes [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.125] S:plantRate=0.125 # Ticks before a seed in the world attempts to plant itself or despawn. 1200 = 1 minute [range: 0 ~ 6000, default: 1200] I:timeToLive=1200 } trees { # The chance of a tree on depleted soil to die. 1/256(~0.004) averages to about 1 death every 16 minecraft days [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0] S:diseaseChance=0.0 # If enabled apple trees will be generated during worldgen and oak trees will not drop apples [default: true] B:enableAppleTrees=true # Factor that multiplies the rate at which trees grow. Use at own risk [range: 0.0 ~ 16.0, default: 1.0] S:growthRateMultiplier=1.0 # Factor that multiplies the wood returned from harvesting a tree. You cheat. [range: 0.0 ~ 128.0, default: 1.0] S:harvestMultiplier=1.0 # Scales the growth for the environment. 0.5f is nominal. 0.0 trees only grow in their native biome. 1.0 trees grow anywhere like they are in their native biome [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5] S:scaleBiomeGrowthRate=0.5 } vanilla { # Right clicking with a vanilla sapling places a dynamic sapling instead. [default: false] B:replaceVanillaSapling=false } world { # Blacklist of dimension numbers for disabling Dynamic Tree worldgen [default: [7]] S:dimensionsBlacklist < 7 > # Randomly generate podzol under select trees. [default: true] B:podzolGen=true # World Generation produces Vanilla cactus as well as Dynamic cactus if world gen replacement is enabled. [default: false] B:vanillaCactusWorldGen=false # Randomly generate vines on jungle trees. [default: true] B:vineGen=true # World Generation produces Dynamic Trees instead of Vanilla trees. [default: true] B:worldGen=true }