In the server.json all common web file-types have their own configuration at **routes**.
"routes": {
".html": {
"path": "./res/html/",
"mime": "text/html"
In the configuration a path and mime-type is defined. When the server starts recieves a request, it reads the configuration and searches for the file in the specific route. If the file exists it gets transportet with the defined mime-type. The type of the file is determined with the file's extension.
### Mounting external folders
It is also possible to mount additional folders into the web-application by defining them at **mounts**. Mounts are more important than routes so when the server recieves a request, it first looks if the request-url has a mounted directory (or file).
The path Attribute defines the mounted directory (of file) on the local filesystem. The mount attribute defines where the directory is mounted in the web-application. The mount-path supports RegEx strings (the value is interpreted as a regular Expression by default).
Cool features
### Embedding SASS-Stylesheets, Vue.js and jQuery
This server automatically embeds Vue.js, jQuery and the *script.js* and *style.sass* stored in *./glob*. And yeah, that's right. You can embed .sass-files. When encountering a .sass file, the server compiles it into .css. The result will then be stored in the *./.cache* directory. The server also detects changes on the original file and refreshes the cached file when the change was detected. The refreshing only happens, when the file was requested.