// requirement const https = require('https'), fs = require('fs'), urlparse = require('url'), { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'), perfy = require('perfy'), winston = require('winston'), DailyRotateFile = require('winston-daily-rotate-file'), path = require('path'), // args args = require('args-parser')(process.argv), // create an args parser // ressources defaultCss = "/glob/style.css", // the default style that is embedded in every html defaultJs = "/glob/script.js", // the default script that is embedded in every html // config file config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("config.json")), // logging config using winston fileLoggingFormat = winston.format.printf(info => { return `${info.timestamp} ${info.level.toUpperCase()}: ${JSON.stringify(info.message)}`; // the logging format for files }), consoleLoggingFormat = winston.format.printf(info => { return `${info.timestamp} [${info.level}] ${JSON.stringify(info.message)}`; //the logging format for the console }), loggingFullFormat = winston.format.combine( winston.format.splat(), winston.format.timestamp({ format: 'MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS' // don't include the year because the filename already tells }), fileLoggingFormat // the logging format for files that logs with a capitalized level ), logger = winston.createLogger({ level: winston.config.npm.levels, // logs with npm levels format: loggingFullFormat, // the full format for files transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ format: winston.format.combine( winston.format.colorize(), // colorizes the console logging output winston.format.splat(), winston.format.timestamp({ format: 'YY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS' // logs with the year to the console }), consoleLoggingFormat // logs with the custom console format ), level: args.loglevel || 'info' // logs to the console with the arg loglevel or info if it is not given }), new winston.transports.File({ level: 'debug', // logs with debug level to the active file filename: './.log/rcn-frontserver.log', // the filename of the current file, options: {flags: 'w'} // overwrites the file on restart }), new DailyRotateFile({ level: 'verbose', // log verbose in the rotating logvile filename: './.log/frontserver-%DATE%.log', // the pattern of the filename datePattern: 'YYYY-MM-DD', // the pattern of %DATE% zippedArchive: true, // indicates that old logfiles should get zipped maxSize: '32m', // the maximum filesize maxFiles: '30d' // the maximum files to keep }) ] }), // serveroptions options = { key: fs.readFileSync('.ssh/key.pem'), // the key-file cert: fs.readFileSync('.ssh/cert.pem') // the certificate-file }, port = args.port || 443, // the port the server is running on. It's the https standard routes = config.routes || { ".html": { "path": "./res/html", // standard route to the html files "mime": "text/html" }, ".js": { "path": "./res/scripts", // standard route to the script files "mime": "text/javascript" } }, mounts = config.mounts; // mounts are more important than routes. // --- functional declaration part --- /** * Creates a server running on port 80 with tls enabled. * @return {boolean} Returns false if the server stopped by error. */ function main() { try { https.createServer(options, function(req, res) { logger.verbose({'msg': 'Received request', 'method': req.method, 'url': req.url}); perfy.start('response-calculation'); // caluclate the response time let url = urlparse.parse(req.url); // parse the url let uri = url.pathname; // set uri to the urls uriame logger.debug({"msg": 'Got URL by using url package','url': url, 'path': uri}); let [response, mime] = getResponse(uri); // get a response for the url path logger.debug({'response-length': response.length, 'mime-type': mime}); res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": mime || "text/plain"}); // write the mime as head res.end(response); // write the response let execTime = perfy.end('response-calculation').fullMilliseconds; // get the execution time logger.debug("Response-Time: " + execTime + " ms for " + req.url, "debug"); // log the execution time }).listen(port); // server listens on port specified in the parameter } catch (error) { logger.error(error); logger.info("Shutting Down..."); winston.end(); return false; } } /** * returns the extension of a file for the given filename. * @param {String} filename The name of the file. * @return {String} A string that represents the file-extension. */ function getExtension(filename) { if (!filename) return null; try { let exts = filename.match(/\.[a-z]+/g); // get the extension by using regex if (exts) return exts[exts.length - 1]; // return the found extension else return null; // return null if no extension could be found } catch (error) { logger.warn(error); return null; } } /** * Returns a string that depends on the uri It gets the data from the routes variable. * @param {String} uriNormally a file-name. Depending on the extension, an other root-uriis choosen. * @return {String} An Array containing (Either the files content or an error message) and the mime-type. */ function getResponse(uri) { if (!uri || uri == "/") uri = "/index.html"; // uri redirects to the index.html if it is not set or if it is root logger.verbose({'msg':'calculating response', 'path': uri}); try { // get the file extension let extension = getExtension(uri); // returns the global script or css if the extension is css or js and the root-uriis glob. if (uri.includes("/glob") && extension == ".css" || extension == ".js") { if (extension == ".css") return [fs.readFileSync("." + uri), "text/css"]; else return [fs.readFileSync("." + uri), "text/javascript"]; } let mount = getMount(uri); // get mount for uri it will be uses as path later instead of route let route = routes[extension]; // get the route from the extension json if (!route) return ["Not Allowed", "text/plain"]; // return not allowed if no route was found let rf = fs.readFileSync; // shorten filesync if (extension == ".html") return [formatHtml(rf(mount || path.join(route["path"]+uri))), route["mime"]]; // format if html and return return [rf(mount || route["path"]+uri), route["mime"]]; // return without formatting if it's not an html file. (htm files won't be manipulated) // test the extension for differend file types. logger.verbose({'msg': 'Error', 'path': uri}) return ["Error with url", "text/plain"]; // return an error if above has not returned } catch (error) { logger.error(error); return ["Error", "text/plain"]; } } /** * gets all mounted paths and returns the modified uri. * @param {String} uri The uri * @return {String} The uri that points to the mounted path */ function getMount(uri) { if (mounts){ // if mounts are set for (var mount of mounts){ // for each set mount if (mount.mount && mount.path) { // if the mount has the mount parameter and the path parameter let regEx = RegExp(mount.mount); // create a regex from the mount if (uri.match(regEx)) { // if there is a match return uri.replace(regEx, mount.path); // returnthe modified uri } } } } return false; } /** * Creates a css DOM element with href as source * @param {Object} document A html DOM * @param {String} href the source of the css file * @return {Object} the Link Element */ function createLinkElement(document, href) { let link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); link.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); link.setAttribute("href", href); return link; } /** * Creates a javascript Script DOM element with src as source * @param {Object} document A html DOM * @param {String} src the source of the javascript file * @return {Object} the Script Element */ function createScriptLinkElement(document, src) { let script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("src", src); return script; } /** * Formats the html string by adding a link to the standard css and to the standard javascript file. * @param {String} htmlstring A string read from an html file or a html document string itself. * @return {String} A html-string that represents a document. */ function formatHtml(htmlstring) { logger.debug({'msg': 'Formatting HTML', 'htmlstring': htmlstring}); try { let dom = new JSDOM(htmlstring); // creates a dom from the html string let document = dom.window.document; let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; // gets the documents head head.prepend(createLinkElement(document, defaultCss)); // prepend the default css to the head head.prepend(createScriptLinkElement(document, defaultJs)); // prepend the default script to the head head.prepend(createScriptLinkElement(document, "/glob/jquery.js")); // prepend the JQuery to the head head.prepend(createScriptLinkElement(document, "/glob/vue.js")); // prepend the Vue to the head return dom.serialize(); // return a string of the document } catch(error) { logger.error(error); return htmlstring; } } // Executing the main function if (typeof require != 'undefined' && require.main == module) { logger.exceptions.handle( new winston.transports.File({ filename: './.log/frontserver-exceptions.log' }) ); logger.info("Starting up... "); // log the current date so that the logfile is better to read. main(); }