const fs = require("fs"), path = require("path"), cache_dir = "./.cache"; let cache = {}; let logger = require("winston"); /** * Sets the logger for logging * @param {Object} newLogger */ exports.setLogger = function (newLogger) { logger = newLogger; }; /** * Returns the data from files that were cached * @param {String} filename The name of the file that has been cached * @return {String} The data stored in the file */ exports.getCached = function (filename) { let cf = cache[filename]; let call_passed = ( - cf.last_call) / 1000; // calculate the time since the last call of the file if (cf.call_count > 10 && call_passed < 60) { = fs.readFileSync(cf.path); // store the file's data into the json } else if (call_passed > 3600) { cf.call_count = 0; // reset the counter when an hour has passed since the last call = null; // reset the data to free memory } cf.last_call =; // set the last call to now cf.call_count += 1; // increase the call count if ( != null) return; logger.debug("Returning cached data for %s : %s", filename, cf.path); return fs.readFileSync(cf.path); // return either the data or read the file }; /** * Safes the file with it's corresponding data in the cache directory * @param {String} filename The name of the file * @param {String} data The data form the file */ exports.cache = function (filename, data) { logger.verbose("Creating cache entry for %s", filename); if (!fs.existsSync("./.cache")) fs.mkdirSync("./.cache"); // if the cache folder doesn't exist, create it let cache_fn = filename.replace(/[^\w.]/g, "__"); // remove invalid path characters let count = 0; while (fs.existsSync(filename + count + ".cache")) count++; // check if a file with the same name already exists and increase count let cache_path = path.join(cache_dir, cache_fn + count + ".cache"); // create the final file path. Cachedir + cached filename (without invalid) + count + .cache logger.debug("Creating file %s", cache_path); fs.writeFile(cache_path, data, (err) => { if (err !== null) logger.error(err); else { logger.debug("Created file cache entry for %s", filename); cache[filename] = { // create a cache-entry with the file's path when the file is written (so it won't be accessed before) "path": cache_path, // the last call to the file, the count of calls and an "last_call": null, // empty data field to store the file's data if the file "call_count": 0, // was called often "data": null, "creation_time":, "changed": false } }, (eventType) => { // watch the file for changes logger.debug("Change detected on %s", filename); if (eventType === 'change') cache[filename].changed = true; // if the event change is detected set the change attribute to true }); }); // write the data asynchronously to the file }; /** * Returns if the file is already cached. It returns false if changes were detected in the file * @param {String} filename The filename to check * @return {Boolean} Is it cached or not */ exports.isCached = function (filename) { return false //TODO: change back let cached_entry = cache[filename]; if (cached_entry) { // check if the cache entry exists logger.debug("Found cache entry for %s", filename); if (cached_entry.changed) return false; // if a change was detected recache the file if (cached_entry.path) { // check if the path variable is set logger.debug("Found path entry for %s", filename); return fs.existsSync(cached_entry.path); // return if the file exists } } logger.debug("Found no cache entry for %s", filename); return false; // return false if the cache entry doesn't exist } /** * A function that clears the ./.cache directory */ exports.cleanup = function () { deleteFolder(cache_dir); // delte the cache folder and it's contents }; /** * Deletes a folder with it's contents recursive * @param {string} p the path to the folder */ var deleteFolder = function(p) { if( fs.existsSync(p) ) { fs.readdirSync(p).forEach(function(file){ // get the contents of the directory var curPath = path.join(p, file); // create path by joining if(fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse deleteFolder(curPath); // call recursive } else { // delete file fs.unlinkSync(curPath); // delete file } }); fs.rmdirSync(p); // delete directory } };