@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Spydian
This python project is the controlling software for the Spydian remote controlled car.
This python project is the controlling software for the Spyder remote controlled car.
The car can be controlled with a (XBOX) Joystick and consists of a raspberry pi as core unit,
several sensors (Gyroscope, Ultrasonic, Camera) and a relay for switching lights and motors on
and off. The controlling part is achived by using pygame to get direct access to the controller
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ Temperature | 11, 14
The light and the motor are switched on and off with the relay, because the raspberry pi
doesn't have enough energy to power all motors and lights. So use a seperate energy source
to power them.
If you are building your own setup it is recommended to only use the libraries and build the
main program yourself.