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type BingoMutation {
"creates a lobby for a game and returns the lobby"
createLobby(gridSize: Int = 3): BingoLobby
"lobby mutations"
mutateLobby(id: ID!): LobbyMutation
"sets the username of a player"
setUsername(username: String): BingoPlayer
type LobbyMutation {
"joins the lobby"
join: BingoLobby
"leaves the lobby"
leave: Boolean
"kicks a player from the lobby"
kickPlayer(playerId: ID!): BingoLobby
"starts a round in a lobby if the user is the admin"
startRound: BingoRound
"sets the new gridsize for the lobby"
setGridSize(gridSize: Int!): BingoLobby
"sets the words of a lobby"
setWords(words: [String]): BingoLobby
"sends a message to the lobby"
sendMessage(message: String): ChatMessage
"submits bingo"
submitBingo: BingoRound
"submits a click on a word and returns the field"
toggleGridField(location: GridCoordinates!): GridField
type BingoQuery {
"returns information about a lobby with a specific id"
lobby(id: ID!): BingoLobby
"returns information about a player (if no id is set, its the sessions player)"
player(id: ID): BingoPlayer
type BingoLobby {
"the id of the lobby"
id: ID!
"the grid size of the lobby"
gridSize: Int!
"all players in the lobby"
players: [BingoPlayer]
"the admin of the lobby"
admin: BingoPlayer
"the active bingo round"
currentRound: BingoRound
"all rounds the game had"
rounds: [BingoRound]
"the messages send in the lobby"
messages(limit: Int): [ChatMessage!]
"the words used in the lobby"
words: [BingoWord]
type BingoPlayer {
"the id of the player"
id: ID!
"the username of the player"
username: String
"the grid of the player with the given lobby-id"
grid(lobbyId: ID!): BingoGrid
"the number of wins the user had in the lobby"
wins(lobbyId: ID!): Int
type BingoRound {
"the id of the bingo round"
id: ID!
"the winner of the round (if exists)"
winner: BingoPlayer
"start time of the round"
start: String!
"finish time of the round"
finish: String
"the status of the bingo round"
status: RoundStatus
"the lobby of the bingo round"
lobby: BingoLobby
type BingoGrid {
"the id of the grid"
id: ID!
"the grid represented as bingo field matrix"
fields: [GridField]!
"if there is a bingo"
bingo: Boolean
"the size of the grid"
size: Int
type GridField {
"the word contained in the bingo field"
word: BingoWord
"if the word was already heared"
submitted: Boolean!
"the row of the field"
row: Int!
"the column of the field"
column: Int!
"the grid the field belongs to"
grid: BingoGrid
type BingoWord {
"the id of the word"
id: ID!
"the word itself"
content: String!
"the number of players that heared this word"
heared: Int!
"the lobby where the word is used"
lobby: BingoLobby
"if the word was actually heared"
confirmed: Boolean
type ChatMessage {
"the id of the message"
id: ID!
"the content of the message"
content: String!
"the content rendered by markdown-it"
htmlContent: String
"the type of the message"
type: MessageType!
"the username of the sender"
author: BingoPlayer
"the lobby where the message was send in"
lobby: BingoLobby
"the time the message was created"
created: String!
# #
# input Types #
# #
input GridCoordinates {
"the grid row"
row: Int!
"the grid column"
column: Int!
# #
# enum Types #
# #
enum MessageType {
enum RoundStatus {