/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, no-undef */ class BingoGraphqlHelper { /** * Sets the username for a user * @param username {String} - the username * @returns {Promise} */ static async setUsername(username) { username = username.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); let uname = username.replace(/[\n\tšŸ‘‘šŸŒŸ]|^\s+|\s+$/gu, ''); if (uname.length === username.length) { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($username:String!) { bingo { setUsername(username: $username) { id username } } }`, {username: username}, '/graphql?g=' + getLobbyParam()); if (response.status === 200) { return response.data.bingo.setUsername.username; } else { if (response.errors) showError(response.errors[0].message); else showError(`Failed to submit username.`); console.error(response); return false; } } else { showError(`Your username contains illegal characters (${username.replace(uname, '')}).`); } } /** * Creates a lobby via the graphql endpoint * @returns {Promise} */ static async createLobby() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation { bingo { createLobby { id } } } `); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.createLobby) { insertParam('g', response.data.bingo.createLobby.id); return true; } else { showError('Failed to create Lobby. HTTP ERROR: ' + response.status); console.error(response); return false; } } /** * Leaves a lobby via the graphql endpoint * @returns {Promise} */ static async leaveLobby() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { leave } } } `, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { insertParam('g', ''); } else { showError('Failed to leave lobby'); console.error(response); } } /** * Kicks a player * @param pid * @returns {Promise} */ static async kickPlayer(pid) { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation ($lobbyId: ID!, $playerId:ID!) { bingo { mutateLobby(id: $lobbyId) { kickPlayer(pid: $playerId) { id } } } } `, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam(), playerId: pid}); if (response.status === 200) { let kickId = response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.kickPlayer.id; document.querySelector(`.playerEntryContainer[b-pid='${kickId}'`).remove(); } else { showError('Failed to kick player!'); console.error(response); } } /** * Loads information about the rounds winner and the round stats. * @returns {Promise} */ static async loadWinnerInfo() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!) { bingo { lobby(id:$lobbyId) { currentRound { status winner { id username } start finish } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let roundInfo = response.data.bingo.lobby.currentRound; if (roundInfo.winner) displayWinner(roundInfo); else window.location.reload(); } else { console.error(response); showError('Failed to get round information'); } } /** * Loads the lobby wors in the words element via graphql. * @returns {Promise} */ static async loadLobbyWords() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { lobby(id:$lobbyId) { words { content } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let wordContainer = document.querySelector('#bingo-words'); if (wordContainer) wordContainer.innerHTML = ` ${response.data.bingo.lobby.words.map(x => x.content).join('')}`; } else { showError('Failed to load words.'); } } /** * Sets the settings of the lobby * @param words * @param gridSize * @returns {Promise} */ static async setLobbySettings(words, gridSize) { gridSize = Number(gridSize); let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation ($lobbyId: ID!, $words: [String!]!, $gridSize:Int!) { bingo { mutateLobby(id: $lobbyId) { setWords(words: $words) { words { content } } setGridSize(gridSize: $gridSize) { gridSize } } } } `, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam(), words: words, gridSize: gridSize}); if (response.status === 200) { return response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.setWords.words; } else { console.error(response); if (response.errors) showError(response.errors[0].message); else showError('Error when submitting lobby settings.'); } } /** * Refreshes the bingo chat * @returns {Promise} */ static async refreshChat() { try { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { player { id } lobby(id:$lobbyId) { messages { id type htmlContent content author { id username } } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let messages = response.data.bingo.lobby.messages; for (let message of messages) if (!document.querySelector(`.chatMessage[msg-id="${message.id}"]`)) addChatMessage(message, response.data.bingo.player.id); } else { showError('Failed to refresh messages'); console.error(response); } } catch (err) { showError('Failed to refresh messages'); console.error(err); } } } class ChatInput { constructor(element) { this.element = element; this.mode = 0; this.user = 0; this.editId = null; } /** * Sends a message to the chat * @returns {Promise} */ async sendChatMessage() { if (this.element.value && this.element.value.length > 0) { let message = this.element.value; this.element.value = ''; if (this.mode === 0) { if (/^\/\.*/g.test(message)) await executeCommand(message); else socket.emit('message', message); } else { socket.emit('messageEdit', message, this.editId); this.setNormal(); } } else if (this.mode === 1) { socket.emit('messageDelete', this.editId); this.setNormal(); } } /** * Returns the last message * @param [before] {Number} - last message before a specific id * @param [after] {Number} - last message after a specific id * @returns {Element|*} * @private */ _getMessage(before, after) { let messages = [...document.querySelectorAll(`.chatMessage[msg-pid='${this.user}']`)]; let message = null; if (before) message = messages.filter(x => Number(x.getAttribute('msg-id') < before)).slice(-1); else if (after) message = messages.filter(x => Number(x.getAttribute('msg-id') > after)); else message = messages.slice(-1); if (message.length > 0) return message[0]; } setEdit(after) { let message = null; let lastMessage = document.querySelector(`.chatMessage[msg-id='${this.editId}']`); if (this.mode === 0 && !after) { this.mode = 1; message = this._getMessage(); } else if (after && this.mode === 1) { message = this._getMessage(null, this.editId); } else if (this.mode === 1) { message = this._getMessage(this.editId); } if (message) { message.classList.add('selected'); if (lastMessage) lastMessage.classList.remove('selected'); this.element.value = message.getAttribute('msg-raw'); this.editId = Number(message.getAttribute('msg-id')); let chatContent = document.querySelector('#chat-content'); chatContent.scrollTop = message.offsetTop; } else { this.setNormal(); } } setNormal() { if (this.mode !== 0) { this.element.value = ''; this.mode = 0; let lastMessage = document.querySelector(`.chatMessage[msg-id='${this.editId}']`); if (lastMessage) lastMessage.classList.remove('selected'); this.editId = null; let chatContent = document.querySelector('#chat-content'); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; } } } /** * Returns the value of the url-param 'g' * @returns {string} */ function getLobbyParam() { let matches = window.location.href.match(/\??&?g=(\d+)/); if (matches) return matches[1]; else return ''; } /** * Spawns a notification when the window is inactive (hidden). * @param body * @param title */ function spawnNotification(body, title) { if (Notification.permission !== 'denied' && document[getHiddenNames().hidden]) { let options = { body: body, icon: '/favicon.ico' }; let n = new Notification(title, options); } } /** * Submits the value of the username-input to set the username. * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitUsername() { let unameInput = document.querySelector('#input-username'); let username = unameInput.value; if (username.length > 1 && username.length <= 30) { return await BingoGraphqlHelper.setUsername(username); } else { showError('You need to provide a username (min. 2 characters, max. 30)!'); return false; } } /** * Function that displays the ping in the console. * @returns {Promise} */ async function ping() { let start = new Date().getTime(); let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query { time }`); console.log(`Ping: ${(new Date().getTime()) - start} ms`); return (new Date().getTime()) - start; } /** * Joins a lobby or says to create one if none is found * @returns {Promise} */ async function joinLobby() { if (getLobbyParam()) { if (await submitUsername()) window.location.reload(); } else { showError('No lobby found. Please create one.'); } } /** * Creates a lobby and redirects to the lobby. * @returns {Promise} */ async function createLobby() { if (await submitUsername()) await BingoGraphqlHelper.createLobby(); } /** * Lets the player leave the lobby * @returns {Promise} */ async function leaveLobby() { await BingoGraphqlHelper.leaveLobby(); } /** * Kicks a player by id. * @param pid * @returns {Promise} */ async function kickPlayer(pid) { await BingoGraphqlHelper.kickPlayer(pid); } /** * Executes a command * @param message {String} - the message */ async function executeCommand(message) { function reply(content) { addChatMessage({content: content, htmlContent: content, type: 'INFO'}); } let jsStyle = document.querySelector('#js-style'); message = message.replace(/\s+$/g, ''); let command = /(\/\w+) ?(.*)?/g.exec(message); if (command && command.length >= 2) { switch (command[1]) { case '/help': reply(`
/help - shows this help
/hideinfo - hides all info messages
/showinfo - shows all info messages
/ping - shows the current ping
/username {Username} - sets the username

Admin commands:
/abortround - aborts the current round
`); break; case '/hideinfo': jsStyle.innerHTML = '.chatMessage[msg-type="INFO"] {display: none}'; break; case '/showinfo': jsStyle.innerHTML = '.chatMessage[msg-type="INFO"] {}'; break; case '/ping': reply(`Ping: ${await ping()} ms`); break; case '/abortround': reply(await setRoundFinished()); break; case '/username': if (command[2]) { let uname = await BingoGraphqlHelper.setUsername(command[2]); reply(`Your username is ${uname} now.`); } else { reply('You need to provide a username'); } break; default: reply('Unknown command'); break; } let chatContent = document.querySelector('#chat-content'); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; } } /** * Starts a new round of bingo * @returns {Promise} */ async function startRound() { let roundStart = document.querySelector('#button-round-start'); let textinput = document.querySelector('#input-bingo-words'); let words = getLobbyWords(); if (words.length > 0) { roundStart.setAttribute('class', 'pending'); let gridSize = document.querySelector('#input-grid-size').value || 3; let resultWords = await BingoGraphqlHelper.setLobbySettings(words, gridSize); if (resultWords) { textinput.value = resultWords.map(x => x.content).join('\n'); let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { startRound { id } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { insertParam('r', response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.startRound.id); } else { console.error(response); showError('Error when starting round.'); } roundStart.setAttribute('class', ''); } } else { throw new Error('No words provided.'); } } /** * Returns the words of the lobby word input. * @returns {string[]} */ function getLobbyWords() { let textinput = document.querySelector('#input-bingo-words'); return textinput.value.replace(/[<>]/g, '').split('\n').filter((el) => { return (!!el && el.length > 0); // remove empty strings and non-types from word array }); } /** * Submits the toggle of a bingo field * @param wordPanel * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitFieldToggle(wordPanel) { let row = Number(wordPanel.getAttribute('b-row')); let column = Number(wordPanel.getAttribute('b-column')); let wordClass = wordPanel.getAttribute('class'); wordPanel.setAttribute('class', wordClass + ' pending'); socket.emit('fieldToggle', {row: row, column: column}); } /** * Sets the round status to FINISHED * @returns {Promise} */ async function setRoundFinished() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { setRoundStatus(status:FINISHED) { status } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.setRoundStatus) { return 'Set round to finished'; } else { console.error(response); showError('Failed to set round status'); } } /** * Submits bingo * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitBingo() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { submitBingo { winner { id username } status start finish } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.submitBingo) { return true; } else { console.error(response); showError('Failed to submit bingo'); } } async function onInputKeypress(e) { switch (e.which) { case 13: await chatInput.sendChatMessage(); break; case 38: chatInput.setEdit(); break; case 27: chatInput.setNormal(); break; case 40: chatInput.setEdit(true); } } /** * Displays the winner of the game in a popup. * @param winner {Object} - the round object as returned by graphql */ function displayWinner(winner, isPlayer) { let name = winner.username; let winnerDiv = document.createElement('div'); let greyoverDiv = document.createElement('div'); winnerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'popup'); winnerDiv.innerHTML = `

${name} has won!

${isPlayer? 'Congratulations!':'And you lost. How does this make you feel?'}

`; greyoverDiv.setAttribute('class', 'greyover'); document.body.append(greyoverDiv); document.body.appendChild(winnerDiv); spawnNotification(`${name} has won!`, 'Bingo'); } /** * Shows an error Message. * @param errorMessage */ function showError(errorMessage) { let errorContainer = document.querySelector('#error-message'); let indicator = document.querySelector('#status-indicator'); indicator.setAttribute('status', 'error'); errorContainer.innerText = errorMessage; setTimeout(() => { errorContainer.innerText = ''; indicator.setAttribute('status', 'idle'); }, 5000); } /** * Wraps a function in a status report to display the status * @param func */ async function statusWrap(func) { let indicator = document.querySelector('#status-indicator'); indicator.setAttribute('status', 'pending'); try { await func(); indicator.setAttribute('status', 'success'); setTimeout(() => { indicator.setAttribute('status', 'idle'); }, 1000); } catch (err) { showError(err ? err.message : 'Unknown error'); } } /** * Adds a message to the chat * @param messageObject {Object} - the message object returned by graphql * @param [player] {Number} - the id of the player */ function addChatMessage(messageObject, player) { let msgSpan = document.createElement('span'); msgSpan.setAttribute('class', 'chatMessage'); msgSpan.setAttribute('msg-type', messageObject.type); msgSpan.setAttribute('msg-id', messageObject.id); msgSpan.setAttribute('msg-raw', messageObject.content); if (messageObject.type === "USER") { msgSpan.innerHTML = ` ${messageObject.author.username}: ${messageObject.htmlContent}`; msgSpan.setAttribute('msg-pid', messageObject.author.id); } else { msgSpan.innerHTML = `${messageObject.htmlContent}`; } if (messageObject.type === 'USER' && messageObject.author && messageObject.author.id !== player) spawnNotification(messageObject.content, messageObject.author.username); let chatContent = document.querySelector('#chat-content'); chatContent.appendChild(msgSpan); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; // auto-scroll to bottom let msgImg = msgSpan.querySelector('img'); if (msgImg) msgImg.onload = () => { chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; }; } /** * Adds a player to the player view * @param player {Object} - player as returned by graphql * @param options {Object} - meta information */ function addPlayer(player, options) { let playerContainer = document.createElement('div'); playerContainer.setAttribute('class', 'playerEntryContainer'); playerContainer.setAttribute('b-pid', player.id); if (options.isAdmin && player.id !== options.admin) playerContainer.innerHTML = ``; playerContainer.innerHTML += `${player.username}`; if (player.id === options.admin) playerContainer.innerHTML += " šŸ‘‘"; document.querySelector('#player-list').appendChild(playerContainer); } /** * Returns the current player id * @returns {Promise<*>} */ async function getPlayerInfo() { let result = await postGraphqlQuery(` query ($lobbyId:ID!) { bingo { player { id username } lobby(id:$lobbyId) { id admin { id } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (result.status === 200) { let bingoData = result.data.bingo; return { id: bingoData.player.id, username: bingoData.player.username, isAdmin: bingoData.lobby.admin.id === bingoData.player.id }; } else { showError('Failed to fetch player Id'); console.error(result); } } /** * Initializes all socket events * @param data */ function initSocketEvents(data) { let playerId = data.id; let indicator = document.querySelector('#status-indicator'); indicator.setAttribute('status', 'error'); socket.on('connect', () => { indicator.setAttribute('socket-status', 'connected'); }); socket.on('reconnect', async () => { indicator.setAttribute('socket-status', 'connected'); await BingoGraphqlHelper.refreshChat(); }); socket.on('disconnect', () => { indicator.setAttribute('socket-status', 'disconnected'); showError('Disconnected from socket!'); }); socket.on('reconnecting', () => { indicator.setAttribute('socket-status', 'reconnecting'); }); socket.on('error', (error) => { showError(`Socket Error: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); }); socket.on('userError', (error) => { showError(error); }); socket.on('message', msg => { addChatMessage(msg, playerId); }); socket.on('messageEdit', msg => { let message = document.querySelector(`.chatMessage[msg-id='${msg.id}']`); message.setAttribute('msg-raw', msg.content); message.querySelector('.chatMessageContent').innerHTML = msg.htmlContent; let chatContent = document.querySelector('#chat-content'); let msgImg = message.querySelector('img'); if (msgImg) msgImg.onload = () => { chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; }; }); socket.on('messageDelete', msgId => { document.querySelector(`.chatMessage[msg-id='${msgId}'`).remove(); }); socket.on('statusChange', (status, winner) => { if (status === 'FINISHED' && winner) { if (document.querySelector('#container-bingo-round')) displayWinner(winner, winner.id === Number(playerId)); } else { window.location.reload(); } }); socket.on('playerJoin', (playerObject) => { addPlayer(playerObject, data); }); socket.on('playerLeave', (playerId) => { document.querySelector(`.playerEntryContainer[b-pid='${playerId}']`).remove(); }); socket.on('usernameChange', (playerObject) => { document.querySelector(`.playerEntryContainer[b-pid='${playerObject.id}'] .playerNameSpan`).innerText = playerObject.username; let msgUsernames = document.querySelectorAll(`.chatMessage[msg-pid='${playerObject.id}'] .chatUsername`); for (let element of msgUsernames) element.innerText = `${playerObject.username}: `; }); socket.on('wordsChange', async () => { try { await BingoGraphqlHelper.loadLobbyWords(); } catch (err) { showError('Failed to load new lobby words.'); } }); socket.on('fieldChange', (field) => { let wordPanel = document.querySelector(`.bingoWordPanel[b-row='${field.row}'][b-column='${field.column}']`); wordPanel.setAttribute('b-sub', field.submitted); wordPanel.setAttribute('class', 'bingoWordPanel'); if (field.bingo) document.querySelector('#container-bingo-button').setAttribute('class', ''); else document.querySelector('#container-bingo-button').setAttribute('class', 'hidden'); }); } /** * Initializes the lobby refresh with sockets or graphql */ function initRefresh() { getPlayerInfo().then((data) => { socket = new SimpleSocket(`/bingo/${getLobbyParam()}`, {playerId: data.id}); initSocketEvents(data); chatInput.user = data.id; }); let chatContent = document.querySelector('#chat-content'); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; } window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", function (promiseRejectionEvent) { promiseRejectionEvent.promise.catch(err => console.log(err)); showError('Connection problems...'); }); // prevent ctrl + s window.addEventListener("keydown", async (e) => { if (e.which === 83 && (navigator.platform.match("Mac") ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && document.querySelector('#input-bingo-words')) { e.preventDefault(); let gridSize = document.querySelector('#input-grid-size').value || 3; await statusWrap(async () => await BingoGraphqlHelper.setLobbySettings(getLobbyWords(), gridSize)); } if ([40, 38, 27].includes(e.which) && e.target === document.querySelector('#chat-Input')) { e.preventDefault(); await onInputKeypress(e); } }, false); window.onload = async () => { if ("Notification" in window) if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') { try { await Notification.requestPermission(); } catch (err) { showError(err.message); } } chatInput = new ChatInput(document.querySelector('#chat-input')); }; let socket = null; let chatInput = null;