/** * Returns the value of the url-param 'game' * @returns {string} */ function getGameParam() { let matches = window.location.href.match(/\?game=(\w+)/); if (matches) return matches[1]; else return ''; } /** * Submits the bingo words to create a game * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitBingoWords() { let textContent = document.querySelector('#bingo-textarea').value; let words = textContent.replace(/[<>]/g, '').split('\n').filter((el) => { return (!!el && el.length > 0) // remove empty strings and non-types from word array }); if (words.length === 0) { showError('You need to provide at least one word!'); } else { let size = document.querySelector('#bingo-grid-size').value; let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($words:[String!]!, $size:Int!) { bingo { createGame(input: { words: $words, size: $size }) { id } } }`, { words: words, size: Number(size) }, `/graphql?game=${getGameParam()}`); if (response.status === 200) { let gameid = response.data.bingo.createGame.id; insertParam('game', gameid); } else { showError(`Failed to create game. HTTP Error: ${response.status}`); console.error(response) } } } /** * Gets the followup bingoSession and redirects to it * @returns {Promise} */ async function createFollowup() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation { bingo { createFollowupGame { id } } }`,null,`/graphql?game=${getGameParam()}`); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.createFollowupGame) { let gameid = response.data.bingo.createFollowupGame.id; insertParam('game', gameid); } else { showError(`Failed to create follow up game. HTTP Error: ${response.status}`); console.error(response); } } /** * Submits the value of the username-input to set the username. * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitUsername() { let unameInput = document.querySelector('#username-input'); let username = unameInput.value; let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($username:String!) { bingo { setUsername(input: {username: $username}) { id username } } }`, { username: username },`/graphql?game=${getGameParam()}`); if (response.status === 200) { unameInput.value = ''; unameInput.placeholder = response.data.username; document.querySelector('#username-form').remove(); document.querySelector('.greyover').remove(); } else { showError(`Failed to submit username. HTTP Error: ${response.status}`); console.error(response); } } /** * toggles a word (toggle occures on response) * @param word {String} - the base64 encoded bingo word * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitWord(word) { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($word:String!) { bingo { toggleWord(input: {base64Word: $word}) { bingo fieldGrid { submitted base64Word } } } }`, { word: word },`/graphql?game=${getGameParam()}`); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.toggleWord) { let fieldGrid = response.data.bingo.toggleWord.fieldGrid; for (let row of fieldGrid) { for (let field of row) { document.querySelectorAll(`.bingo-word-panel[b-word="${field.base64Word}"]`).forEach(x => { x.setAttribute('b-sub', field.submitted); }); } } if (response.data.bingo.toggleWord.bingo) { document.querySelector('#bingo-button').setAttribute('class', ''); } else { document.querySelector('#bingo-button').setAttribute('class', 'hidden'); } } else { showError(`Failed to submit word. HTTP Error: ${response.status}`); console.error(response); } } /** * Submits a bingo (Bingo button is pressed). * The game is won if the backend validated it. * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitBingo() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation { bingo { submitBingo { id bingos players { id username } } } }`,null,`/graphql?game=${getGameParam()}`); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.submitBingo) { let bingoSession = response.data.bingo.submitBingo; if (bingoSession.bingos.length > 0) { displayWinner(bingoSession.players.find(x => x.id === bingoSession.bingos[0]).username); clearInterval(refrInterval) } } else { showError(`Failed to submit Bingo. HTTP Error: ${response.status}`); console.error(response); } } /** * Refreshes the information (by requesting information about the current game). * Is used to see if one player has scored a bingo and which players are in the game. * @returns {Promise} */ async function refresh() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query { bingo { gameInfo { id bingos players { username id } } } }`, null, `/graphql?game=${getGameParam()}`); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.gameInfo) { let bingoSession = response.data.bingo.gameInfo; if (bingoSession.bingos.length > 0) { displayWinner(bingoSession.players.find(x => x.id === bingoSession.bingos[0]).username); clearInterval(refrInterval) } else { for (let player of bingoSession.players) { let foundPlayerDiv = document.querySelector(`.player-container[b-pid='${player.id}'`); if (!foundPlayerDiv) { let playerDiv = document.createElement('div'); playerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'player-container'); playerDiv.setAttribute('b-pid', player.id); playerDiv.innerHTML = `${player.username}`; document.querySelector('#players-container').appendChild(playerDiv); } else { let playerNameSpan = foundPlayerDiv.querySelector('.player-name-span'); if (playerNameSpan.innerText !== player.username) { playerNameSpan.innerText = player.username; } } } } } else { if (response.status === 400) clearInterval(refrInterval); console.error(response); showError('No session found. Are cookies allowed?'); } } /** * Displays the winner of the game in a popup. * @param name {String} - the name of the winner */ function displayWinner(name) { let winnerDiv = document.createElement('div'); let greyoverDiv = document.createElement('div'); winnerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'popup'); winnerDiv.innerHTML = `

${name} has won!

`; greyoverDiv.setAttribute('class', 'greyover'); //winnerDiv.onclick = () => { // window.location.reload(); //}; document.body.append(greyoverDiv); document.body.appendChild(winnerDiv); } /** * Shows an error Message. * @param errorMessage */ function showError(errorMessage) { let errorDiv = document.createElement('div'); errorDiv.setAttribute('class', 'errorDiv'); errorDiv.innerHTML = `${errorMessage}`; let contCont = document.querySelector('#content-container'); if (contCont) contCont.appendChild(errorDiv); else alert(errorMessage); setTimeout(() => { errorDiv.remove(); }, 10000); } /** * Executes the provided function if the key-event is an ENTER-key * @param event {Event} - the generated key event * @param func {function} - the function to execute on enter */ function submitOnEnter(event, func) { if (event.which === 13) func(); } window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", function(promiseRejectionEvent) { promiseRejectionEvent.promise.catch(err => console.log(err)); showError('Connection problems... Is the server down?'); }); window.onload = () => { if (window && !document.querySelector('#bingoform')) { refrInterval = setInterval(refresh, 1000); // global variable to clear } let gridSizeElem = document.querySelector('#bingo-grid-size'); document.querySelector('#bingo-grid-y').innerText = gridSizeElem.value; gridSizeElem.oninput = () => { document.querySelector('#bingo-grid-y').innerText = gridSizeElem.value; document.querySelector('#word-count').innerText = `Please provide at least ${gridSizeElem.value**2} phrases:`; }; };