const express = require('express'), router = express.Router(), cproc = require('child_process'), fsx = require('fs-extra'); const rWordOnly = /^\w+$/; let bingoSessions = {}; class BingoSession { /** * constructor * @param words List * @param [size] Number */ constructor(words, size = 3) { = generateBingoId(); this.words = words; this.gridSize = size; this.users = {}; this.bingos = []; // array with the users that already had bingo this.finished = false; } /** * Adds a user to the session * @param user */ addUser(user) { let id =; this.users[id] = user; } } class BingoUser { constructor() { = generateBingoId(); = null; this.username = 'anonymous'; this.grids = {}; this.submittedWords = {}; } } class BingoWordField { constructor(word) { this.word = word; this.submitted = false; } } class BingoGrid { constructor(wordGrid) { this.wordGrid = wordGrid; this.fieldGrid = => => new BingoWordField(y))); return this; } } /** * Shuffles the elements in an array * @param array {Array<*>} * @returns {Array<*>} */ function shuffleArray(array) { let counter = array.length; while (counter > 0) { let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter); counter--; let temp = array[counter]; array[counter] = array[index]; array[index] = temp; } return array; } /** * Generates an id for a subreddit download. * @returns {string} */ function generateBingoId() { return; } /** * Generates a word grid with random word placements in the given dimensions * @param dimensions {Array} - the dimensions of the grid * @param words {Array} - the words included in the grid * @returns {BingoGrid} */ function generateWordGrid(dimensions, words) { let shuffledWords = shuffleArray(words); let grid = []; for (let x = 0; x < dimensions[1]; x++) { grid[x] = []; for (let y = 0; y < dimensions[0]; y++) { grid[x][y] = shuffledWords[(x * dimensions[0]) + y]; } } return (new BingoGrid(grid)); } /** * Sets the submitted parameter of the words in the bingo grid that match to true. * @param word {String} * @param bingoGrid {BingoGrid} * @returns {boolean} */ function submitWord(word, bingoGrid) { let results = bingoGrid.fieldGrid.find(x => x.find(y => (y.word === word))).find(x => x.word === word); if (results) { (results instanceof Array)? results.forEach(x => {x.submitted = true}): results.submitted = true; checkBingo(bingoGrid); return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if a bingo exists in the bingo grid. * @param bingoGrid {BingoGrid} * @returns {boolean} */ function checkBingo(bingoGrid) { let fg = => => y.submitted)); let diagonalBingo = true; // diagonal check for (let i = 0; i < fg.length; i++) diagonalBingo = fg[i][i] && diagonalBingo; if (diagonalBingo) { = true; return true; } diagonalBingo = true; for (let i = 0; i < fg.length; i++) diagonalBingo = fg[i][fg.length - i - 1] && diagonalBingo; if (diagonalBingo) { = true; return true; } let bingoCheck = true; // horizontal check for (let row of fg) { bingoCheck = true; for (let field of row) bingoCheck = field && bingoCheck; if (bingoCheck) break; } if (bingoCheck) { = true; return true; } bingoCheck = true; // vertical check for (let i = 0; i < fg.length; i++) { bingoCheck = true; for (let j = 0; j < fg.length; j++) bingoCheck = fg[j][i] && bingoCheck; if (bingoCheck) break; } if (bingoCheck) { = true; return true; } return false; } // -- Router stuff router.use((req, res, next) => { if (!req.session.bingoUser) { req.session.bingoUser = new BingoUser(); } next(); }); router.get('/', (req, res) => { let bingoUser = req.session.bingoUser; if ( { let gameId =; if (bingoSessions[gameId] && !bingoSessions[gameId].finished) { = gameId; let bingoSession = bingoSessions[gameId]; bingoSession.addUser(bingoUser); if (!bingoUser.grids[gameId]) { bingoUser.grids[gameId] = generateWordGrid([bingoSession.gridSize, bingoSession.gridSize], bingoSession.words); } res.render('bingo/bingo-game', {grid: bingoUser.grids[gameId].wordGrid, username: bingoUser.username}); } else { res.render('bingo/bingo-submit'); } } else { res.render('bingo/bingo-submit'); } });'/', (req, res) => { let data = req.body; let gameId =; let bingoUser = req.session.bingoUser; let bingoSession = bingoSessions[gameId]; if (data.bingoWords) { let words = data.bingoWords; let size = data.size; let game = new BingoSession(words, size); bingoSessions[] = game; setTimeout(() => { // delete the game after one day delete bingoSessions[]; }, 86400000); res.send(game); } else if (data.username) { bingoUser.username = data.username; bingoSessions[gameId].addUser(bingoUser); res.send(bingoUser); } else if ( { res.send(bingoSessions[]); } else if (data.bingoWord) { if (!bingoUser.submittedWords[gameId]) bingoUser.submittedWords[gameId] = []; bingoUser.submittedWords[gameId].push(data.bingoWord); console.log(typeof bingoUser.grids[gameId]); if (bingoUser.grids[gameId]) submitWord(data.bingoWord, bingoUser.grids[gameId]); res.send(bingoUser.grids[gameId]); } else if ( { if (checkBingo(bingoUser.grids[gameId])) { if (!bingoSession.bingos.includes( bingoSession.bingos.push(; bingoSession.finished = true; setTimeout(() => { // delete the finished game after five minutes delete bingoSessions[]; }, 360000); res.send(bingoSession); } else { res.status(400); res.send({'error': "this is not a bingo!"}) } } else if (bingoSession) { res.send(bingoSession); } else { res.status(400); res.send({ error: 'invalid request data' }) } }); module.exports = router;