const express = require('express'), router = express.Router(), cproc = require('child_process'), fsx = require('fs-extra'); const rWordOnly = /^\w+$/; let downloads = {}; class RedditDownload { constructor(file) { this.file = file; this.status = 'pending'; this.progress = 'N/A'; this.process = null; } } /** * Generates an id for a subreddit download. * @param subreddit * @returns {string} */ function generateDownloadId(subreddit) { return; } /** * Starts the subreddit download by executing the riddle python file. * @param subreddit {String} * @returns {string} */ function startDownload(subreddit) { if (rWordOnly.test(subreddit)) { let downloadId = generateDownloadId(subreddit); let dlFilePath = `./public/static/${downloadId}.zip`; let dlWebPath = `/static/${downloadId}.zip`; let dl = new RedditDownload(dlWebPath); dl.process = cproc.exec(`python3 -u -o ../../public/static/${downloadId} -z --lzma ${subreddit}`, {cwd: './scripts/reddit-riddle', env: {PYTHONIOENCODING: 'utf-8', PYTHONUNBUFFERED: true}}, (err, stdout) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { console.log(` ${stdout}`); } }); dl.process.on('exit', (code) => { if (code === 0) dl.status = 'finished'; else dl.status = 'failed'; setTimeout(async () => { await fsx.remove(dlFilePath); delete downloads[downloadId]; }, 300000); // delete the file after 5 minutes }); dl.process.on('message', (msg) => { console.log(msg) }); downloads[downloadId] = dl; return downloadId; } } router.use('/files', express.static('./tmp')); router.get('/', (req, res, next) => { res.render('riddle'); });'/', (req, res) => { if (req.body.subreddit) { let id = startDownload(req.body.subreddit); let download = downloads[id]; res.send({id: id, status: download.status, file: download.file}); } else if ( { let id =; let download = downloads[id]; if (download) { res.send({ id: id, status: download.status, file: download.file }); } else { res.send({error: 'Unknown download ID', id: id}); } } }); module.exports = router;