/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars, no-undef */ /** * Returns the value of the url-param 'g' * @returns {string} */ function getLobbyParam() { let matches = window.location.href.match(/\??&?g=(\d+)/); if (matches) return matches[1]; else return ''; } /** * REturns the value of the r url param * @returns {string} */ function getRoundParam() { let matches = window.location.href.match(/\??&?r=(\d+)/); if (matches) return matches[1]; else return ''; } /** * Submits the value of the username-input to set the username. * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitUsername() { let unameInput = document.querySelector('#input-username'); let username = unameInput.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (username.length > 1) { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($username:String!) { bingo { setUsername(username: $username) { id username } } }`, {username: username}); if (response.status === 200) { return true; } else { showError(`Failed to submit username. HTTP Error: ${response.status}`); console.error(response); return false; } } else { showError('You need to provide a username (minimum 2 characters)!'); return false; } } /** * Creates a lobby and redirects to the lobby. * @returns {Promise} */ async function createLobby() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation { bingo { createLobby { id } } } `); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.createLobby) { insertParam('g', response.data.bingo.createLobby.id); return true; } else { showError('Failed to create Lobby. HTTP ERROR: ' + response.status); console.error(response); return false; } } /** * Lets the player leave the lobby * @returns {Promise} */ async function leaveLobby() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { leave } } } `, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { insertParam('g', ''); } else { showError('Failed to leave lobby'); console.error(response); } } /** * Sends a message to the chat * @returns {Promise} */ async function sendChatMessage() { let messageInput = document.querySelector('#chat-input'); if (messageInput.value && messageInput.value.length > 0) { let message = messageInput.value; messageInput.value = ''; let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!, $message:String!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { sendMessage(message:$message) { id htmlContent type author { username } } } } }`, {message: message, lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { addChatMessage(response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.sendMessage); } else { messageInput.value = message; console.error(response); showError('Error when sending message.'); } } } /** * Sets the words for the lobby * @param words * @returns {Promise} */ async function setLobbyWords(words) { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!, $words:[String!]!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { setWords(words:$words) { words { content } } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam(), words: words}); if (response.status === 200) { return response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.setWords.words; } else { console.error(response); showError('Error when setting lobby words.'); } } /** * Starts a new round of bingo * @returns {Promise} */ async function startRound() { let words = getLobbyWords(); let resultWords = await setLobbyWords(words); textinput.value = resultWords.map(x => x.content).join('\n'); let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { startRound { id } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { insertParam('r', response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.startRound.id); } else { console.error(response); showError('Error when starting round.'); } } /** * Returns the words of the lobby word input. * @returns {string[]} */ function getLobbyWords() { let textinput = document.querySelector('#input-bingo-words'); let words = textinput.value.replace(/[<>]/g, '').split('\n').filter((el) => { return (!!el && el.length > 0); // remove empty strings and non-types from word array }); return words; } /** * Submits the toggle of a bingo field * @param wordPanel * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitFieldToggle(wordPanel) { let row = Number(wordPanel.getAttribute('b-row')); let column = Number(wordPanel.getAttribute('b-column')); let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!, $row:Int!, $column:Int!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { toggleGridField(location:{row:$row, column:$column}) { submitted grid { bingo } } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam(), row: row, column: column}); if (response.status === 200) { wordPanel.setAttribute('b-sub', response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.toggleGridField.submitted); if (response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.toggleGridField.grid.bingo) document.querySelector('#container-bingo-button').setAttribute('class', ''); else document.querySelector('#container-bingo-button').setAttribute('class', 'hidden'); } else { console.error(response); showError('Error when submitting field toggle'); } } /** * Submits bingo * @returns {Promise} */ async function submitBingo() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` mutation($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { mutateLobby(id:$lobbyId) { submitBingo { winner { id username } status start finish } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200 && response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.submitBingo) { let round = response.data.bingo.mutateLobby.submitBingo; displayWinner(round); } else { console.error(response); showError('Failed to submit bingo'); } } /** * Displays the winner of the game in a popup. * @param roundInfo {Object} - the round object as returned by graphql */ function displayWinner(roundInfo) { let name = roundInfo.winner.username; let winnerDiv = document.createElement('div'); let greyoverDiv = document.createElement('div'); winnerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'popup'); winnerDiv.innerHTML = `

${name} has won!

`; greyoverDiv.setAttribute('class', 'greyover'); //winnerDiv.onclick = () => { // window.location.reload(); //}; document.body.append(greyoverDiv); document.body.appendChild(winnerDiv); } /** * Shows an error Message. * @param errorMessage */ function showError(errorMessage) { // TODO: Implement } /** * Loads information about the rounds winner and the round stats. * @returns {Promise} */ async function loadWinnerInfo() { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!) { bingo { lobby(id:$lobbyId) { currentRound { status winner { id username } start finish } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let roundInfo = response.data.bingo.lobby.currentRound; displayWinner(roundInfo); } else { console.error(response); showError('Failed to get round information'); } } /** * Adds a message to the chat * @param messageObject {Object} - the message object returned by graphql */ function addChatMessage(messageObject) { let msgSpan = document.createElement('span'); msgSpan.setAttribute('class', 'chatMessage'); msgSpan.setAttribute('msg-id', messageObject.id); if (messageObject.type === "USER") { msgSpan.innerHTML = ` ${messageObject.author.username}: ${messageObject.htmlContent}`; } else { msgSpan.innerHTML = ` ${messageObject.htmlContent}`; } let chatContent = document.querySelector('#chat-content'); chatContent.appendChild(msgSpan); chatContent.scrollTop = chatContent.scrollHeight; // auto-scroll to bottom } /** * Adds a player to the player view * @param player */ function addPlayer(player) { let playerContainer = document.createElement('div'); playerContainer.setAttribute('class', 'playerEntryContainer'); playerContainer.setAttribute('b-pid', player.id); playerContainer.innerHTML = `${player.username}`; document.querySelector('#player-list').appendChild(playerContainer); } /** * Refreshes the bingo chat * @returns {Promise} */ async function refreshChat() { try { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { lobby(id:$lobbyId) { messages { id type htmlContent author { username } } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let messages = response.data.bingo.lobby.messages; for (let message of messages) if (!document.querySelector(`.chatMessage[msg-id="${message.id}"]`)) addChatMessage(message); } else { showError('Failed to refresh messages'); console.error(response); } } catch (err) { showError('Failed to refresh messages'); console.error(err); } console.log('Refresh Chat'); } /** * Refreshes the player list * @returns {Promise} */ async function refreshPlayers() { try { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { lobby(id:$lobbyId) { players { id username wins(lobbyId:$lobbyId) } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let players = response.data.bingo.lobby.players; for (let player of players) if (!document.querySelector(`.playerEntryContainer[b-pid="${player.id}"]`)) addPlayer(player); } else { showError('Failed to refresh players'); console.error(response); } } catch (err) { showError('Failed to refresh players'); console.error(err); } } /** * Removes players that are not existent in the player array * @param players {Array} - player id response of graphql */ function removeLeftPlayers(players) { for (let playerEntry of document.querySelectorAll('.playerEntryContainer')) if (!players.find(x => (x.id === playerEntry.getAttribute('b-pid')))) playerEntry.remove(); } /** * Refreshes if a player-refresh is needed. * Removes players that are not in the lobby anyomre. * @param players */ function checkPlayerRefresh(players) { let playerRefresh = false; removeLeftPlayers(players); for (let player of players) if (!document.querySelector(`.playerEntryContainer[b-pid="${player.id}"]`)) playerRefresh = true; if (playerRefresh) refreshPlayers(); } /** * Checks if messages need to be refreshed and does it if it needs to. * @param messages */ function checkMessageRefresh(messages) { let messageRefresh = false; for (let message of messages) if (!document.querySelector(`.chatMessage[msg-id="${message.id}"]`)) messageRefresh = true; if (messageRefresh) refreshChat(); } /** * refreshes the lobby and calls itself with a timeout * @returns {Promise} */ async function refreshLobby() { try { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!){ bingo { lobby(id:$lobbyId) { players { id } messages { id } currentRound { id } words { content } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let {players, messages, currentRound} = response.data.bingo.lobby; checkPlayerRefresh(players); checkMessageRefresh(messages); let wordContainer = document.querySelector('#bingo-words'); if (wordContainer) wordContainer.innerHTML = ` ${response.data.bingo.lobby.words.map(x => x.content).join('')}`; if (currentRound && currentRound.id && Number(currentRound.id) !== Number(getRoundParam())) insertParam('r', currentRound.id); } else { showError('Failed to refresh lobby'); console.error(response); } } catch (err) { showError('Failed to refresh lobby'); console.error(err); } finally { setTimeout(refreshLobby, 1000); } } /** * Checks the status of the lobby and the current round. * @returns {Promise} */ async function refreshRound() { let roundOver = false; try { let response = await postGraphqlQuery(` query($lobbyId:ID!) { bingo { lobby(id:$lobbyId) { players { id } messages { id } currentRound { id status } } } }`, {lobbyId: getLobbyParam()}); if (response.status === 200) { let {players, messages, currentRound} = response.data.bingo.lobby; checkPlayerRefresh(players); checkMessageRefresh(messages); if (!currentRound || currentRound.status === "FINISHED") { roundOver = true; await loadWinnerInfo(); } } else { showError('Failed to refresh round'); console.error(response); } } catch (err) { showError('Failed to refresh round'); console.error(err); } finally { if (!roundOver) setTimeout(refreshRound, 1000); } } window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", function (promiseRejectionEvent) { promiseRejectionEvent.promise.catch(err => console.log(err)); showError('Connection problems... Is the server down?'); }); // prevent ctrl + s window.addEventListener("keydown", async (e) => { if (e.which === 83 && (navigator.platform.match("Mac") ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey)) { e.preventDefault(); if (document.querySelector('#input-bingo-words')) await setLobbyWords(getLobbyWords()); } }, false);