You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1855 lines
58 KiB

const express = require('express'),
router = express.Router(),
{ GraphQLError } = require('graphql'),
mdEmoji = require('markdown-it-emoji'),
mdMark = require('markdown-it-mark'),
mdSmartarrows = require('markdown-it-smartarrows'),
md = require('markdown-it')({
linkify: true,
typographer: true
utils = require('../lib/utils'),
globals = require('../lib/globals');
let pgPool = globals.pgPool;
let sockets = {};
* Class to manage the bingo data in the database.
class BingoDataManager {
* constructor functino
* @param postgresPool {pg.Pool} - the postgres pool
constructor(postgresPool) {
this.pgPool = postgresPool;
this.queries = utils.parseSqlYaml('./sql/bingo');
async init() {
await this.pgPool.query(this.queries.createTables.sql);
setInterval(async () => await this._databaseCleanup(), 5*60*1000); // database cleanup every 5 minutes
* Try-catch wrapper around the pgPool.query.
* @param query {String} - the sql query
* @param [values] {Array} - an array of values
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async _queryDatabase(query, values) {
try {
return await this.pgPool.query(query, values);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error on query "${query}" with values ${JSON.stringify(values)}.`);
return {
rows: null
* Queries the database and returns all resulting rows
* @param query {String} - the sql query
* @param values {Array} - an array of parameters needed in the query
* @returns {Promise<*>}
* @private
async _queryAllResults(query, values) {
let result = await this._queryDatabase(query, values);
return result.rows || [];
* Query the database and return the first result or null
* @param query {String} - the sql query
* @param values {Array} - an array of parameters needed in the query
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async _queryFirstResult(query, values) {
let result = await this._queryDatabase(query, values);
if (result.rows && result.rows.length > 0)
return result.rows[0];
* Clears expired values from the database.
async _databaseCleanup() {
await this._queryDatabase(this.queries.cleanup.sql);
* Add a player to the players table
* @param username {String} - the username of the player
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async addPlayer(username) {
let result = await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addPlayer.sql, [username]);
if (result)
return result;
return {}; // makes things easier
* Updates the username of a player
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the player
* @param username {String} - the new username
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async updatePlayerUsername(playerId, username) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.updatePlayerUsername.sql, [username, playerId]);
* Returns the username for a player-id
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the player
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getPlayerInfo(playerId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getPlayerInfo.sql, [playerId]);
* Updates the expiration date of a player
* @param playerId {Request} - thie id of the player
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async updatePlayerExpiration(playerId) {
await this._queryDatabase(this.queries.updatePlayerExpire.sql, [playerId]);
* Creates a bingo lobby.
* @param playerId
* @param gridSize
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async createLobby(playerId, gridSize) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addLobby.sql, [playerId, gridSize]);
* Updates the expiration date of a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async updateLobbyExpiration(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.updateLobbyExpire.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Returns all lobby ids
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getLobbyIds() {
let results = await this._queryAllResults(this.queries.getLobbyIds.sql, []);
return =>;
* Returns the row of the lobby.
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getLobbyInfo(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getLobbyInfo.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Checks if a player is in a lobby.
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the player
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getPlayerInLobby(playerId, lobbyId) {
return (await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getPlayerInLobby.sql, [playerId, lobbyId]));
* Returns all players in a lobby.
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getLobbyPlayers(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryAllResults(this.queries.getLobbyPlayers.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Returns the last messages in a lobby with a limit
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param [limit] {Number} - the maximum of messages to fetch
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getLobbyMessages(lobbyId, limit=20) {
return await this._queryAllResults(this.queries.getLobbyMessages.sql, [lobbyId, limit]);
* Adds a player to a lobby.
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the player
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async addPlayerToLobby(playerId, lobbyId) {
let entry = await this.getPlayerInLobby(playerId, lobbyId);
if (entry) {
entry.lobby_id =;
return entry;
} else {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addPlayerToLobby.sql, [playerId, lobbyId]);
* Sets the current round property of the lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param roundId {Number} - the id of the round
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async setLobbyCurrentRound(lobbyId, roundId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.setLobbyCurrentRound.sql, [lobbyId, roundId]);
* Updates the grid size of a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param gridSize {Number} - the new grid size
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async setLobbyGridSize(lobbyId, gridSize) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.setLobbyGridSize.sql, [lobbyId, gridSize]);
* Removes a player from a lobbby
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the player
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async removePlayerFromLobby(playerId, lobbyId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.removePlayerFromLobby.sql, [playerId, lobbyId]);
* Adds a word to a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param word {Number} - the id of the word
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async addWordToLobby(lobbyId, word) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addWord.sql, [lobbyId, word]);
* Removes a word from the lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param wordId {Number} - the id of the word
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async removeWordFromLobby(lobbyId, wordId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.removeLobbyWord.sql, [lobbyId, wordId]);
* Returns all words used in a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async getWordsForLobby(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryAllResults(this.queries.getWordsForLobby.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Returns information about a word
* @param wordId {Number} - the id of the word
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getWordInfo(wordId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getWordInfo.sql, [wordId]);
* Returns all rounds of a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getLobbyRounds(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryAllResults(this.queries.getLobbyRounds.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Returns the round row of a round
* @param roundId {Number} - the id of the round
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getRoundInfo(roundId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getRoundInfo.sql, [roundId]);
* Updates the status of a round
* @param roundId {Number} - the id of the round
* @param status {String<8>} - the new status
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async updateRoundStatus(roundId, status) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.updateRoundStatus.sql, [roundId, status]);
* Returns the number of wins the player had in a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the player
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getLobbyPlayerWins(lobbyId, playerId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getLobbyPlayerWins.sql, [lobbyId, playerId]);
* Adds a grid for a user to a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the user
* @param roundId {Number} - the id of the round
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async addGrid(lobbyId, playerId, roundId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addGrid.sql, [playerId, lobbyId, roundId]);
* Clears all grids for a lobby.
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async clearGrids(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.clearLobbyGrids.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Adds a word to a grid with specific location
* @param gridId {Number} - the id of the gird
* @param wordId {Number} - the id of the word
* @param row {Number} - the number of the row
* @param column {Number} - the number of the column
async addWordToGrid(gridId, wordId, row, column) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addWordToGrid.sql, [gridId, wordId, row, column]);
* Adds words to the grid
* @param gridId {Number} - the id of the grid
* @param words {Array<{wordId: Number, row: Number, column:Number}>}
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async addWordsToGrid(gridId, words) {
let valueSql = buildSqlParameters(4, words.length, 0);
let values = [];
for (let word of words) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(
this.queries.addWordToGridStrip.sql + valueSql + ' RETURNING *', values);
* Returns all words in the grid with location
* @param gridId {Number} - the id of the grid
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getWordsInGrid(gridId) {
return await this._queryAllResults(this.queries.getWordsForGridId.sql, [gridId]);
* Returns the grid row for a player and lobby id
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the player
* @param roundId {Number} - the id of the round
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getGridForPlayerLobbyRound(lobbyId, playerId, roundId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getGridByPlayerLobbyRound.sql, [playerId, lobbyId, roundId]);
* Returns the grid row for a grid id
* @param gridId {Number} - the id of the grid
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getGridInfo(gridId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getGridInfo.sql, [gridId]);
* Sets a field of the grid to submitted/unsubmitted depending on the previous value
* @param gridId {Number} - the id of the grid
* @param fieldRow {Number} - the row of the field
* @param fieldColumn {Number} - the column of the field
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async toggleGridFieldSubmitted(gridId, fieldRow, fieldColumn) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.toggleGridFieldSubmitted.sql, [gridId, fieldRow, fieldColumn]);
* Adds a round for a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async addRound(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addRound.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Updates a round to the "FINISHED" status and sets the finish time
* @param roundId {Number}
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async setRoundFinished(roundId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.setRoundFinished.sql, [roundId]);
* Updates the rounds winner
* @param roundId {Number} - the id of the round
* @param winnerId {Number} - the id of the winner
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async setRoundWinner(roundId, winnerId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.setRoundWinner.sql, [roundId, winnerId]);
* Inserts a message of type "USER" into the database
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param playerId {Number} - the id of the author (player)
* @param messageContent {String} - the content of the message
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async addUserMessage(lobbyId, playerId, messageContent) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addUserMessage.sql, [playerId, lobbyId, messageContent]);
* Edits a message
* @param messageId {Number} - the id of the message
* @param messageContent {String} - the new content of the message
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async editMessage(messageId, messageContent) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.editMessage.sql, [messageId, messageContent]);
* Deletes a message
* @param messageId {Number} - the id of the message
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async deleteMessage(messageId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.deleteMessage.sql, [messageId]);
* Returns the data of a message
* @param messageId {Number} - the id of the message
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getMessageData(messageId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getMessageData.sql, [messageId]);
* Adds a message of type "INFO" to the lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param messageContent {String} - the content of the info message
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async addInfoMessage(lobbyId, messageContent) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.addInfoMessage.sql, [lobbyId, messageContent]);
* Removes all words of a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async clearLobbyWords(lobbyId) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.clearLobbyWords.sql, [lobbyId]);
* Returns a single entry from grid_words
* @param gridId {Number} - the id of the grid
* @param row {Number} - the row of the field
* @param column {Number} - the column of the row
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async getGridField(gridId, row, column) {
return await this._queryFirstResult(this.queries.getGriedField.sql, [gridId, row, column]);
class WordWrapper {
* constructor
* @param id {Number} - the id of the word
* @param [row] {Object} - the database row of the word
constructor(id, row) { = id;
this._infoLoaded = false;
if (row)
* Loads the word information from the database
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _loadWordInfo() {
if (!this._infoLoaded) {
let row = await bdm.getWordInfo(;
if (row)
* Assign the row as properties
* @param row {Object} - the word row
* @private
_assignProperties(row) {
this._content = row.content;
this._heared = row.heared;
this._lobbyId = row.lobbyId;
this._infoLoaded = this._content && this._heared && this._lobbyId;
* Returns a new lobby wrapper for the words lobby
* @returns {Promise<LobbyWrapper>}
async lobby() {
await this._loadWordInfo();
return new LobbyWrapper(this._lobbyId);
* Returns the word iteself
* @returns {Promise<Object.content|*>}
async content() {
await this._loadWordInfo();
return this._content;
* Returns the number of people that heared the word
* @returns {Promise<Object.heared|(function())>}
async heared() {
await this._loadWordInfo();
return this._heared;
* Returns if the word was confirmed heared
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async confirmed() {
await this._loadWordInfo();
return true; // TODO confirmation logic
class GridFieldWrapper {
* constructor
* @param row {Object} - the resulting row
constructor(row) {
this.row = row.grid_row;
this.column = row.grid_column;
this.submitted = row.submitted;
this.word = new WordWrapper(row.word_id, row);
this.grid = new GridWrapper(row.grid_id);
class GridWrapper {
constructor(id) { = id;
this._infoLoaded = false;
* Loads all direct grid information
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _loadGridInfo() {
if (!this._infoLoaded) {
let result = await bdm.getGridInfo(;
if (result) {
this.playerId = result.player_id;
this.lobbyId = result.lobby_id;
this.size = result.grid_size;
* Gets a matrix of the submitted-values of each grid field
* @returns {Promise<Array[[boolean]]>}
* @private
async _getSubmittedMatrix() {
await this._loadGridInfo();
let rows = await bdm.getWordsInGrid(;
let matrix = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
matrix[i] = [];
for (let j = 0; j < this.size; j++)
matrix[i][j] = rows.find(x => (x.grid_row === i && x.grid_column === j)).submitted;
return matrix;
* Returns all fields in the grid
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async fields() {
let rows = await bdm.getWordsInGrid(;
let fields = [];
for (let row of rows)
fields.push(new GridFieldWrapper(row));
return fields;
* Returns a field with the current row and column
* @param row {Number} - the fields row
* @param column {Number} - the fields column
* @returns {Promise<GridFieldWrapper>}
async field({row, column}) {
let result = await bdm.getGridField(, row, column);
return new GridFieldWrapper(result);
* Returns if a bingo is possible
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async bingo() {
let subMatrix = await this._getSubmittedMatrix();
return checkBingo(subMatrix);
* Returns the lobby of the grid
* @returns {Promise<LobbyWrapper>}
async lobby() {
await this._loadGridInfo();
return new LobbyWrapper(this.lobbyId);
* Returns the player of the grid
* @returns {Promise<PlayerWrapper>}
async player() {
await this._loadGridInfo();
return new PlayerWrapper(this.playerId);
* Toggles submitted of a grid field
* @param row {Number} - the row of the field
* @param column {Number} - the column of the field
* @returns {Promise<GridFieldWrapper>}
async toggleField(row, column) {
let result = await bdm.toggleGridFieldSubmitted(, row, column);
let gridField = new GridFieldWrapper(result);
let username = await (await this.player()).username();
let word = await gridField.word.content();
let lobbyWrapper = await this.lobby();
if (gridField.submitted)
await lobbyWrapper.addInfoMessage(`${username} toggled "${word}"`);
await lobbyWrapper.addInfoMessage(`${username} untoggled "${word}"`);
return gridField;
class MessageWrapper {
* constructor
* @param row {Object} - the database row of the message
constructor(row) { =;
this.content = row.content;
this.htmlContent = md.renderInline(preMarkdownParse(this.content)); = new PlayerWrapper(row.player_id);
this.lobby = new LobbyWrapper(row.lobby_id);
this.type = row.type;
this.created = row.created;
class PlayerWrapper {
* constructor
* @param id {Number} - the id of the player
constructor(id) { = id;
this._infoLoaded = false;
* Loads all player information
* @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
* @private
async _loadPlayerInfo() {
if (!this._infoLoaded) {
let result = await bdm.getPlayerInfo(;
if (result) {
this._uname = result.username;
this.expire = result.expire;
this._infoLoaded = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Returns if the player exists
* @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
async exists() {
return await this._loadPlayerInfo();
* Returns the grid for a specific lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<GridWrapper>}
async grid({lobbyId}) {
let currentRound = (await new LobbyWrapper(lobbyId).currentRound()).id;
let result = await bdm.getGridForPlayerLobbyRound(lobbyId,, currentRound);
if (result)
return new GridWrapper(;
* Returns if the user has a valid grid.
* @param lobbyId
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async hasGrid(lobbyId) {
let grid = await this.grid({lobbyId: lobbyId});
if (grid) {
let fields = await grid.fields();
let lobbyWrapper = new LobbyWrapper(lobbyId);
return fields.length === (await lobbyWrapper.gridSize()) ** 2;
} else {
return false;
* Returns the username of the player
* @returns {Promise<String|null>}
async username() {
await this._loadPlayerInfo();
return this._uname;
* Returns the number of wins of a player in a lobby
* @param lobbyId {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<null|PlayerWrapper.wins>}
async wins({lobbyId}) {
let result = await bdm.getLobbyPlayerWins(lobbyId,;
if (result && result.wins)
return result.wins;
return null;
class RoundWrapper {
* constructor
* @param id {Number} - the id of the round
* @param [row] {Object} - already queried row of the row
constructor(id, row) { = id;
this._infoLoaded = false;
if (row)
* Adds data to the round wrapper
* @param row
* @private
_assignProperties(row) {
this._start = row.start;
this._finish = row.finish;
this._status = row.status;
this._lobbyId = row.lobby_id;
this._winnerId = row.winner;
this._infoLoaded = true;
* Loads the round info from the database
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _loadRoundInfo() {
if (!this._infoLoaded) {
let row = await bdm.getRoundInfo(;
if (row)
* Returns the winner of the bingo round (if exists)
* @returns {Promise<PlayerWrapper>}
async winner() {
await this._loadRoundInfo();
if (this._winnerId)
return new PlayerWrapper(this._winnerId);
* Returns the start timestamp of the round
* @returns {Promise<String>}
async start() {
await this._loadRoundInfo();
return this._start;
* Returns the finish timestamp of the round if it exists
* @returns {Promise<String|null>}
async finish() {
await this._loadRoundInfo();
return this._finish;
* Returns the status of a round
* @returns {Promise<String>}
async status() {
await this._loadRoundInfo();
return this._status;
* Returns the lobby the round is belonging to
* @returns {Promise<LobbyWrapper>}
async lobby() {
await this._loadRoundInfo();
return new LobbyWrapper(this._lobbyId);
* Updates the status of the round to a new one
* @param status {String<8>} - the new status
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async updateStatus(status) {
let updateResult = await bdm.updateRoundStatus(, status);
if (updateResult)
* Sets the round to finished
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async setFinished() {
let updateResult = await bdm.setRoundFinished(;
if (updateResult)
* Sets the winner of the round
* @param winnerId {Number} - the id of the winner
async setWinner(winnerId) {
let status = await this.status();
if (status !== "FINISHED") {
let updateResult = await bdm.setRoundWinner(, winnerId);
if (updateResult)
await this.setFinished();
(await this.lobby()).socket.emit('statusChange', 'FINISHED', await resolvePlayer(new PlayerWrapper(winnerId)));
return true;
class LobbyWrapper {
* constructor
* @param id {Number} - the id of the lobby
* @param [row] {Object} - the optional row object of the lobby to load info from
constructor(id, row) { = id;
this.socket = sockets[id];
this._infoLoaded = false;
if (row)
* Loads information about the lobby if it hasn't been loaded yet
* @param [force] {Boolean} - forces a data reload
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _loadLobbyInfo(force) {
if (!this._infoLoaded && !force) {
let row = await bdm.updateLobbyExpiration(;
* Assigns properties to the lobby wrapper
* @param row {Object} - the row to assign properties from
* @private
_assignProperties(row) {
if (row) {
this.admin_id = row.admin_id;
this.grid_size = row.grid_size;
this.expire = row.expire;
this.current_round = row.current_round;
this.last_round = row.last_round;
this._infoLoaded = true;
* Emits an event is a socket exists for the lobby
emit() {
if (this.socket)
* Returns if the lobby exists (based on one loaded attribute)
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async exists() {
await this._loadLobbyInfo();
return !!this.expire;
* returns the players in the lobby
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async players() {
let rows = await bdm.getLobbyPlayers(;
let players = [];
for (let row of rows)
players.push(new PlayerWrapper(row.player_id));
return players;
* Returns the admin of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<PlayerWrapper>}
async admin() {
await this._loadLobbyInfo();
return new PlayerWrapper(this.admin_id);
* Returns the active round of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<RoundWrapper>}
async currentRound() {
await this._loadLobbyInfo();
if (this.current_round)
return new RoundWrapper(this.current_round);
* Returns all round of a lobby
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async rounds() {
let rows = await bdm.getLobbyRounds(;
let rounds = [];
for (let row of rows)
rounds.push(new RoundWrapper(, row));
return rounds;
* Returns the grid-size of the lobby
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async gridSize() {
await this._loadLobbyInfo();
return this.grid_size;
* Returns a number of messages send in the lobby
* @param limit
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async messages({limit}) {
let rows = await bdm.getLobbyMessages(, limit);
let messages = [];
for (let row of rows)
messages.push(new MessageWrapper(row));
return messages.reverse();
* Returns all words in a lobby
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async words() {
let rows = await bdm.getWordsForLobby(;
let words = [];
for (let row of rows)
words.push(new WordWrapper(, row));
return words;
* Creates a new round
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async _createRound() {
let result = await bdm.addRound(;
if (result && {
let updateResult = await bdm.setLobbyCurrentRound(,;
* Creates a grid for each player
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _createGrids() {
let words = await this.words();
let players = await this.players();
let currentRound = this.current_round;
for (let player of players) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
let gridId = (await bdm.addGrid(,, currentRound)).id;
let gridContent = generateWordGrid(this.grid_size, words);
let gridWords = [];
for (let i = 0; i < gridContent.length; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < gridContent[i].length; j++)
gridWords.push({wordId: gridContent[i][j].id, row: i, column: j});
await bdm.addWordsToGrid(gridId, gridWords);
* Creates a new round and new grids for each player
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async startNewRound() {
let words = await this.words();
if (words && words.length > 0) {
let currentRound = await this.currentRound();
if (currentRound)
await currentRound.setFinished();
await this._createRound();
await this._createGrids();
await this.setRoundStatus('ACTIVE');
this.emit('statusChange', 'ACTIVE');
* Sets the grid size of the lobby
* @param gridSize {Number} - the new grid size
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async setGridSize(gridSize) {
let updateResult = await bdm.setLobbyGridSize(, gridSize);
* Returns if the specific player exists in the lobby
* @param playerId
* @returns {Promise<*>}
async hasPlayer(playerId) {
let result = (await bdm.getPlayerInLobby(playerId,;
return (result && result.player_id);
* Adds a word to the lobby
* @param word
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async addWord(word) {
await bdm.addWordToLobby(, word);
* Removes a word from the lobby
* @param wordId
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async removeWord(wordId) {
await bdm.removeWordFromLobby(, wordId);
* Sets the words of the lobby
* @param words
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async setWords(words) {
if (words.length > 0 && !await this.roundActive()) {
words = => x.substring(0, 200));
let {newWords, removedWords} = await this._filterWords(words);
for (let word of newWords)
await this.addWord(word);
for (let word of removedWords)
await this.removeWord(;
* Filters the bingo words
* @param words
* @returns {Promise<{removedWords: *[], newWords: *[]}>}
* @private
async _filterWords(words) {
let curWords = await this.words();
let currentWords = [];
let currentWordContent = [];
for (let word of curWords) {
currentWordContent.push(await word.content());
content: (await word.content())
let newWords = words.filter(x => (!currentWordContent.includes(x)));
let removedWords = currentWords.filter(x => !words.includes(x.content));
return {
newWords: newWords,
removedWords: removedWords
* Adds an info message and emits the message event.
* @param message {String} - the info messages content
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async addInfoMessage(message) {
let result = await bdm.addInfoMessage(, message);
this.emit('message', await resolveMessage(new MessageWrapper(result)));
* Adds a player to the lobby.
* @param playerId
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async addPlayer(playerId) {
await bdm.addPlayerToLobby(playerId,;
let playerWrapper = new PlayerWrapper(playerId);
this.emit('playerJoin', await resolvePlayer(playerWrapper));
let username = await playerWrapper.username();
await this.addInfoMessage(`${username} joined.`);
await this._loadLobbyInfo(true);
* Removes a player from the lobby
* @param playerId
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async removePlayer(playerId) {
await bdm.removePlayerFromLobby(playerId,;
let username = await new PlayerWrapper(playerId).username();
this.emit('playerLeave', playerId);
await this.addInfoMessage(`${username} left.`);
await this._loadLobbyInfo(true);
* Returns if the lobby is in an active round
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async roundActive() {
let currentRound = await this.currentRound();
return currentRound && (await currentRound.status()) === 'ACTIVE';
* Sets the status of the current round
* @param status {String} - the status
* @returns {Promise<RoundWrapper>}
async setRoundStatus(status) {
let currentRound = await this.currentRound();
await currentRound.updateStatus(status);
await this.addInfoMessage(`Admin set round status to ${status}`);
this.emit('statusChange', status);
if (status === 'FINISHED')
await bdm.clearGrids(;
return currentRound;
* Returns the parameterized value sql for inserting.
* @param columnCount
* @param rowCount
* @param [offset]
* @returns {string}
function buildSqlParameters(columnCount, rowCount, offset) {
let sql = '';
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
sql += '(';
for (let j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
sql += `$${(i*columnCount)+j+1+offset},`;
sql = sql.replace(/,$/, '') + '),';
return sql.replace(/,$/, '');
* Replaces tag signs with html-escaped signs.
* @param htmlString
* @returns {string}
function replaceTagSigns(htmlString) {
return htmlString.replace(/</g, '&#60;').replace(/>/g, '&#62;');
* Shuffles the elements in an array
* @param array {Array<*>}
* @returns {Array<*>}
function shuffleArray(array) {
let counter = array.length;
while (counter > 0) {
let index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter);
let temp = array[counter];
array[counter] = array[index];
array[index] = temp;
return array;
* Inflates an array to a minimum Size
* @param array {Array} - the array to inflate
* @param minSize {Number} - the minimum size that the array needs to have
* @returns {Array}
function inflateArray(array, minSize) {
let resultArray = array;
let iterations = Math.ceil(minSize/array.length)-1;
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
resultArray = [...resultArray, ...resultArray];
return resultArray;
* Generates a word grid with random word placements in the given dimensions
* @param size {Array<Number>} - the dimensions of the grid
* @param words {Array<*>} - the words included in the grid
* @returns {Array}
function generateWordGrid(size, words) {
let shuffledWords = shuffleArray(inflateArray(words, size**2));
let grid = [];
for (let x = 0; x < size; x++) {
grid[x] = [];
for (let y = 0; y < size; y++)
grid[x][y] = shuffledWords[(x * size) + y];
return grid;
* Checks if a diagonal bingo is possible
* @param fg {Array<Array<boolean>>} - the grid with the checked (submitted) values
* @returns {boolean|boolean|*}
function checkBingoDiagnoal(fg) {
let bingoCheck = true;
// diagonal check
for (let i = 0; i < fg.length; i++)
bingoCheck = fg[i][i] && bingoCheck;
if (bingoCheck)
return true;
bingoCheck = true;
for (let i = 0; i < fg.length; i++)
bingoCheck = fg[i][fg.length - i - 1] && bingoCheck;
return bingoCheck;
* Checks if a vertical bingo is possible
* @param fg {Array<Array<boolean>>} - the grid with the checked (submitted) values
* @returns {boolean|boolean|*}
function checkBingoVertical(fg) {
let bingoCheck = true;
for (let row of fg) {
bingoCheck = true;
for (let field of row)
bingoCheck = field && bingoCheck;
if (bingoCheck)
return true;
return bingoCheck;
* Checks if a horizontal bingo is possible
* @param fg {Array<Array<boolean>>} - the grid with the checked (submitted) values
* @returns {boolean|boolean|*}
function checkBingoHorizontal(fg) {
let bingoCheck = true;
// vertical check
for (let i = 0; i < fg.length; i++) {
bingoCheck = true;
for (let j = 0; j < fg.length; j++)
bingoCheck = fg[j][i] && bingoCheck;
if (bingoCheck)
return true;
return bingoCheck;
* Checks if a bingo exists in the bingo grid.
* @param fg {Array<[Boolean]>}
* @returns {boolean}
function checkBingo(fg) {
let diagonalBingo = checkBingoDiagnoal(fg);
let verticalCheck = checkBingoVertical(fg);
let horizontalCheck = checkBingoHorizontal(fg);
return diagonalBingo || verticalCheck || horizontalCheck;
* Parses the message and replaces all links with markdown-links and images with markdown-images.
* @param message {String} - the raw message
function preMarkdownParse(message) {
let linkMatch = /(^|[^(])https?:\/\/((([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+)(\S*))([^)]|$)/g;
let imageMatch = /.*\.(\w+)/g;
let imageExtensions = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'svg'];
let links = message.match(linkMatch);
if (links)
for (let link of links) {
let linkGroups = linkMatch.exec(link);
let imgGroups = imageMatch.exec(link);
if (imgGroups && imgGroups[1] && imageExtensions.includes(imgGroups[1]))
message = message.replace(link, `![${linkGroups[1]}](${link})`);
return message;
* Gets player data for a lobby
* @param lobbyWrapper
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async function getPlayerData(lobbyWrapper) {
let playerData = [];
let adminId = (await lobbyWrapper.admin()).id;
for (let player of await lobbyWrapper.players())
wins: await player.wins({lobbyId:}),
username: await player.username(),
isAdmin: ( === adminId)
playerData.sort((a, b) => (a.isAdmin? -1 : (b.wins - a.wins) ||;
return playerData;
* Gets data for all words of a lobby
* @param lobbyWrapper
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async function getWordsData(lobbyWrapper) {
let wordList = [];
for (let word of await lobbyWrapper.words())
wordList.push(await word.content());
return wordList;
* Returns a completely resolved grid
* @param lobbyId
* @param playerId
* @returns {Promise<{bingo: boolean, fields: Array}>}
async function getGridData(lobbyId, playerId) {
let playerWrapper = new PlayerWrapper(playerId);
let lobbyWrapper = new LobbyWrapper(lobbyId);
let grid = await playerWrapper.grid({lobbyId: lobbyId});
let fields = await grid.fields();
let fieldGrid = [];
for (let i = 0; i < await lobbyWrapper.gridSize(); i++) {
fieldGrid[i] = [];
for (let j = 0; j < await lobbyWrapper.gridSize(); j++) {
let field = fields.find(x => (x.row === i && x.column === j));
fieldGrid[i][j] = {
row: field.row,
column: field.column,
word: await field.word.content(),
submitted: field.submitted
return {fields: fieldGrid, bingo: await};
* Resolves a message wrapper object
* @param msgWrapper
* @returns {Promise<{author: {id: (*|, username: String}, id: *, content: *, timestamp: Timestamp | * | number, htmlContent: *}>}
async function resolveMessage(msgWrapper) {
return {
type: msgWrapper.type,
content: msgWrapper.content,
timestamp: msgWrapper.timestamp,
htmlContent: msgWrapper.htmlContent,
author: {
username: await
* Resolves a player wrapper object
* @param playerWrapper
* @param lobbyId
* @returns {Promise<{wins: PlayerWrapper.wins, id: *, username: (String|*)}>}
async function resolvePlayer(playerWrapper, lobbyId) {
return {
username: await playerWrapper.username(),
wins: await playerWrapper.wins({lobbyId: lobbyId})
* Resolves a fieldWrapper object
* @param fieldWrapper
* @returns {Promise<{submitted: (Object.submitted|*), column: *, bingo: boolean, row: (*)}>}
async function resolveGridField(fieldWrapper) {
return {
row: fieldWrapper.row,
column: fieldWrapper.column,
submitted: fieldWrapper.submitted,
bingo: await
* Returns resolved message data.
* @param lobbyId
* @returns {Promise<Array>}
async function getMessageData(lobbyId) {
let lobbyWrapper = new LobbyWrapper(lobbyId);
let messages = await lobbyWrapper.messages({limit: 20});
let msgReturn = [];
for (let message of messages)
msgReturn.push(Object.assign(message, {
username: await
return msgReturn;
// -- Router stuff
* Creates a lobby socket if none exists.
* @param io
* @param lobbyId
function createSocketIfNotExist(io, lobbyId) {
if (!sockets[lobbyId]) {
let lobbySocket = io.of(`/bingo/${lobbyId}`);
sockets[lobbyId] = lobbySocket;
lobbySocket.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('message', async (context, message) => {
try {
let result = await bdm.addUserMessage(lobbyId, context.playerId, message);
let messageWrapper = new MessageWrapper(result);
lobbySocket.emit('message', await resolveMessage(messageWrapper));
} catch (err) {
socket.on('messageEdit', async (context, message, messageId) => {
try {
let row = await bdm.getMessageData(messageId);
if (row.player_id === Number(context.playerId)) {
let result = await bdm.editMessage(messageId, message);
let messageWrapper = new MessageWrapper(result);
lobbySocket.emit('messageEdit', await resolveMessage(messageWrapper));
} else {
socket.emit('userError', "You are only allowed to edit your messages.");
} catch (err) {
socket.on('messageDelete', async (context, messageId) => {
try {
let row = await bdm.getMessageData(messageId);
if (row.player_id === Number(context.playerId)) {
await bdm.deleteMessage(messageId);
lobbySocket.emit('messageDelete', messageId);
} catch (err) {
socket.on('fieldToggle', async (context, location) => {
let {row, column} = location;
let result = await (await (new PlayerWrapper(context.playerId)).grid({lobbyId: lobbyId}))
.toggleField(row, column);
socket.emit('fieldChange', await resolveGridField(result));
let bdm = new BingoDataManager(pgPool);
router.init = async (bingoIo, io) => {
await bdm.init();
for (let id of await bdm.getLobbyIds())
createSocketIfNotExist(io, id);
router.use(async (req, res, next) => {
if (req.session.bingoPlayerId)
await bdm.updatePlayerExpiration(req.session.bingoPlayerId);
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
let playerId = req.session.bingoPlayerId;
let info = req.session.acceptedCookies? null: globals.cookieInfo;
let lobbyWrapper = new LobbyWrapper(req.query.g);
let playerWrapper = new PlayerWrapper(playerId);
if (playerId && await playerWrapper.exists() && req.query.g && await lobbyWrapper.exists()) {
let lobbyId = req.query.g;
createSocketIfNotExist(io, lobbyId);
if (!(await lobbyWrapper.roundActive() && await playerWrapper.hasGrid(lobbyId))) {
if (!await lobbyWrapper.hasPlayer(playerId))
await lobbyWrapper.addPlayer(playerId);
let playerData = await getPlayerData(lobbyWrapper);
let words = await getWordsData(lobbyWrapper);
let admin = await lobbyWrapper.admin();
res.render('bingo/bingo-lobby', {
players: playerData,
isAdmin: (playerId ===,
words: words,
wordString: words.join('\n'),
gridSize: await lobbyWrapper.gridSize(),
info: info,
messages: await getMessageData(lobbyId)
} else {
if (await lobbyWrapper.hasPlayer(playerId) && await playerWrapper.hasGrid(lobbyId)) {
let playerData = await getPlayerData(lobbyWrapper);
let grid = await getGridData(lobbyId, playerId);
let admin = await lobbyWrapper.admin();
res.render('bingo/bingo-round', {
players: playerData,
grid: grid,
isAdmin: (playerId ===,
info: info,
messages: await getMessageData(lobbyId)
} else {
} else {
res.render('bingo/bingo-create', {
info: info,
username: await playerWrapper.username(),
changelog: md.render(globals.changelog),
primaryJoin: (req.query.g && await lobbyWrapper.exists())
router.graphqlResolver = async (req, res) => {
let playerId = req.session.bingoPlayerId;
if (playerId)
await bdm.updatePlayerExpiration(playerId);
return {
// queries
lobby: async ({id}) => {
await bdm.updateLobbyExpiration(id);
return new LobbyWrapper(id);
player: ({id}) => {
if (id)
return new PlayerWrapper(id);
if (playerId)
return new PlayerWrapper(playerId);
// mutations
setUsername: async ({username}) => {
username = replaceTagSigns(username.substring(0, 30)).replace(/[\n\t👑🌟]|^\s+|\s+$/gu, ''); // only allow 30 characters
if (username.length > 0) {
let playerWrapper = new PlayerWrapper(playerId);
if (!playerId || !(await playerWrapper.exists())) {
req.session.bingoPlayerId = (await bdm.addPlayer(username)).id;
playerId = req.session.bingoPlayerId;
} else {
let oldName = await playerWrapper.username();
await bdm.updatePlayerUsername(playerId, username);
if (req.query.g) {
let lobbyWrapper = new LobbyWrapper(req.query.g);
if (await lobbyWrapper.exists()) {
await resolvePlayer(new PlayerWrapper(playerId), req.query.g));
await lobbyWrapper.addInfoMessage(`${oldName} changed username to ${username}`);
return new PlayerWrapper(playerId);
} else {
return new GraphQLError('Username too short!');
createLobby: async({gridSize}) => {
if (playerId)
if (gridSize > 0 && gridSize < 10) {
let result = await bdm.createLobby(playerId, gridSize);
return new LobbyWrapper(, result);
} else {
mutateLobby: async ({id}) => {
let lobbyId = id;
createSocketIfNotExist(io, lobbyId);
await bdm.updateLobbyExpiration(lobbyId);
let lobbyWrapper = new LobbyWrapper(lobbyId);
return {
join: async () => {
if (playerId) {
await lobbyWrapper.addPlayer(playerId);
return lobbyWrapper;
} else {
leave: async () => {
if (playerId) {
await lobbyWrapper.removePlayer(playerId);
return true;
} else {
kickPlayer: async ({pid}) => {
let admin = await lobbyWrapper.admin();
if ( === playerId) {
await lobbyWrapper.removePlayer(pid);
return new PlayerWrapper(pid);
} else {
return new GraphQLError('You are not an admin');
startRound: async () => {
let admin = await lobbyWrapper.admin();
if ( === playerId) {
await lobbyWrapper.startNewRound();
return lobbyWrapper.currentRound();
} else {
return new GraphQLError('You are not an admin');
setRoundStatus: async ({status}) => {
let admin = await lobbyWrapper.admin();
if ( === playerId) {
return await lobbyWrapper.setRoundStatus(status);
} else {
return new GraphQLError('You are not an admin');
setGridSize: async ({gridSize}) => {
if (gridSize > 0 && gridSize < 6) {
let admin = await lobbyWrapper.admin();
if ( === playerId) {
await lobbyWrapper.setGridSize(gridSize);
return lobbyWrapper;
} else {
return new GraphQLError('You are not an admin');
} else {
return new GraphQLError('Grid size too big!');
setWords: async({words}) => {
let admin = await lobbyWrapper.admin();
if ( === playerId)
if (words.length < 10000) {
await lobbyWrapper.setWords(words);
return lobbyWrapper;
} else {
res.status(413); // request entity too large
return new GraphQLError('Too many words');
res.status(403); // forbidden
sendMessage: async ({message}) => {
if (await lobbyWrapper.hasPlayer(playerId)) {
let result = await bdm.addUserMessage(lobbyId, playerId, message);
return new MessageWrapper(result);
} else {
res.status(401); // unautorized
return new GraphQLError('You are not in the lobby');
submitBingo: async () => {
let isBingo = await (await (new PlayerWrapper(playerId)).grid({lobbyId: lobbyId})).bingo();
let currentRound = await lobbyWrapper.currentRound();
if (isBingo && await lobbyWrapper.hasPlayer(playerId)) {
let result = await currentRound.setWinner(playerId);
let username = await new PlayerWrapper(playerId).username();
if (result) {
await bdm.addInfoMessage(lobbyId, `**${username}** won!`);
await bdm.clearGrids(lobbyId);
return currentRound;
} else {
} else {
return new GraphQLError('Bingo check failed. This is not a bingo!');
toggleGridField: async ({location}) => {
let {row, column} = location;
return await (await (new PlayerWrapper(playerId)).grid({lobbyId: lobbyId}))
.toggleField(row, column);
module.exports = router;