You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Adding languages
## Language configuration
To add a new language, you need to add a `language` entry to the
[`languages.toml`][languages.toml] found in the root of the repository;
this `languages.toml` file is included at compilation time, and is
distinct from the `languages.toml` file in the user's [configuration
name = "mylang"
scope = "scope.mylang"
injection-regex = "^mylang$"
file-types = ["mylang", "myl"]
comment-token = "#"
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
These are the available keys and descriptions for the file.
| Key | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| `name` | The name of the language |
| `scope` | A string like `source.js` that identifies the language. Currently, we strive to match the scope names used by popular TextMate grammars and by the Linguist library. Usually `source.<name>` or `text.<name>` in case of markup languages |
| `injection-regex` | regex pattern that will be tested against a language name in order to determine whether this language should be used for a potential [language injection][treesitter-language-injection] site. |
| `file-types` | The filetypes of the language, for example `["yml", "yaml"]`. Extensions and full file names are supported. |
| `shebangs` | The interpreters from the shebang line, for example `["sh", "bash"]` |
| `roots` | A set of marker files to look for when trying to find the workspace root. For example `Cargo.lock`, `yarn.lock` |
| `auto-format` | Whether to autoformat this language when saving |
| `diagnostic-severity` | Minimal severity of diagnostic for it to be displayed. (Allowed values: `Error`, `Warning`, `Info`, `Hint`) |
| `comment-token` | The token to use as a comment-token |
| `indent` | The indent to use. Has sub keys `tab-width` and `unit` |
| `config` | Language server configuration |
| `grammar` | The tree-sitter grammar to use (defaults to the value of `name`) |
## Grammar configuration
If a tree-sitter grammar is available for the language, add a new `grammar`
entry to `languages.toml`.
name = "mylang"
source = { git = "", rev = "a250c4582510ff34767ec3b7dcdd3c24e8c8aa68" }
Grammar configuration takes these keys:
| Key | Description |
| --- | ----------- |
| `name` | The name of the tree-sitter grammar |
| `source` | The method of fetching the grammar - a table with a schema defined below |
Where `source` is a table with either these keys when using a grammar from a
git repository:
| Key | Description |
| --- | ----------- |
| `git` | A git remote URL from which the grammar should be cloned |
| `rev` | The revision (commit hash or tag) which should be fetched |
| `subpath` | A path within the grammar directory which should be built. Some grammar repositories host multiple grammars (for example `tree-sitter-typescript` and `tree-sitter-ocaml`) in subdirectories. This key is used to point `hx --grammar build` to the correct path for compilation. When omitted, the root of repository is used |
Or a `path` key with an absolute path to a locally available grammar directory.
## Queries
For a language to have syntax-highlighting and indentation among
other things, you have to add queries. Add a directory for your
language with the path `runtime/queries/<name>/`. The tree-sitter
gives more info on how to write queries.
> NOTE: When evaluating queries, the first matching query takes
precedence, which is different from other editors like neovim where
the last matching query supersedes the ones before it. See
[this issue][neovim-query-precedence] for an example.
## Common Issues
- If you get errors when running after switching branches, you may have to update the tree-sitter grammars. Run `hx --grammar fetch` to fetch the grammars and `hx --grammar build` to build any out-of-date grammars.
- If a parser is segfaulting or you want to remove the parser, make sure to remove the compiled parser in `runtime/grammar/<name>.so`
- The indents query is `indents.toml`, *not* `indents.scm`. See [this]( issue for more information.