You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

220 lines
6.7 KiB

use crate::compositor::{Component, Compositor, Context, EventResult};
use crossterm::event::{Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers};
use helix_core::Position;
use helix_view::Editor;
use helix_view::Theme;
use std::string::String;
pub struct Prompt {
4 years ago
pub prompt: String,
pub line: String,
pub cursor: usize,
4 years ago
pub completion: Vec<String>,
pub completion_selection_index: Option<usize>,
4 years ago
completion_fn: Box<dyn FnMut(&str) -> Vec<String>>,
callback_fn: Box<dyn FnMut(&mut Editor, &str)>,
impl Prompt {
pub fn new(
4 years ago
prompt: String,
4 years ago
mut completion_fn: impl FnMut(&str) -> Vec<String> + 'static,
callback_fn: impl FnMut(&mut Editor, &str) + 'static,
) -> Prompt {
Prompt {
4 years ago
line: String::new(),
cursor: 0,
4 years ago
completion: completion_fn(""),
completion_selection_index: None,
completion_fn: Box::new(completion_fn),
callback_fn: Box::new(callback_fn),
pub fn insert_char(&mut self, c: char) {
4 years ago
self.line.insert(self.cursor, c);
self.cursor += 1;
self.completion = (self.completion_fn)(&self.line);
pub fn move_char_left(&mut self) {
self.cursor = self.cursor.saturating_sub(1)
pub fn move_char_right(&mut self) {
4 years ago
if self.cursor < self.line.len() {
self.cursor += 1;
pub fn move_start(&mut self) {
4 years ago
self.cursor = 0;
pub fn move_end(&mut self) {
4 years ago
self.cursor = self.line.len();
pub fn delete_char_backwards(&mut self) {
4 years ago
if self.cursor > 0 {
self.line.remove(self.cursor - 1);
self.cursor -= 1;
self.completion = (self.completion_fn)(&self.line);
pub fn change_completion_selection(&mut self) {
if self.completion.is_empty() {
let index =|i| i + 1).unwrap_or(0) % self.completion.len();
self.completion_selection_index = Some(index);
self.line = self.completion[index].clone();
pub fn exit_selection(&mut self) {
self.completion_selection_index = None;
use tui::{
buffer::Buffer as Surface,
style::{Color, Modifier, Style},
const BASE_WIDTH: u16 = 30;
use crate::ui::text_color;
impl Prompt {
pub fn render_prompt(&self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, theme: &Theme) {
let text_color = text_color();
// completion
if !self.completion.is_empty() {
// TODO: find out better way of clearing individual lines of the screen
let mut row = 0;
let mut col = 0;
let max_col = area.width / BASE_WIDTH;
let col_height = ((self.completion.len() as u16 + max_col - 1) / max_col);
for i in (3..col_height + 3) {
area.height - i as u16,
" ".repeat(area.width as usize),
Rect::new(0, area.height - col_height - 2, area.width, col_height),
for (i, command) in self.completion.iter().enumerate() {
let color = if self.completion_selection_index.is_some()
&& i == self.completion_selection_index.unwrap()
Style::default().bg(Color::Rgb(104, 060, 232))
} else {
1 + col * BASE_WIDTH,
area.height - col_height - 2 + row,
BASE_WIDTH as usize - 1,
row += 1;
if row > col_height - 1 {
row = 0;
col += 1;
if col > max_col {
let line = area.height - 1;
// render buffer text
surface.set_string(0, line, &self.prompt, text_color);
surface.set_string(self.prompt.len() as u16, line, &self.line, text_color);
impl Component for Prompt {
fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Event, cx: &mut Context) -> EventResult {
let event = match event {
Event::Key(event) => event,
_ => return EventResult::Ignored,
let close_fn = EventResult::Consumed(Some(Box::new(|compositor: &mut Compositor| {
// remove the layer
match event {
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Char(c),
modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE,
} => self.insert_char(c),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Esc, ..
} => {
return close_fn;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Right,
} => self.move_char_right(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Left,
} => self.move_char_left(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Char('e'),
modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL,
} => self.move_end(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Char('a'),
modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL,
} => self.move_start(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Backspace,
modifiers: KeyModifiers::NONE,
} => self.delete_char_backwards(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Enter,
} => {
(self.callback_fn)(cx.editor, &self.line);
return close_fn;
4 years ago
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Tab, ..
} => self.change_completion_selection(),
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::Char('q'),
modifiers: KeyModifiers::CONTROL,
} => self.exit_selection(),
_ => (),
fn render(&self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) {
self.render_prompt(area, surface, &cx.editor.theme)
fn cursor_position(&self, area: Rect, ctx: &mut Context) -> Option<Position> {
area.height as usize,
area.x as usize + self.prompt.len() + self.cursor,