//! When typing the opening character of one of the possible pairs defined below,
//! this module provides the functionality to insert the paired closing character.
use crate::{Range, Rope, Selection, Tendril, Transaction};
use log::debug;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
// Heavily based on https://github.com/codemirror/closebrackets/
pub const PAIRS: &[(char, char)] = &[
('(', ')'),
('{', '}'),
('[', ']'),
('\'', '\''),
('"', '"'),
('`', '`'),
// [TODO] build this dynamically in language config. see #992
const OPEN_BEFORE: &str = "([{'\":;,> \n\r\u{000B}\u{000C}\u{0085}\u{2028}\u{2029}";
const CLOSE_BEFORE: &str = ")]}'\":;,> \n\r\u{000B}\u{000C}\u{0085}\u{2028}\u{2029}"; // includes space and newlines
// insert hook:
// Fn(doc, selection, char) => Option<Transaction>
// problem is, we want to do this per range, so we can call default handler for some ranges
// so maybe ret Vec<Option<Change>>
// but we also need to be able to return transactions...
// to simplify, maybe return Option<Transaction> and just reimplement the default
// [TODO]
// * delete implementation where it erases the whole bracket (|) -> |
// * do not reduce to cursors; use whole selections, and surround with pair
// * change to multi character pairs to handle cases like placing the cursor in the
// middle of triple quotes, and more exotic pairs like Jinja's {% %}
pub fn hook(doc: &Rope, selection: &Selection, ch: char) -> Option<Transaction> {
debug!("autopairs hook selection: {:#?}", selection);
let cursors = selection.clone().cursors(doc.slice(..));
for &(open, close) in PAIRS {
if open == ch {
if open == close {
return Some(handle_same(doc, &cursors, open, CLOSE_BEFORE, OPEN_BEFORE));
} else {
return Some(handle_open(doc, &cursors, open, close, CLOSE_BEFORE));
if close == ch {
// && char_at pos == close
return Some(handle_close(doc, &cursors, open, close));
fn prev_char(doc: &Rope, pos: usize) -> Option<char> {
if pos == 0 {
return None;
doc.get_char(pos - 1)
fn handle_open(
doc: &Rope,
selection: &Selection,
open: char,
close: char,
close_before: &str,
) -> Transaction {
let mut end_ranges = SmallVec::with_capacity(selection.len());
let mut offs = 0;
let transaction = Transaction::change_by_selection(doc, selection, |start_range| {
let start_head = start_range.head;
let next = doc.get_char(start_head);
let end_head = start_head + offs + open.len_utf8();
let end_anchor = if start_range.is_empty() {
} else {
start_range.anchor + offs
end_ranges.push(Range::new(end_anchor, end_head));
match next {
Some(ch) if !close_before.contains(ch) => {
offs += open.len_utf8();
(start_head, start_head, Some(Tendril::from_char(open)))
// None | Some(ch) if close_before.contains(ch) => {}
_ => {
// insert open & close
let pair = Tendril::from_iter([open, close]);
offs += open.len_utf8() + close.len_utf8();
(start_head, start_head, Some(pair))
let t = transaction.with_selection(Selection::new(end_ranges, selection.primary_index()));
debug!("auto pair transaction: {:#?}", t);
fn handle_close(doc: &Rope, selection: &Selection, _open: char, close: char) -> Transaction {
let mut end_ranges = SmallVec::with_capacity(selection.len());
let mut offs = 0;
let transaction = Transaction::change_by_selection(doc, selection, |start_range| {
let start_head = start_range.head;
let next = doc.get_char(start_head);
let end_head = start_head + offs + close.len_utf8();
let end_anchor = if start_range.is_empty() {
} else {
start_range.anchor + offs
end_ranges.push(Range::new(end_anchor, end_head));
if next == Some(close) {
// return transaction that moves past close
(start_head, start_head, None) // no-op
} else {
offs += close.len_utf8();
(start_head, start_head, Some(Tendril::from_char(close)))
transaction.with_selection(Selection::new(end_ranges, selection.primary_index()))
/// handle cases where open and close is the same, or in triples ("""docstring""")
fn handle_same(
doc: &Rope,
selection: &Selection,
token: char,
close_before: &str,
open_before: &str,
) -> Transaction {
let mut end_ranges = SmallVec::with_capacity(selection.len());
let mut offs = 0;
let transaction = Transaction::change_by_selection(doc, selection, |start_range| {
let start_head = start_range.head;
let end_head = start_head + offs + token.len_utf8();
// if selection, retain anchor, if cursor, move over
let end_anchor = if start_range.is_empty() {
} else {
start_range.anchor + offs
end_ranges.push(Range::new(end_anchor, end_head));
let next = doc.get_char(start_head);
let prev = prev_char(doc, start_head);
if next == Some(token) {
// return transaction that moves past close
(start_head, start_head, None) // no-op
} else {
let mut pair = Tendril::with_capacity(2 * token.len_utf8() as u32);
// for equal pairs, don't insert both open and close if either
// side has a non-pair char
if (next.is_none() || close_before.contains(next.unwrap()))
&& (prev.is_none() || open_before.contains(prev.unwrap()))
offs += pair.len();
(start_head, start_head, Some(pair))
transaction.with_selection(Selection::new(end_ranges, selection.primary_index()))
mod test {
use super::*;
use smallvec::smallvec;
fn differing_pairs() -> impl Iterator<Item = &'static (char, char)> {
PAIRS.iter().filter(|(open, close)| open != close)
fn matching_pairs() -> impl Iterator<Item = &'static (char, char)> {
PAIRS.iter().filter(|(open, close)| open == close)
fn test_hooks(
in_doc: &Rope,
in_sel: &Selection,
ch: char,
expected_doc: &Rope,
expected_sel: &Selection,
) {
let trans = hook(&in_doc, &in_sel, ch).unwrap();
let mut actual_doc = in_doc.clone();
assert!(trans.apply(&mut actual_doc));
assert_eq!(expected_doc, &actual_doc);
assert_eq!(expected_sel, trans.selection().unwrap());
fn test_hooks_with_pairs<I, F, R>(
in_doc: &Rope,
in_sel: &Selection,
pairs: I,
get_expected_doc: F,
actual_sel: &Selection,
) where
I: IntoIterator<Item = &'static (char, char)>,
F: Fn(char, char) -> R,
R: Into<Rope>,
Rope: From<R>,
pairs.into_iter().for_each(|(open, close)| {
&Rope::from(get_expected_doc(*open, *close)),
// [] indicates range
/// [] -> insert ( -> ([])
fn test_insert_blank() {
&Selection::single(1, 0),
|open, close| format!("{}{}", open, close),
&Selection::single(1, 1),
/// [] ([])
/// [] -> insert -> ([])
/// [] ([])
fn test_insert_blank_multi_cursor() {
smallvec!(Range::new(1, 0), Range::new(2, 1), Range::new(3, 2),),
|open, close| {
open = open,
close = close
smallvec!(Range::point(1), Range::point(4), Range::point(7),),
// [TODO] broken until it works with selections
/// fo[o] -> append ( -> fo[o(])
fn test_append() {
&Selection::single(2, 4),
|open, close| format!("foo{}{}", open, close),
&Selection::single(2, 5),
/// ([]) -> insert ) -> ()[]
fn test_insert_close_inside_pair() {
for (open, close) in PAIRS {
let doc = Rope::from(format!("{}{}", open, close));
&Selection::single(2, 1),
/// ([]) ()[]
/// ([]) -> insert ) -> ()[]
/// ([]) ()[]
fn test_insert_close_inside_pair_multi_cursor() {
let sel = Selection::new(
smallvec!(Range::new(2, 1), Range::new(5, 4), Range::new(8, 7),),
let expected_sel = Selection::new(
// smallvec!(Range::new(3, 2), Range::new(6, 5), Range::new(9, 8),),
smallvec!(Range::point(2), Range::point(5), Range::point(8),),
for (open, close) in PAIRS {
let doc = Rope::from(format!(
open = open,
close = close
test_hooks(&doc, &sel, *close, &doc, &expected_sel);
/// ([]) -> insert ( -> (([]))
fn test_insert_open_inside_pair() {
let sel = Selection::single(2, 1);
let expected_sel = Selection::point(2);
for (open, close) in differing_pairs() {
let doc = Rope::from(format!("{}{}", open, close));
let expected_doc = Rope::from(format!(
open = open,
close = close
test_hooks(&doc, &sel, *open, &expected_doc, &expected_sel);
/// ([]) -> insert " -> ("[]")
fn test_insert_nested_open_inside_pair() {
let sel = Selection::single(2, 1);
let expected_sel = Selection::point(2);
for (outer_open, outer_close) in differing_pairs() {
let doc = Rope::from(format!("{}{}", outer_open, outer_close,));
for (inner_open, inner_close) in matching_pairs() {
let expected_doc = Rope::from(format!(
outer_open, inner_open, inner_close, outer_close
test_hooks(&doc, &sel, *inner_open, &expected_doc, &expected_sel);
/// []word -> insert ( -> ([]word
fn test_insert_open_before_non_pair() {
&Selection::single(1, 0),
|open, _| format!("{}word", open),
// [TODO] broken until it works with selections
/// [wor]d -> insert ( -> ([wor]d
fn test_insert_open_with_selection() {
&Selection::single(0, 4),
|open, _| format!("{}word", open),
&Selection::single(1, 5),
/// we want pairs that are *not* the same char to be inserted after
/// a non-pair char, for cases like functions, but for pairs that are
/// the same char, we want to *not* insert a pair to handle cases like "I'm"
/// word[] -> insert ( -> word([])
/// word[] -> insert ' -> word'[]
fn test_insert_open_after_non_pair() {
let doc = Rope::from("word");
let sel = Selection::single(5, 4);
let expected_sel = Selection::point(5);
|open, close| format!("word{}{}", open, close),
|open, _| format!("word{}", open),