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Object.assign(, {"doc_urls":["install.html#installation","install.html#osx","install.html#linux","install.html#nixos","install.html#arch-linux","install.html#build-from-source","usage.html#usage","configuration.html#configuration","keymap.html#keymap","keymap.html#normal-mode","keymap.html#movement","keymap.html#changes","keymap.html#selection-manipulation","keymap.html#search","keymap.html#select--extend-mode","keymap.html#view-mode","keymap.html#goto-mode","keymap.html#object-mode","keymap.html#space-mode","hooks.html#hooks"],"index":{"documentStore":{"docInfo":{"0":{"body":7,"breadcrumbs":2,"title":1},"1":{"body":10,"breadcrumbs":2,"title":1},"10":{"body":119,"breadcrumbs":3,"title":1},"11":{"body":63,"breadcrumbs":3,"title":1},"12":{"body":74,"breadcrumbs":4,"title":2},"13":{"body":33,"breadcrumbs":3,"title":1},"14":{"body":24,"breadcrumbs":5,"title":3},"15":{"body":40,"breadcrumbs":4,"title":2},"16":{"body":30,"breadcrumbs":4,"title":2},"17":{"body":6,"breadcrumbs":4,"title":2},"18":{"body":42,"breadcrumbs":4,"title":2},"19":{"body":0,"breadcrumbs":3,"title":1},"2":{"body":0,"breadcrumbs":2,"title":1},"3":{"body":15,"breadcrumbs":2,"title":1},"4":{"body":2,"breadcrumbs":3,"title":2},"5":{"body":38,"breadcrumbs":3,"title":2},"6":{"body":0,"breadcrumbs":2,"title":1},"7":{"body":0,"breadcrumbs":2,"title":1},"8":{"body":0,"breadcrumbs":3,"title":1},"9":{"body":0,"breadcrumbs":4,"title":2}},"docs":{"0":{"body":"We provide pre-built binaries on the GitHub Releases page .","breadcrumbs":"Installation » Installation","id":"0","title":"Installation"},"1":{"body":"TODO: brew tap $ brew tap helix-editor/helix\n$ brew install helix","breadcrumbs":"Installation » OSX","id":"1","title":"OSX"},"10":{"body":"Key Description h move left j move down k move up l move right w move next word start b move previous word start e move next word end t find 'till next char f find next char T find 'till previous char F find previous char ^ move to the start of the line $ move to the end of the line m Jump to matching bracket PageUp Move page up PageDown Move page down ctrl-u Move half page up ctrl-d Move half page down Tab Switch to next view ctrl-i Jump forward on the jumplist TODO: conflicts tab ctrl-o Jump backward on the jumplist v Enter select (extend) mode g Enter goto mode : Enter command mode z Enter view mode space Enter space mode K Show documentation for the item under the cursor","breadcrumbs":"Configuration » Keymap » Movement","id":"10","title":"Movement"},"11":{"body":"Key Description r replace (single character change) i Insert before selection a Insert after selection (append) I Insert at the start of the line A Insert at the end of the line o Open new line below selection o Open new line above selection u Undo change U Redo change y Yank selection p Paste after selection P Paste before selection > Indent selection < Unindent selection = Format selection d Delete selection c Change selection (delete and enter insert mode)","breadcrumbs":"Configuration » Keymap » Changes","id":"11","title":"Changes"},"12":{"body":"Key Description s Select all regex matches inside selections S Split selection into subselections on regex matches alt-s Split selection on newlines ; Collapse selection onto a single cursor alt-; Flip selection cursor and anchor % Select entire file x Select current line X Extend to next line [ Expand selection to parent syntax node TODO: pick a key J join lines inside selection K keep selections matching the regex TODO: overlapped by hover help space keep only the primary selection TODO: overlapped by space mode ctrl-c Comment/uncomment the selections","breadcrumbs":"Configuration » Keymap » Selection manipulation","id":"12","title":"Selection manipulation"},"13":{"body":"TODO: The search implementation isn't ideal yet -- we don't support searching in reverse, or searching via smartcase. Key Description / Search for regex pattern n Select next search match N Add next search match to selection * Use current selection as the search pattern","breadcrumbs":"Configuration » Keymap » Search","id":"