You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
5.9 KiB

use anyhow::{Context, Error, Result};
use crossterm::event::EventStream;
use helix_loader::VERSION_AND_GIT_HASH;
use helix_term::application::Application;
use helix_term::args::Args;
use helix_term::config::{Config, ConfigLoadError};
4 years ago
fn setup_logging(verbosity: u64) -> Result<()> {
let mut base_config = fern::Dispatch::new();
base_config = match verbosity {
0 => base_config.level(log::LevelFilter::Warn),
1 => base_config.level(log::LevelFilter::Info),
2 => base_config.level(log::LevelFilter::Debug),
_3_or_more => base_config.level(log::LevelFilter::Trace),
// Separate file config so we can include year, month and day in file logs
let file_config = fern::Dispatch::new()
.format(|out, message, record| {
"{} {} [{}] {}",
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let exit_code = main_impl()?;
async fn main_impl() -> Result<i32> {
let help = format!(
{} {}
hx [FLAGS] [files]...
<files>... Sets the input file to use, position can also be specified via file[:row[:col]]
-h, --help Prints help information
--tutor Loads the tutorial
--health [CATEGORY] Checks for potential errors in editor setup
CATEGORY can be a language or one of 'clipboard', 'languages'
or 'all'. 'all' is the default if not specified.
-g, --grammar {{fetch|build}} Fetches or builds tree-sitter grammars listed in languages.toml
-c, --config <file> Specifies a file to use for configuration
-v Increases logging verbosity each use for up to 3 times
--log <file> Specifies a file to use for logging
(default file: {})
-V, --version Prints version information
--vsplit Splits all given files vertically into different windows
--hsplit Splits all given files horizontally into different windows
-w, --working-dir <path> Specify an initial working directory
+N Open the first given file at line number N
let mut args = Args::parse_args().context("could not parse arguments")?;
// Help has a higher priority and should be handled separately.
if args.display_help {
print!("{}", help);
if args.display_version {
println!("helix {}", VERSION_AND_GIT_HASH);
if {
if let Err(err) = helix_term::health::print_health(args.health_arg) {
// Piping to for example `head -10` requires special handling:
if err.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe {
return Err(err.into());
if args.fetch_grammars {
return Ok(0);
if args.build_grammars {
return Ok(0);
setup_logging(args.verbosity).context("failed to initialize logging")?;
// Before setting the working directory, resolve all the paths in args.files
for (path, _) in args.files.iter_mut() {
*path = helix_stdx::path::canonicalize(&path);
// NOTE: Set the working directory early so the correct configuration is loaded. Be aware that
// Application::new() depends on this logic so it must be updated if this changes.
if let Some(path) = &args.working_directory {
} else if let Some((path, _)) = args.files.first().filter(|p| p.0.is_dir()) {
// If the first file is a directory, it will be the working directory unless -w was specified
let config = match Config::load_default() {
Ok(config) => config,
Err(ConfigLoadError::Error(err)) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
Err(ConfigLoadError::Error(err)) => return Err(Error::new(err)),
Err(ConfigLoadError::BadConfig(err)) => {
eprintln!("Bad config: {}", err);
eprintln!("Press <ENTER> to continue with default config");
use std::io::Read;
let _ = std::io::stdin().read(&mut []);
Add glob file type support (#8006) * Replace FileType::Suffix with FileType::Glob Suffix is rather limited and cannot be used to match files which have semantic meaning based on location + file type (for example, Github Action workflow files). This patch adds support for a Glob FileType to replace Suffix, which encompasses the existing behavior & adds additional file matching functionality. Globs are standard Unix-style path globs, which are matched against the absolute path of the file. If the configured glob for a language is a relative glob (that is, it isn't an absolute path or already starts with a glob pattern), a glob pattern will be prepended to allow matching relative paths from any directory. The order of file type matching is also updated to first match on globs and then on extension. This is necessary as most cases where glob-matching is useful will have already been matched by an extension if glob matching is done last. * Convert file-types suffixes to globs * Use globs for filename matching Trying to match the file-type raw strings against both filename and extension leads to files with the same name as the extension having the incorrect syntax. * Match dockerfiles with suffixes It's common practice to add a suffix to dockerfiles based on their context, e.g. ``, ``, etc. * Make env filetype matching more generic Match on `.env` or any `.env.*` files. * Update docs * Use GlobSet to match all file type globs at once * Update todo.txt glob patterns * Consolidate language Configuration and Loader creation This is a refactor that improves the error handling for creating the `helix_core::syntax::Loader` from the default and user language configuration. * Fix integration tests * Add additional starlark file-type glob --------- Co-authored-by: Michael Davis <>
7 months ago
let lang_loader = helix_core::config::user_lang_loader().unwrap_or_else(|err| {
eprintln!("{}", err);
eprintln!("Press <ENTER> to continue with default language config");
use std::io::Read;
// This waits for an enter press.
let _ = std::io::stdin().read(&mut []);
Add glob file type support (#8006) * Replace FileType::Suffix with FileType::Glob Suffix is rather limited and cannot be used to match files which have semantic meaning based on location + file type (for example, Github Action workflow files). This patch adds support for a Glob FileType to replace Suffix, which encompasses the existing behavior & adds additional file matching functionality. Globs are standard Unix-style path globs, which are matched against the absolute path of the file. If the configured glob for a language is a relative glob (that is, it isn't an absolute path or already starts with a glob pattern), a glob pattern will be prepended to allow matching relative paths from any directory. The order of file type matching is also updated to first match on globs and then on extension. This is necessary as most cases where glob-matching is useful will have already been matched by an extension if glob matching is done last. * Convert file-types suffixes to globs * Use globs for filename matching Trying to match the file-type raw strings against both filename and extension leads to files with the same name as the extension having the incorrect syntax. * Match dockerfiles with suffixes It's common practice to add a suffix to dockerfiles based on their context, e.g. ``, ``, etc. * Make env filetype matching more generic Match on `.env` or any `.env.*` files. * Update docs * Use GlobSet to match all file type globs at once * Update todo.txt glob patterns * Consolidate language Configuration and Loader creation This is a refactor that improves the error handling for creating the `helix_core::syntax::Loader` from the default and user language configuration. * Fix integration tests * Add additional starlark file-type glob --------- Co-authored-by: Michael Davis <>
7 months ago
3 years ago
// TODO: use the thread local executor to spawn the application task separately from the work pool
Add glob file type support (#8006) * Replace FileType::Suffix with FileType::Glob Suffix is rather limited and cannot be used to match files which have semantic meaning based on location + file type (for example, Github Action workflow files). This patch adds support for a Glob FileType to replace Suffix, which encompasses the existing behavior & adds additional file matching functionality. Globs are standard Unix-style path globs, which are matched against the absolute path of the file. If the configured glob for a language is a relative glob (that is, it isn't an absolute path or already starts with a glob pattern), a glob pattern will be prepended to allow matching relative paths from any directory. The order of file type matching is also updated to first match on globs and then on extension. This is necessary as most cases where glob-matching is useful will have already been matched by an extension if glob matching is done last. * Convert file-types suffixes to globs * Use globs for filename matching Trying to match the file-type raw strings against both filename and extension leads to files with the same name as the extension having the incorrect syntax. * Match dockerfiles with suffixes It's common practice to add a suffix to dockerfiles based on their context, e.g. ``, ``, etc. * Make env filetype matching more generic Match on `.env` or any `.env.*` files. * Update docs * Use GlobSet to match all file type globs at once * Update todo.txt glob patterns * Consolidate language Configuration and Loader creation This is a refactor that improves the error handling for creating the `helix_core::syntax::Loader` from the default and user language configuration. * Fix integration tests * Add additional starlark file-type glob --------- Co-authored-by: Michael Davis <>
7 months ago
let mut app =
Application::new(args, config, lang_loader).context("unable to create new application")?;
let exit_code = EventStream::new()).await?;
4 years ago