You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
3.3 KiB

;; From nvim-treesitter, contributed by @ObserverOfTime et al.
; Variables
(variable) @variable
((variable) @constant.builtin
(#eq? @constant.builtin "$ENV"))
((variable) @constant.builtin
(#eq? @constant.builtin "$__loc__"))
; Properties
(identifier) @variable.other.member)
; Labels
label: (variable) @label)
break_statement: (variable) @label)
; Literals
(number) @constant.numeric
(string) @string
] @constant.builtin.boolean
"null" @type.builtin
; Interpolation
] @special
; Format
(format) @attribute
; Functions
(identifier) @function)
(identifier) @variable.parameter)
] @function.builtin
((funcname) @function
; jq -n 'builtins | map(split("/")[0]) | unique | .[]'
((funcname) @function.builtin
(#any-of? @function.builtin
"IN" "INDEX" "JOIN" "abs" "acos" "acosh" "add" "all" "any" "arrays" "ascii_downcase"
"ascii_upcase" "asin" "asinh" "atan" "atan2" "atanh" "booleans" "bsearch" "builtins" "capture"
"cbrt" "ceil" "combinations" "contains" "copysign" "cos" "cosh" "debug" "del" "delpaths" "drem"
"empty" "endswith" "env" "erf" "erfc" "error" "exp" "exp10" "exp2" "explode" "expm1" "fabs"
"fdim" "finites" "first" "flatten" "floor" "fma" "fmax" "fmin" "fmod" "format" "frexp"
"from_entries" "fromdate" "fromdateiso8601" "fromjson" "fromstream" "gamma" "get_jq_origin"
"get_prog_origin" "get_search_list" "getpath" "gmtime" "group_by" "gsub" "halt" "halt_error"
"has" "hypot" "implode" "in" "index" "indices" "infinite" "input" "input_filename"
"input_line_number" "inputs" "inside" "isempty" "isfinite" "isinfinite" "isnan" "isnormal"
"iterables" "j0" "j1" "jn" "join" "keys" "keys_unsorted" "last" "ldexp" "length" "lgamma"
"lgamma_r" "limit" "localtime" "log" "log10" "log1p" "log2" "logb" "ltrimstr" "map" "map_values"
"match" "max" "max_by" "min" "min_by" "mktime" "modf" "modulemeta" "nan" "nearbyint" "nextafter"
"nexttoward" "normals" "not" "now" "nth" "nulls" "numbers" "objects" "path" "paths" "pick" "pow"
"pow10" "range" "recurse" "remainder" "repeat" "reverse" "rindex" "rint" "round" "rtrimstr"
"scalars" "scalb" "scalbln" "scan" "select" "setpath" "significand" "sin" "sinh" "sort"
"sort_by" "split" "splits" "sqrt" "startswith" "stderr" "strflocaltime" "strftime" "strings"
"strptime" "sub" "tan" "tanh" "test" "tgamma" "to_entries" "todate" "todateiso8601" "tojson"
"tonumber" "tostream" "tostring" "transpose" "trunc" "truncate_stream" "type" "unique"
"unique_by" "until" "utf8bytelength" "values" "walk" "while" "with_entries" "y0" "y1" "yn"))
; Keywords
] @keyword
] @keyword.control.import
] @keyword.control.conditional
] @keyword.control.exception
] @keyword.operator
; Operators
(recurse) ; ".."
] @operator
; Punctuation
] @punctuation.delimiter
] @punctuation.bracket
; Comments
(comment) @comment.line