Simplify with ? operator

SoraTenshi 1 year ago
parent f148367131
commit 06d73e1591

@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ pub fn diagnostic<'doc>(
move |line: Option<usize>, _selected: bool, first_visual_line: bool, out: &mut String| {
if !first_visual_line || line.is_none() {
if !first_visual_line {
return None;
let line = line.expect("line exists");
let line = line?;
use helix_core::diagnostic::Severity;
if let Ok(index) = diagnostics.binary_search_by_key(&line, |d| d.line) {
let after = diagnostics[index..].iter().take_while(|d| d.line == line);
@ -115,10 +115,7 @@ pub fn diff<'doc>(
// we need to special case removals here
// these technically do not have a range of lines to highlight (`hunk.after.start == hunk.after.end`).
// However we still want to display these hunks correctly we must not yet skip to the next hunk here
if line.is_none() {
return None;
let line = line.expect("line exists");
let line = line?;
while hunk.after.end < line as u32
|| !hunk.is_pure_removal() && line as u32 == hunk.after.end
@ -179,11 +176,7 @@ pub fn line_numbers<'doc>(
move |line: Option<usize>, selected: bool, first_visual_line: bool, out: &mut String| {
if line.is_none() {
return None;
let line = line.expect("line exists");
let line = line?;
if line == last_line_in_view && !draw_last {
write!(out, "{:>1$}", '~', width).unwrap();
@ -275,10 +268,10 @@ pub fn breakpoints<'doc>(
move |line: Option<usize>, _selected: bool, first_visual_line: bool, out: &mut String| {
if !first_visual_line || line.is_none() {
if !first_visual_line {
return None;
let line = line.expect("line exists");
let line = line?;
let breakpoint = breakpoints
.find(|breakpoint| breakpoint.line == line)?;
