@ -61,99 +61,110 @@ pub fn move_vertically(
pub fn move_next_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, mut pos: usize, count: usize) -> usize {
pub fn move_next_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, mut begin: usize, count: usize) -> Option<Range> {
let mut end = begin;
for _ in 0..count {
if pos + 1 == slice.len_chars() {
return pos;
if begin + 1 == slice.len_chars() {
return None;
let mut ch = slice.char(pos);
let next = slice.char(pos + 1);
let mut ch = slice.char(begin);
let next = slice.char(begin + 1);
// if we're at the end of a word, or on whitespce right before new one
if categorize(ch) != categorize(next) {
pos += 1;
ch = next;
begin += 1;
// return if not skip while?
skip_over_next(slice, &mut begin, |ch| ch == '\n');
ch = slice.char(begin);
end = begin + 1;
if is_word(ch) {
skip_over_next(slice, &mut pos, is_word);
skip_over_next(slice, &mut end, is_word);
} else if ch.is_ascii_punctuation() {
skip_over_next(slice, &mut pos, |ch| ch.is_ascii_punctuation());
skip_over_next(slice, &mut end, |ch| ch.is_ascii_punctuation());
// TODO: don't include newline?
skip_over_next(slice, &mut pos, |ch| ch.is_ascii_whitespace());
skip_over_next(slice, &mut end, is_horiz_blank);
Some(Range::new(begin, end - 1))
pub fn move_prev_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, mut pos: usize, count: usize) -> usize {
pub fn move_prev_word_start(slice: RopeSlice, mut begin: usize, count: usize) -> Option<Range> {
let mut with_end = false;
let mut end = begin;
for _ in 0..count {
if pos == 0 {
return pos;
if begin == 0 {
return None;
let ch = slice.char(pos);
let prev = slice.char(pos - 1);
let ch = slice.char(begin);
let prev = slice.char(begin - 1);
if categorize(ch) != categorize(prev) {
pos -= 1;
begin -= 1;
// match (category c1, category c2) => {
// if c1 != c2 {
// }
// }
// return if not skip while?
skip_over_prev(slice, &mut begin, |ch| ch == '\n');
// TODO: skip while eol
end = begin;
// TODO: don't include newline?
skip_over_prev(slice, &mut pos, |ch| ch.is_ascii_whitespace());
with_end = skip_over_prev(slice, &mut end, is_horiz_blank);
// refetch
let ch = slice.char(pos);
let ch = slice.char(end);
if is_word(ch) {
skip_over_prev(slice, &mut pos, is_word);
with_end = skip_over_prev(slice, &mut end, is_word);
} else if ch.is_ascii_punctuation() {
skip_over_prev(slice, &mut pos, |ch| ch.is_ascii_punctuation());
with_end = skip_over_prev(slice, &mut end, |ch| ch.is_ascii_punctuation());
pos = pos.saturating_add(1)
// we want to include begin
Some(Range::new(begin + 1, if with_end { end } else { end + 1 }))
pub fn move_next_word_end(slice: RopeSlice, mut pos: usize, count: usize) -> usize {
pub fn move_next_word_end(slice: RopeSlice, mut begin: usize, count: usize) -> Option<Range> {
let mut end = begin;
for _ in 0..count {
if pos + 1 == slice.len_chars() {
return pos;
if begin + 1 == slice.len_chars() {
return None;
let ch = slice.char(pos);
let next = slice.char(pos + 1);
let ch = slice.char(begin);
let next = slice.char(begin + 1);
if categorize(ch) != categorize(next) {
pos += 1;
begin += 1;
// TODO: don't include newline?
skip_over_next(slice, &mut pos, |ch| ch.is_ascii_whitespace());
// return if not skip while?
skip_over_next(slice, &mut begin, |ch| ch == '\n');
end = begin;
skip_over_next(slice, &mut end, is_horiz_blank);
// refetch
let ch = slice.char(pos);
let ch = slice.char(end);
if is_word(ch) {
skip_over_next(slice, &mut pos, is_word);
skip_over_next(slice, &mut end, is_word);
} else if ch.is_ascii_punctuation() {
skip_over_next(slice, &mut pos, |ch| ch.is_ascii_punctuation());
skip_over_next(slice, &mut end, |ch| ch.is_ascii_punctuation());
pos -= 1
Some(Range::new(begin, end - 1))
// ---- util ------------
@ -164,6 +175,10 @@ fn is_word(ch: char) -> bool {
ch.is_alphanumeric() || ch == '_'
fn is_horiz_blank(ch: char) -> bool {
matches!(ch, ' ' | '\t')
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Category {
@ -201,7 +216,8 @@ where
pub fn skip_over_prev<F>(slice: RopeSlice, pos: &mut usize, fun: F)
/// Returns true if the final pos matches the predicate.
pub fn skip_over_prev<F>(slice: RopeSlice, pos: &mut usize, fun: F) -> bool
F: Fn(char) -> bool,
@ -214,6 +230,7 @@ where
*pos = pos.saturating_sub(1);
return fun(slice.char(*pos));