If installing from source, to use Helix in desktop environments that supports [XDG desktop menu](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-latest.html), including Gnome and KDE, copy the provided `.desktop` file to the correct folder:
To use Helix in desktop environments that supports [XDG desktop menu](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-latest.html), including Gnome and KDE, copy the provided `.desktop` file to the correct folder:
To use another terminal than the default, you will need to modify the `.desktop` file. For example, to use `kitty`:
sed -i "s|Exec=hx %F|Exec=kitty hx %F|g" ~/.local/share/applications/Helix.desktop
sed -i "s|Terminal=true|Terminal=false|g" ~/.local/share/applications/Helix.desktop
Please note: there is no icon for Helix yet, so the system default will be used.
## Finishing up the installation
To make sure everything is set up as expected you should finally run the helix healthcheck via
To make sure everything is set up as expected you should finally run the helix healthcheck via
hx --health
For more information on the information displayed in the healthcheck results refer to [Healthcheck](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/wiki/Healthcheck).
For more information on the information displayed in the health check results refer to [Healthcheck](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/wiki/Healthcheck).