@ -1924,6 +1924,33 @@ fn load_misc_api(engine: &mut Engine, generate_sources: bool) {
module.register_fn("send-lsp-command", send_arbitrary_lsp_command);
if generate_sources {
(provide send-lsp-command)
;; Send an lsp command. The `lsp-name` must correspond to an active lsp.
;; The method name corresponds to the method name that you'd expect to see
;; with the lsp, and the params can be passed as a hash table. The callback
;; provided will be called with whatever result is returned from the LSP,
;; deserialized from json to a steel value.
;; # Example
;; ```scheme
;; (define (view-crate-graph)
;; (send-lsp-command "rust-analyzer"
;; "rust-analyzer/viewCrateGraph"
;; (hash "full" #f)
;; ;; Callback to run with the result
;; (lambda (result) (displayln result))))
;; ```
(define (send-lsp-command lsp-name method-name params callback)
(helix.send-lsp-command *helix.cx* lsp-name method-name params callback))
let mut template_function_arity_2 = |name: &str| {
if generate_sources {
@ -2829,3 +2856,95 @@ fn move_window_to_the_right(cx: &mut Context) {
// TODO: Get LSP id correctly, and then format a json blob (or something)
// that can be serialized by serde
fn send_arbitrary_lsp_command(
cx: &mut Context,
name: SteelString,
command: SteelString,
// Arguments - these will be converted to some json stuff
json_argument: Option<SteelVal>,
callback_fn: SteelVal,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let argument = json_argument.map(|x| serde_json::Value::try_from(x).unwrap());
let (_view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
let language_server_id = anyhow::Context::context(
doc.language_servers().find(|x| x.name() == name.as_str()),
"Unable to find the language server specified!",
let future = match cx
.and_then(|language_server| {
language_server.non_standard_extension(command.to_string(), argument)
}) {
Some(future) => future,
None => {
// TODO: Come up with a better message once we check the capabilities for
// the arbitrary thing you're trying to do, since for now the above actually
// always returns a `Some`
"Language server does not support whatever command you just tried to do",
return Ok(());
let rooted = callback_fn.as_rooted();
let callback = async move {
// Result of the future - this will be whatever we get back
// from the lsp call
let res = future.await?;
let call: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Editor, &mut Compositor, &mut job::Jobs)> = Box::new(
move |editor: &mut Editor, _compositor: &mut Compositor, jobs: &mut job::Jobs| {
let mut ctx = Context {
register: None,
count: None,
callback: Vec::new(),
on_next_key_callback: None,
let cloned_func = rooted.value();
ENGINE.with(move |x| {
let mut guard = x.borrow_mut();
match SteelVal::try_from(res) {
Ok(result) => {
if let Err(e) = guard
.with_mut_reference::<Context, Context>(&mut ctx)
.consume(move |engine, args| {
let context = args[0].clone();
engine.update_value("*helix.cx*", context);
present_error_inside_engine_context(&mut ctx, &mut guard, e);
Err(e) => {
present_error_inside_engine_context(&mut ctx, &mut guard, e);