A big shout out to all the contributors! We had 46 contributors in this release.
Helix has popped up in [Scoop, FreeBSD Ports and Gentu GURU](https://repology.org/project/helix/versions)!
The following is a quick rundown of the larger changes, there were many more
(check the git history for more details).
Breaking changes:
- A couple of keymaps moved to resolve a few conflicting keybinds.
- Documentation popups were moved from `K` to `space+k`
- `K` is now `keep_selections` which filters selections to only keeps ones matching the regex
- `keep_primary_selection` moved from `space+space` to `,`
- `Alt-,` is now `remove_primary_selection` which keeps all selections except the primary one
- Opening files in a split moved from `C-h` to `C-s`
- Some configuration options moved from a `[terminal]` section to `[editor]`. [Consult the documentation for more information.](https://docs.helix-editor.com/configuration.html).
- LSP compatibility greatly improved for some implementations (Julia, Python, Typescript)
- Autocompletion! Completion now triggers automatically after a set idle timeout
- Completion documentation is now displayed next to the popup (#691)
- Treesitter textobjects (select a function via `mf`, class via `mc`) (#728)
- Global search across entire workspace `space+/` (#651)
- Relative line number support (#485)
- Prompts now store a history (72cf86e)
- `:vsplit` and `:hsplit` commands (#639)
- `C-w h/j/k/l` can now be used to navigate between splits (#860)
- `C-j` and `C-k` are now alternative keybindings to `C-n` and `C-p` in the UI (#876)