Language Servers are now configured in a separate table in `languages.toml`:
command = "mylang-lsp"
args = ["--stdio"]
config = { provideFormatter = true }
command = "efm-langserver"
documentFormatting = true
languages = { typescript = [ { formatCommand ="prettier --stdin-filepath ${INPUT}", formatStdin = true } ] }
The language server for a language is configured like this (`typescript-language-server` is configured by default):
name = "typescript"
language-servers = [ { name = "efm-lsp-prettier", only-features = [ "format" ] }, "typescript-language-server" ]
or equivalent:
name = "typescript"
language-servers = [ { name = "typescript-language-server", except-features = [ "format" ] }, "efm-lsp-prettier" ]
Each requested LSP feature is priorized in the order of the `language-servers` array.
For example the first `goto-definition` supported language server (in this case `typescript-language-server`) will be taken for the relevant LSP request (command `goto_definition`).
If no `except-features` or `only-features` is given all features for the language server are enabled, as long as the language server supports these. If it doesn't the next language server which supports the feature is tried.
The list of supported features are:
- `format`
- `goto-definition`
- `goto-declaration`
- `goto-type-definition`
- `goto-reference`
- `goto-implementation`
- `signature-help`
- `hover`
- `document-highlight`
- `completion`
- `code-action`
- `workspace-command`
- `document-symbols`
- `workspace-symbols`
- `diagnostics`
- `rename-symbol`
- `inlay-hints`
Another side-effect/difference that comes with this PR, is that only one language server instance is started if different languages use the same language server.
* inject language based on file extension
Nodes can now be captured with "injection.filename". If this capture
contains a valid file extension known to Helix, then the content will
be highlighted as that language.
* inject language by shebang
Nodes can now be captured with "injection.shebang". If this capture
contains a valid shebang line known to Helix, then the content will
be highlighted as the language the shebang calls for.
* add documentation for language injection
* nix: fix highlights
The `@` is now highlighted properly on either side of the function arg.
Also, extending the phases with `buildPhase = prev.buildPhase + ''''`
is now highlighted properly.
Fix highlighting of `''$` style escapes (requires tree-sitter-nix bump)
Fix `inherit` highlighting.
* simplify injection_for_match
Split out injection pair logic into its own method to make the overall
flow easier to follow.
Also transform the top-level function into a method on a
* markdown: add shebang injection query