([(line_comment) (block_comment)] @injection.content (#set! injection.language "comment")) ((macro_invocation macro: [ (scoped_identifier name: (_) @_macro_name) (identifier) @_macro_name ] (token_tree) @injection.content) (#eq? @_macro_name "html") (#set! injection.language "html") (#set! injection.include-children)) ((macro_invocation macro: [ (scoped_identifier name: (_) @_macro_name) (identifier) @_macro_name ] (token_tree) @injection.content) (#eq? @_macro_name "slint") (#set! injection.language "slint") (#set! injection.include-children)) ((macro_invocation (token_tree) @injection.content) (#set! injection.language "rust") (#set! injection.include-children)) ((macro_rule (token_tree) @injection.content) (#set! injection.language "rust") (#set! injection.include-children)) (call_expression function: (scoped_identifier path: (identifier) @_regex (#eq? @_regex "Regex") name: (identifier) @_new (#eq? @_new "new")) arguments: (arguments (raw_string_literal) @injection.content) (#set! injection.language "regex")) (call_expression function: (scoped_identifier path: (scoped_identifier (identifier) @_regex (#eq? @_regex "Regex") .) name: (identifier) @_new (#eq? @_new "new")) arguments: (arguments (raw_string_literal) @injection.content) (#set! injection.language "regex")) ; Highlight SQL in `sqlx::query!()`, `sqlx::query_scalar!()`, and `sqlx::query_scalar_unchecked!()` (macro_invocation macro: (scoped_identifier path: (identifier) @_sqlx (#eq? @_sqlx "sqlx") name: (identifier) @_query (#match? @_query "^query(_scalar|_scalar_unchecked)?$")) (token_tree ; Only the first argument is SQL . [(string_literal) (raw_string_literal)] @injection.content ) (#set! injection.language "sql")) ; Highlight SQL in `sqlx::query_as!()` and `sqlx::query_as_unchecked!()` (macro_invocation macro: (scoped_identifier path: (identifier) @_sqlx (#eq? @_sqlx "sqlx") name: (identifier) @_query_as (#match? @_query_as "^query_as(_unchecked)?$")) (token_tree ; Only the second argument is SQL . ; Allow anything as the first argument in case the user has lower case type ; names for some reason (_) [(string_literal) (raw_string_literal)] @injection.content ) (#set! injection.language "sql"))