Words vs. WORDS Words and WORDS are two very similar types of text objects. A word is a string of "word" characters, which include letters, numbers, and underscores. A WORD, on the other hand, is any string of non-whitespace characters. In the example below, the words are underlined by 'w', and the WORDS are underlined by 'W'. This "stuff" is not-so difficult! --------------------------------- wwww wwwww ww www ww wwwwwwwww WWWW WWWWWWW WW WWWWWW WWWWWWWWWW As is visible in the example, the words do not include any of the non-alphanumeric punctuation, while the WORDS do include the quotes, hyphen, and exclamation point. Also notice that 'not-so' contains two words, but only one WORD.