; Copyright © 2024 Apple Inc. and the Pkl project authors. All rights reserved. ; ; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at ; ; https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; this definition is imprecise in that ; * any qualified or unqualified call to a method named "Regex" is considered a regex ; * string delimiters are considered part of the regex ; Operators [ "??" "@" "=" "<" ">" "!" "==" "!=" "<=" ">=" "&&" "||" "+" "-" "**" "*" "/" "~/" "%" "|>" ] @keyword.operator [ "?" "|" "->" ] @operator.type [ "," ":" "." "?." ] @punctuation.delimiter [ "(" ")" "]" "{" "}" ; "[" @punctuation.bracket TODO: FIGURE OUT HOW TO REFER TO CUSTOM TOKENS ] @punctuation.bracket ; Keywords [ "abstract" "amends" "as" "class" "extends" "external" "function" "hidden" "import" "import*" "in" "let" "local" "module" "new" "open" "out" "typealias" "when" ] @keyword [ "if" "is" "else" ] @keyword.control.conditional [ "for" ] @keyword.control.repeat (importExpr "import" @keyword.control.import) (importGlobExpr "import*" @keyword.control.import) "read" @function.builtin "read?" @function.builtin "read*" @function.builtin "throw" @function.builtin "trace" @function.builtin (moduleExpr "module" @type.builtin) "nothing" @type.builtin "unknown" @type.builtin (outerExpr) @variable.builtin "super" @variable.builtin (thisExpr) @variable.builtin [ (falseLiteral) (nullLiteral) (trueLiteral) ] @constant.builtin ; Literals (stringConstant) @string (slStringLiteral) @string (mlStringLiteral) @string (escapeSequence) @constent.character.escape (intLiteral) @constant.numeric.integer (floatLiteral) @constant.numeric.float (interpolationExpr "\\(" @punctuation.special ")" @punctuation.special) @embedded (interpolationExpr "\\#(" @punctuation.special ")" @punctuation.special) @embedded (interpolationExpr "\\##(" @punctuation.special ")" @punctuation.special) @embedded (lineComment) @comment (blockComment) @comment (docComment) @comment ; Identifiers (classProperty (identifier) @variable.other.member) (objectProperty (identifier) @variable.other.member) (parameterList (typedIdentifier (identifier) @variable.parameter)) (objectBodyParameters (typedIdentifier (identifier) @variable.parameter)) (identifier) @variable ; Method definitions (classMethod (methodHeader (identifier)) @function.method) (objectMethod (methodHeader (identifier)) @function.method) ; Method calls (methodCallExpr (identifier) @function.method) ; Types (clazz (identifier) @type) (typeAlias (identifier) @type) ((identifier) @type (match? @type "^[A-Z]")) (typeArgumentList "<" @punctuation.bracket ">" @punctuation.bracket)