; Comments (module_comment) @comment (statement_comment) @comment (comment) @comment ; Constants (constant name: (identifier) @constant) ; Modules (module) @namespace (import alias: (identifier) @namespace) (remote_type_identifier module: (identifier) @namespace) (remote_constructor_name module: (identifier) @namespace) ((field_access record: (identifier) @namespace field: (label) @function) (#is-not? local)) ; Functions (unqualified_import (identifier) @function) (unqualified_import "type" (type_identifier) @type) (unqualified_import (type_identifier) @constructor) (function name: (identifier) @function) (external_function name: (identifier) @function) (function_parameter name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) ((function_call function: (identifier) @function) (#is-not? local)) ((binary_expression operator: "|>" right: (identifier) @function) (#is-not? local)) ; "Properties" ; Assumed to be intended to refer to a name for a field; something that comes ; before ":" or after "." ; e.g. record field names, tuple indices, names for named arguments, etc (label) @variable.other.member (tuple_access index: (integer) @variable.other.member) ; Attributes (attribute "@" @attribute name: (identifier) @attribute) (attribute_value (identifier) @constant) ; Type names (remote_type_identifier) @type (type_identifier) @type ; Data constructors (constructor_name) @constructor ; Literals (string) @string (bit_string_segment_option) @function.builtin (integer) @constant.numeric.integer (float) @constant.numeric.float ; Variables (identifier) @variable (discard) @comment.unused ; Keywords [ (visibility_modifier) ; "pub" (opacity_modifier) ; "opaque" "as" "assert" "case" "const" ; DEPRECATED: 'external' was removed in v0.30. "external" "fn" "if" "import" "let" "panic" "todo" "type" "use" ] @keyword ; Operators (binary_expression operator: _ @operator) (boolean_negation "!" @operator) (integer_negation "-" @operator) ; Punctuation [ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" "<<" ">>" ] @punctuation.bracket [ "." "," ;; Controversial -- maybe some are operators? ":" "#" "=" "->" ".." "-" "<-" ] @punctuation.delimiter