; ---------- ; Primitives ; ---------- [ (line_comment) (block_comment) ] @comment ( ((identifier) @constant.builtin) (#match? @constant.builtin "^(nothing|missing|undef)$")) [ (true) (false) ] @constant.builtin.boolean (integer_literal) @constant.numeric.integer (float_literal) @constant.numeric.float ( ((identifier) @constant.numeric.float) (#match? @constant.numeric.float "^((Inf|NaN)(16|32|64)?)$")) (character_literal) @constant.character (escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape (string_literal) @string (prefixed_string_literal prefix: (identifier) @function.macro) @string (quote_expression (identifier) @string.special.symbol) ; ------------------- ; Modules and Imports ; ------------------- (module_definition name: (identifier) @namespace) (import_statement (identifier) @namespace) (selected_import . (identifier) @namespace) (scoped_identifier (identifier) @namespace) ; ----- ; Types ; ----- (abstract_definition name: (identifier) @type) (primitive_definition name: (identifier) @type) (struct_definition name: (identifier) @type) (struct_definition . (_) (identifier) @variable.other.member) (struct_definition . (_) (typed_expression . (identifier) @variable.other.member)) (type_parameter_list (identifier) @type) (constrained_type_parameter (identifier) @type) (subtype_clause (identifier) @type) (typed_expression (identifier) @type . ) (parameterized_identifier (identifier) @type) (type_argument_list (identifier) @type) (where_clause (identifier) @type) ; ------------------- ; Function definition ; ------------------- ( (function_definition name: [ (identifier) @function (scoped_identifier (identifier) @namespace (identifier) @function) ]) ; prevent constructors (PascalCase) to be highlighted as functions (#match? @function "^[^A-Z]")) ( (short_function_definition name: [ (identifier) @function (scoped_identifier (identifier) @namespace (identifier) @function) ]) ; prevent constructors (PascalCase) to be highlighted as functions (#match? @function "^[^A-Z]")) (parameter_list (identifier) @variable.parameter) (typed_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter (identifier)? @type) (optional_parameter . (identifier) @variable.parameter) (slurp_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) (function_expression . (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; --------------- ; Functions calls ; --------------- ( (call_expression (identifier) @function) ; prevent constructors (PascalCase) to be highlighted as functions (#match? @function "^[^A-Z]")) ( (broadcast_call_expression (identifier) @function) (#match? @function "^[^A-Z]")) ( (call_expression (field_expression (identifier) @function .)) (#match? @function "^[^A-Z]")) ( (broadcast_call_expression (field_expression (identifier) @function .)) (#match? @function "^[^A-Z]")) ; ------ ; Macros ; ------ (macro_definition name: (identifier) @function.macro) (macro_identifier "@" @function.macro (identifier) @function.macro) ; -------- ; Keywords ; -------- (function_definition ["function" "end"] @keyword.function) (if_statement ["if" "end"] @keyword.control.conditional) (elseif_clause ["elseif"] @keyword.control.conditional) (else_clause ["else"] @keyword.control.conditional) (ternary_expression ["?" ":"] @keyword.control.conditional) (for_statement ["for" "end"] @keyword.control.repeat) (while_statement ["while" "end"] @keyword.control.repeat) (break_statement) @keyword.control.repeat (continue_statement) @keyword.control.repeat (for_binding "in" @keyword.control.repeat) (for_clause "for" @keyword.control.repeat) (try_statement ["try" "end" ] @keyword.control.exception) (finally_clause "finally" @keyword.control.exception) (catch_clause "catch" @keyword.control.exception) [ "export" "import" "using" ] @keyword.control.import [ "abstract" "baremodule" "begin" "const" "do" "end" "let" "macro" "module" "mutable" "primitive" "quote" "return" "struct" "type" "where" ] @keyword ; TODO: fix this ((identifier) @keyword (#match? @keyword "global|local")) ; --------- ; Operators ; --------- [ (operator) "::" "<:" ":" "=>" "..." "$" ] @operator ; ------------ ; Punctuations ; ------------ [ "." "," ";" ] @punctuation.delimiter [ "[" "]" "(" ")" "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket ; --------------------- ; Remaining identifiers ; --------------------- (const_statement (variable_declaration . (identifier) @constant)) ; SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE ( (identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$")) ; remaining identifiers that start with capital letters should be types (PascalCase) ( (identifier) @type (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) ; Field expressions are either module content or struct fields. ; Module types and constants should already be captured, so this ; assumes the remaining identifiers to be struct fields. (field_expression (_) (identifier) @variable.other.member) (identifier) @variable