"attribute" = { fg = "violet" } "keyword" = { fg = "green" } "keyword.directive" = { fg = "orange" } "namespace" = { fg = "violet" } "operator" = { fg = "green" } "special" = { fg = "orange" } "variable.builtin" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold"] } "variable.function" = { fg = "blue" } "type" = { fg = "yellow" } "type.builtin" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } "constructor" = { fg = "blue" } "function" = { fg = "blue" } "function.macro" = { fg = "magenta" } "function.builtin" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } "function.special" = { fg = "magenta" } "comment" = { fg = "base01" } "string" = { fg = "cyan" } "constant" = { fg = "cyan" } "constant.builtin" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold"] } "constant.character.escape" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold"] } "label" = { fg = "green" } "module" = { fg = "violet" } "tag" = { fg = "magenta" } # TODO "markup.heading" = "blue" "markup.list" = "red" "markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } "markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } "markup.strikethrough" = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] } "markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } "markup.link.text" = "red" "markup.quote" = "cyan" "markup.raw" = "green" "diff.plus" = { fg = "green" } "diff.delta" = { fg = "orange" } "diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } # 背景 # background "ui.background" = { bg = "base03" } "ui.virtual.whitespace" = { fg = "base01" } "ui.virtual.inlay-hint" = { fg = "base01", modifiers = ["italic"] } "ui.virtual.jump-label" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold"] } # 行号栏 # line number column "ui.linenr" = { fg = "base0", bg = "base02" } # 当前行号栏 # current line number column "ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } # cursorline "ui.cursorline" = { bg = "base0" } # 状态栏 # status bar "ui.statusline" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base0" } "ui.statusline.normal" = { bg = "blue" } "ui.statusline.insert" = { bg = "green" } "ui.statusline.select" = { bg = "yellow" } # 非活动状态栏 # inactive status bar "ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base1", bg = "base01" } # 补全窗口, preview窗口 # Completion window, preview window "ui.popup" = { bg = "base02" } # 影响 补全选中 cmd弹出信息选中 # Affect completion selection, cmd pop-up information selection "ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base02", bg = "base2"} "ui.menu" = { fg = "base0", bg = "base02" } # ?? "ui.window" = { fg = "base3" } # 命令行 补全的帮助信息 # Command line completion help information "ui.help" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } # 快捷键窗口 # Shortcut window "ui.popup.info" = { bg = "base1" } # 快捷键字体 # Shortcut font "ui.text.info" = {fg = "base02", modifiers = ["bold"]} # 普通ui的字体样式 # Normal ui font style "ui.text" = { fg = "base1" } # 影响 picker列表选中, 快捷键帮助窗口文本 # Affects picker list selection, shortcut key help window text "ui.text.focus" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"]} # 主光标/selection # main cursor/selection "ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base1" } "ui.cursor.select" = { fg = "base02", bg = "cyan" } "ui.cursorline.primary" = { bg = "base02" } "ui.cursorline.secondary" = { bg = "base025" } "ui.selection" = { bg = "base0175" } "ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "base015" } "ui.virtual.indent-guide" = { fg = "base02" } "ui.virtual.ruler" = { fg = "red" } # normal模式的光标 # normal mode cursor "ui.cursor" = {fg = "base02", bg = "cyan"} "ui.cursor.insert" = {fg = "base03", bg = "base3"} # 当前光标匹配的标点符号 # The punctuation character matched by the current cursor "ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "base02", bg = "base015" } "warning" = { fg = "orange", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } "error" = { fg = "red", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } "info" = { fg = "blue", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } "hint" = { fg = "base01", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } "diagnostic.warning" = { underline = { style = "curl", color = "orange" } } "diagnostic.error" = { underline = { style = "curl", color = "red" } } "diagnostic.info" = { underline = { style = "curl", color = "blue" } } "diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { style = "curl", color = "base01" } } "diagnostic.unnecessary" = { modifiers = ["dim"] } "diagnostic.deprecated" = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] } [palette] red = '#dc322f' green = '#859900' yellow = '#b58900' blue = '#268bd2' magenta = '#d33682' cyan = '#2aa198' orange = '#cb4b16' violet = '#6c71c4' # 深色 越来越深 # dark getting darker base0 = '#657b83' base1 = '#586e75' base2 = '#073642' base3 = '#002b36' # 浅色 越來越浅 # Lighter and lighter base00 = '#839496' base01 = '#93a1a1' base015 = '#c5c8bd' base0175 = '#dddbcc' base02 = '#eee8d5' base025 = '#f5eedb' base03 = '#fdf6e3'