use crate::{ align_view, document::{DocumentSavedEventFuture, DocumentSavedEventResult, Mode, SavePoint}, graphics::{CursorKind, Rect}, info::Info, input::KeyEvent, register::Registers, theme::{self, Theme}, tree::{self, Tree}, view::ViewPosition, Align, Document, DocumentId, View, ViewId, }; use dap::StackFrame; use helix_vcs::DiffProviderRegistry; use futures_util::stream::select_all::SelectAll; use futures_util::{future, StreamExt}; use helix_lsp::Call; use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream; use std::{ borrow::Cow, cell::Cell, collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}, io::stdin, num::NonZeroUsize, path::{Path, PathBuf}, pin::Pin, sync::Arc, }; use tokio::{ sync::{ mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender}, oneshot, }, time::{sleep, Duration, Instant, Sleep}, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Error}; pub use helix_core::diagnostic::Severity; use helix_core::{ syntax::{self, LanguageServerFeature}, Change, Position, Selection, }; use helix_dap as dap; use helix_lsp::lsp; use arc_swap::access::DynGuard; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] pub struct Breakpoint { pub id: Option, pub verified: bool, pub message: Option, pub line: usize, pub column: Option, pub condition: Option, pub hit_condition: Option, pub log_message: Option, } use futures_util::stream::{Flatten, Once}; pub struct Editor { /// Current editing mode. pub mode: Mode, pub tree: Tree, pub next_document_id: DocumentId, pub documents: BTreeMap, // We Flatten<> to resolve the inner DocumentSavedEventFuture. For that we need a stream of streams, hence the Once<>. // pub saves: HashMap>>, pub save_queue: SelectAll>>>, pub write_count: usize, pub count: Option, pub selected_register: Option, pub registers: Registers, pub macro_recording: Option<(char, Vec)>, pub macro_replaying: Vec, pub language_servers: helix_lsp::Registry, pub diagnostics: BTreeMap>, pub diff_providers: DiffProviderRegistry, pub debugger: Option, pub debugger_events: SelectAll>, pub breakpoints: HashMap>, pub syn_loader: Arc, pub theme_loader: Arc, /// last_theme is used for theme previews. We store the current theme here, /// and if previewing is cancelled, we can return to it. pub last_theme: Option, /// The currently applied editor theme. While previewing a theme, the previewed theme /// is set here. pub theme: Theme, /// The primary Selection prior to starting a goto_line_number preview. This is /// restored when the preview is aborted, or added to the jumplist when it is /// confirmed. pub last_selection: Option, pub status_msg: Option<(Cow<'static, str>, Severity)>, pub autoinfo: Option, pub config: Arc>, pub auto_pairs: Option, pub idle_timer: Pin>, redraw_timer: Pin>, last_motion: Option, pub last_completion: Option, pub exit_code: i32, pub config_events: (UnboundedSender, UnboundedReceiver), pub needs_redraw: bool, /// Cached position of the cursor calculated during rendering. /// The content of `cursor_cache` is returned by `Editor::cursor` if /// set to `Some(_)`. The value will be cleared after it's used. /// If `cursor_cache` is `None` then the `Editor::cursor` function will /// calculate the cursor position. /// /// `Some(None)` represents a cursor position outside of the visible area. /// This will just cause `Editor::cursor` to return `None`. /// /// This cache is only a performance optimization to /// avoid calculating the cursor position multiple /// times during rendering and should not be set by other functions. pub cursor_cache: Cell>>, /// When a new completion request is sent to the server old /// unfinished request must be dropped. Each completion /// request is associated with a channel that cancels /// when the channel is dropped. That channel is stored /// here. When a new completion request is sent this /// field is set and any old requests are automatically /// canceled as a result pub completion_request_handle: Option>, } pub type Motion = Box; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum EditorEvent { DocumentSaved(DocumentSavedEventResult), ConfigEvent(ConfigEvent), LanguageServerMessage((usize, Call)), DebuggerEvent(dap::Payload), IdleTimer, Redraw, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum ConfigEvent { Refresh, Update(Box), } enum ThemeAction { Set, Preview, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum CompleteAction { Applied { trigger_offset: usize, changes: Vec, }, /// A savepoint of the currently selected completion. The savepoint /// MUST be restored before sending any event to the LSP Selected { savepoint: Arc }, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum Action { Load, Replace, HorizontalSplit, VerticalSplit, } impl Action { /// Whether to align the view to the cursor after executing this action pub fn align_view(&self, view: &View, new_doc: DocumentId) -> bool { !matches!((self, view.doc == new_doc), (Action::Load, false)) } } /// Error thrown on failed document closed pub enum CloseError { /// Document doesn't exist DoesNotExist, /// Buffer is modified BufferModified(String), /// Document failed to save SaveError(anyhow::Error), } impl Editor { pub fn new( mut area: Rect, theme_loader: Arc, syn_loader: Arc, config: Arc>, ) -> Self { let language_servers = helix_lsp::Registry::new(syn_loader.clone()); let conf = config.load(); let auto_pairs = (&conf.auto_pairs).into(); // HAXX: offset the render area height by 1 to account for prompt/commandline area.height -= 1; Self { mode: Mode::Normal, tree: Tree::new(area), next_document_id: DocumentId::default(), documents: BTreeMap::new(), saves: HashMap::new(), save_queue: SelectAll::new(), write_count: 0, count: None, selected_register: None, macro_recording: None, macro_replaying: Vec::new(), theme: theme_loader.default(), language_servers, diagnostics: BTreeMap::new(), diff_providers: DiffProviderRegistry::default(), debugger: None, debugger_events: SelectAll::new(), breakpoints: HashMap::new(), syn_loader, theme_loader, last_theme: None, last_selection: None, registers: Registers::default(), status_msg: None, autoinfo: None, idle_timer: Box::pin(sleep(conf.idle_timeout)), redraw_timer: Box::pin(sleep(Duration::MAX)), last_motion: None, last_completion: None, config, auto_pairs, exit_code: 0, config_events: unbounded_channel(), needs_redraw: false, cursor_cache: Cell::new(None), completion_request_handle: None, } } pub fn popup_border(&self) -> bool { self.config().popup_border == PopupBorderConfig::All || self.config().popup_border == PopupBorderConfig::Popup } pub fn menu_border(&self) -> bool { self.config().popup_border == PopupBorderConfig::All || self.config().popup_border == PopupBorderConfig::Menu } pub fn apply_motion(&mut self, motion: F) { motion(self); self.last_motion = Some(Box::new(motion)); } pub fn repeat_last_motion(&mut self, count: usize) { if let Some(motion) = self.last_motion.take() { for _ in 0..count { motion(self); } self.last_motion = Some(motion); } } /// Current editing mode for the [`Editor`]. pub fn mode(&self) -> Mode { self.mode } pub fn config(&self) -> DynGuard { self.config.load() } /// Call if the config has changed to let the editor update all /// relevant members. pub fn refresh_config(&mut self) { let config = self.config(); self.auto_pairs = (&config.auto_pairs).into(); self.reset_idle_timer(); self._refresh(); } pub fn clear_idle_timer(&mut self) { // equivalent to internal Instant::far_future() (30 years) self.idle_timer .as_mut() .reset(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(86400 * 365 * 30)); } pub fn reset_idle_timer(&mut self) { let config = self.config(); self.idle_timer .as_mut() .reset(Instant::now() + config.idle_timeout); } pub fn clear_status(&mut self) { self.status_msg = None; } #[inline] pub fn set_status>>(&mut self, status: T) { let status = status.into(); log::debug!("editor status: {}", status); self.status_msg = Some((status, Severity::Info)); } #[inline] pub fn set_error>>(&mut self, error: T) { let error = error.into(); log::error!("editor error: {}", error); self.status_msg = Some((error, Severity::Error)); } #[inline] pub fn get_status(&self) -> Option<(&Cow<'static, str>, &Severity)> { self.status_msg.as_ref().map(|(status, sev)| (status, sev)) } /// Returns true if the current status is an error #[inline] pub fn is_err(&self) -> bool { self.status_msg .as_ref() .map(|(_, sev)| *sev == Severity::Error) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn unset_theme_preview(&mut self) { if let Some(last_theme) = self.last_theme.take() { self.set_theme(last_theme); } // None likely occurs when the user types ":theme" and then exits before previewing } pub fn set_theme_preview(&mut self, theme: Theme) { self.set_theme_impl(theme, ThemeAction::Preview); } pub fn set_theme(&mut self, theme: Theme) { self.set_theme_impl(theme, ThemeAction::Set); } fn set_theme_impl(&mut self, theme: Theme, preview: ThemeAction) { // `ui.selection` is the only scope required to be able to render a theme. if theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.selection").is_none() { self.set_error("Invalid theme: `ui.selection` required"); return; } let scopes = theme.scopes(); self.syn_loader.set_scopes(scopes.to_vec()); match preview { ThemeAction::Preview => { let last_theme = std::mem::replace(&mut self.theme, theme); // only insert on first preview: this will be the last theme the user has saved self.last_theme.get_or_insert(last_theme); } ThemeAction::Set => { self.last_theme = None; self.theme = theme; } } self._refresh(); } #[inline] pub fn language_server_by_id(&self, language_server_id: usize) -> Option<&helix_lsp::Client> { self.language_servers.get_by_id(language_server_id) } /// Refreshes the language server for a given document pub fn refresh_language_servers(&mut self, doc_id: DocumentId) { self.launch_language_servers(doc_id) } /// Launch a language server for a given document fn launch_language_servers(&mut self, doc_id: DocumentId) { if !self.config().lsp.enable { return; } // if doc doesn't have a URL it's a scratch buffer, ignore it let Some(doc) = self.documents.get_mut(&doc_id) else { return; }; let Some(doc_url) = doc.url() else { return; }; let (lang, path) = (doc.language.clone(), doc.path().cloned()); let config = doc.config.load(); let root_dirs = &config.workspace_lsp_roots; // store only successfully started language servers let language_servers = lang.as_ref().map_or_else(HashMap::default, |language| { self.language_servers .get(language, path.as_ref(), root_dirs, config.lsp.snippets) .filter_map(|(lang, client)| match client { Ok(client) => Some((lang, client)), Err(err) => { log::error!( "Failed to initialize the language servers for `{}` {{ {} }}", lang, err ); None } }) .collect::>() }); if language_servers.is_empty() { return; } let language_id = doc.language_id().map(ToOwned::to_owned).unwrap_or_default(); // only spawn new language servers if the servers aren't the same let doc_language_servers_not_in_registry = doc.language_servers.iter().filter(|(name, doc_ls)| { language_servers .get(*name) .map_or(true, |ls| != }); for (_, language_server) in doc_language_servers_not_in_registry { tokio::spawn(language_server.text_document_did_close(doc.identifier())); } let language_servers_not_in_doc = language_servers.iter().filter(|(name, ls)| { doc.language_servers .get(*name) .map_or(true, |doc_ls| != }); for (_, language_server) in language_servers_not_in_doc { // TODO: this now races with on_init code if the init happens too quickly tokio::spawn(language_server.text_document_did_open( doc_url.clone(), doc.version(), doc.text(), language_id.clone(), )); } doc.language_servers = language_servers; } fn _refresh(&mut self) { let config = self.config(); // Reset the inlay hints annotations *before* updating the views, that way we ensure they // will disappear during the `.sync_change(doc)` call below. // // We can't simply check this config when rendering because inlay hints are only parts of // the possible annotations, and others could still be active, so we need to selectively // drop the inlay hints. if !config.lsp.display_inlay_hints { for doc in self.documents_mut() { doc.reset_all_inlay_hints(); } } for (view, _) in self.tree.views_mut() { let doc = doc_mut!(self, &view.doc); view.sync_changes(doc); view.gutters = config.gutters.clone(); view.ensure_cursor_in_view(doc, config.scrolloff) } } fn replace_document_in_view(&mut self, current_view: ViewId, doc_id: DocumentId) { let view = self.tree.get_mut(current_view); view.doc = doc_id; view.offset = ViewPosition::default(); let doc = doc_mut!(self, &doc_id); doc.ensure_view_init(; view.sync_changes(doc); doc.mark_as_focused(); align_view(doc, view, Align::Center); } pub fn switch(&mut self, id: DocumentId, action: Action) { use crate::tree::Layout; if !self.documents.contains_key(&id) { log::error!("cannot switch to document that does not exist (anymore)"); return; } self.enter_normal_mode(); match action { Action::Replace => { let (view, doc) = current_ref!(self); // If the current view is an empty scratch buffer and is not displayed in any other views, delete it. // Boolean value is determined before the call to `view_mut` because the operation requires a borrow // of `self.tree`, which is mutably borrowed when `view_mut` is called. let remove_empty_scratch = !doc.is_modified() // If the buffer has no path and is not modified, it is an empty scratch buffer. && doc.path().is_none() // If the buffer we are changing to is not this buffer && id != // Ensure the buffer is not displayed in any other splits. && !self .tree .traverse() .any(|(_, v)| v.doc == && !=; let (view, doc) = current!(self); let view_id =; // Append any outstanding changes to history in the old document. doc.append_changes_to_history(view); if remove_empty_scratch { // Copy `` into a variable before calling `self.documents.remove`, which requires a mutable // borrow, invalidating direct access to ``. let id =; self.documents.remove(&id); // Remove the scratch buffer from any jumplists for (view, _) in self.tree.views_mut() { view.remove_document(&id); } } else { let jump = (view.doc, doc.selection(; view.jumps.push(jump); // Set last accessed doc if it is a different document if != id { view.add_to_history(view.doc); // Set last modified doc if modified and last modified doc is different if std::mem::take(&mut doc.modified_since_accessed) && view.last_modified_docs[0] != Some(view.doc) { view.last_modified_docs = [Some(view.doc), view.last_modified_docs[0]]; } } } self.replace_document_in_view(view_id, id); return; } Action::Load => { let view_id = view!(self).id; let doc = doc_mut!(self, &id); doc.ensure_view_init(view_id); doc.mark_as_focused(); return; } Action::HorizontalSplit | Action::VerticalSplit => { // copy the current view, unless there is no view yet let view = self .tree .try_get(self.tree.focus) .filter(|v| id == v.doc) // Different Document .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| View::new(id, self.config().gutters.clone())); let view_id = self.tree.split( view, match action { Action::HorizontalSplit => Layout::Horizontal, Action::VerticalSplit => Layout::Vertical, _ => unreachable!(), }, ); // initialize selection for view let doc = doc_mut!(self, &id); doc.ensure_view_init(view_id); doc.mark_as_focused(); } } self._refresh(); } /// Generate an id for a new document and register it. fn new_document(&mut self, mut doc: Document) -> DocumentId { let id = self.next_document_id; // Safety: adding 1 from 1 is fine, probably impossible to reach usize max self.next_document_id = DocumentId(unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(self.next_document_id.0.get() + 1) }); = id; self.documents.insert(id, doc); let (save_sender, save_receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); self.saves.insert(id, save_sender); let stream = UnboundedReceiverStream::new(save_receiver).flatten(); self.save_queue.push(stream); id } fn new_file_from_document(&mut self, action: Action, doc: Document) -> DocumentId { let id = self.new_document(doc); self.switch(id, action); id } pub fn new_file(&mut self, action: Action) -> DocumentId { self.new_file_from_document(action, Document::default(self.config.clone())) } pub fn new_file_from_stdin(&mut self, action: Action) -> Result { let (stdin, encoding, has_bom) = crate::document::read_to_string(&mut stdin(), None)?; let doc = Document::from( helix_core::Rope::default(), Some((encoding, has_bom)), self.config.clone(), ); let doc_id = self.new_file_from_document(action, doc); let doc = doc_mut!(self, &doc_id); let view = view_mut!(self); doc.ensure_view_init(; let transaction = helix_core::Transaction::insert(doc.text(), doc.selection(, stdin.into()) .with_selection(Selection::point(0)); doc.apply(&transaction,; doc.append_changes_to_history(view); Ok(doc_id) } // ??? possible use for integration tests pub fn open(&mut self, path: &Path, action: Action) -> Result { let path = helix_core::path::get_canonicalized_path(path); let id = self.document_by_path(&path).map(|doc|; let id = if let Some(id) = id { id } else { let mut doc = Document::open( &path, None, Some(self.syn_loader.clone()), self.config.clone(), )?; let diagnostics = Editor::doc_diagnostics(&self.language_servers, &self.diagnostics, &doc); doc.replace_diagnostics(diagnostics, &[], None); if let Some(diff_base) = self.diff_providers.get_diff_base(&path) { doc.set_diff_base(diff_base); } doc.set_version_control_head(self.diff_providers.get_current_head_name(&path)); let id = self.new_document(doc); self.launch_language_servers(id); id }; self.switch(id, action); Ok(id) } pub fn close(&mut self, id: ViewId) { // Remove selections for the closed view on all documents. for doc in self.documents_mut() { doc.remove_view(id); } self.tree.remove(id); self._refresh(); } pub fn close_document(&mut self, doc_id: DocumentId, force: bool) -> Result<(), CloseError> { let doc = match self.documents.get_mut(&doc_id) { Some(doc) => doc, None => return Err(CloseError::DoesNotExist), }; if !force && doc.is_modified() { return Err(CloseError::BufferModified(doc.display_name().into_owned())); } // This will also disallow any follow-up writes self.saves.remove(&doc_id); for language_server in doc.language_servers() { // TODO: track error tokio::spawn(language_server.text_document_did_close(doc.identifier())); } enum Action { Close(ViewId), ReplaceDoc(ViewId, DocumentId), } let actions: Vec = self .tree .views_mut() .filter_map(|(view, _focus)| { view.remove_document(&doc_id); if view.doc == doc_id { // something was previously open in the view, switch to previous doc if let Some(prev_doc) = view.docs_access_history.pop() { Some(Action::ReplaceDoc(, prev_doc)) } else { // only the document that is being closed was in the view, close it Some(Action::Close( } } else { None } }) .collect(); for action in actions { match action { Action::Close(view_id) => { self.close(view_id); } Action::ReplaceDoc(view_id, doc_id) => { self.replace_document_in_view(view_id, doc_id); } } } self.documents.remove(&doc_id); // If the document we removed was visible in all views, we will have no more views. We don't // want to close the editor just for a simple buffer close, so we need to create a new view // containing either an existing document, or a brand new document. if self.tree.views().next().is_none() { let doc_id = self .documents .iter() .map(|(&doc_id, _)| doc_id) .next() .unwrap_or_else(|| self.new_document(Document::default(self.config.clone()))); let view = View::new(doc_id, self.config().gutters.clone()); let view_id = self.tree.insert(view); let doc = doc_mut!(self, &doc_id); doc.ensure_view_init(view_id); doc.mark_as_focused(); } self._refresh(); Ok(()) } pub fn save>( &mut self, doc_id: DocumentId, path: Option

, force: bool, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // convert a channel of futures to pipe into main queue one by one // via stream.then() ? then push into main future let path =|path| path.into()); let doc = doc_mut!(self, &doc_id); let doc_save_future =, force)?; // When a file is written to, notify the file event handler. // Note: This can be removed once proper file watching is implemented. let handler = self.language_servers.file_event_handler.clone(); let future = async move { let res = doc_save_future.await; if let Ok(event) = &res { handler.file_changed(event.path.clone()); } res }; use futures_util::stream; self.saves .get(&doc_id) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::format_err!("saves are closed for this document!"))? .send(stream::once(Box::pin(future))) .map_err(|err| anyhow!("failed to send save event: {}", err))?; self.write_count += 1; Ok(()) } pub fn resize(&mut self, area: Rect) { if self.tree.resize(area) { self._refresh(); }; } pub fn focus(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) { let prev_id = std::mem::replace(&mut self.tree.focus, view_id); // if leaving the view: mode should reset and the cursor should be // within view if prev_id != view_id { self.enter_normal_mode(); self.ensure_cursor_in_view(view_id); // Update jumplist selections with new document changes. for (view, _focused) in self.tree.views_mut() { let doc = doc_mut!(self, &view.doc); view.sync_changes(doc); } } let view = view!(self, view_id); let doc = doc_mut!(self, &view.doc); doc.mark_as_focused(); } pub fn focus_next(&mut self) { self.focus(; } pub fn focus_prev(&mut self) { self.focus(self.tree.prev()); } pub fn focus_direction(&mut self, direction: tree::Direction) { let current_view = self.tree.focus; if let Some(id) = self.tree.find_split_in_direction(current_view, direction) { self.focus(id) } } pub fn swap_split_in_direction(&mut self, direction: tree::Direction) { self.tree.swap_split_in_direction(direction); } pub fn transpose_view(&mut self) { self.tree.transpose(); } pub fn should_close(&self) -> bool { self.tree.is_empty() } pub fn ensure_cursor_in_view(&mut self, id: ViewId) { let config = self.config(); let view = self.tree.get_mut(id); let doc = &self.documents[&view.doc]; view.ensure_cursor_in_view(doc, config.scrolloff) } #[inline] pub fn document(&self, id: DocumentId) -> Option<&Document> { self.documents.get(&id) } #[inline] pub fn document_mut(&mut self, id: DocumentId) -> Option<&mut Document> { self.documents.get_mut(&id) } #[inline] pub fn documents(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.documents.values() } #[inline] pub fn documents_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator { self.documents.values_mut() } pub fn document_by_path>(&self, path: P) -> Option<&Document> { self.documents() .find(|doc| doc.path().map(|p| p == path.as_ref()).unwrap_or(false)) } pub fn document_by_path_mut>(&mut self, path: P) -> Option<&mut Document> { self.documents_mut() .find(|doc| doc.path().map(|p| p == path.as_ref()).unwrap_or(false)) } /// Returns all supported diagnostics for the document pub fn doc_diagnostics<'a>( language_servers: &'a helix_lsp::Registry, diagnostics: &'a BTreeMap>, document: &Document, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { Editor::doc_diagnostics_with_filter(language_servers, diagnostics, document, |_, _| true) } /// Returns all supported diagnostics for the document /// filtered by `filter` which is invocated with the raw `lsp::Diagnostic` and the language server id it came from pub fn doc_diagnostics_with_filter<'a>( language_servers: &'a helix_lsp::Registry, diagnostics: &'a BTreeMap>, document: &Document, filter: impl Fn(&lsp::Diagnostic, usize) -> bool + 'a, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { let text = document.text().clone(); let language_config = document.language.clone(); document .path() .and_then(|path| url::Url::from_file_path(path).ok()) // TODO log error? .and_then(|uri| diagnostics.get(&uri)) .map(|diags| { diags.iter().filter_map(move |(diagnostic, lsp_id)| { let ls = language_servers.get_by_id(*lsp_id)?; language_config .as_ref() .and_then(|c| { c.language_servers.iter().find(|features| { == && features.has_feature(LanguageServerFeature::Diagnostics) }) }) .and_then(|_| { if filter(diagnostic, *lsp_id) { Document::lsp_diagnostic_to_diagnostic( &text, language_config.as_deref(), diagnostic, *lsp_id, ls.offset_encoding(), ) } else { None } }) }) }) .into_iter() .flatten() } /// Gets the primary cursor position in screen coordinates, /// or `None` if the primary cursor is not visible on screen. pub fn cursor(&self) -> (Option, CursorKind) { let config = self.config(); let (view, doc) = current_ref!(self); let cursor = doc .selection( .primary() .cursor(doc.text().slice(..)); let pos = self .cursor_cache .get() .unwrap_or_else(|| view.screen_coords_at_pos(doc, doc.text().slice(..), cursor)); if let Some(mut pos) = pos { let inner = view.inner_area(doc); pos.col += inner.x as usize; pos.row += inner.y as usize; let cursorkind = config.cursor_shape.from_mode(self.mode); (Some(pos), cursorkind) } else { (None, CursorKind::default()) } } /// Closes language servers with timeout. The default timeout is 10000 ms, use /// `timeout` parameter to override this. pub async fn close_language_servers( &self, timeout: Option, ) -> Result<(), tokio::time::error::Elapsed> { // Remove all language servers from the file event handler. // Note: this is non-blocking. for client in self.language_servers.iter_clients() { self.language_servers .file_event_handler .remove_client(; } tokio::time::timeout( Duration::from_millis(timeout.unwrap_or(3000)), future::join_all( self.language_servers .iter_clients() .map(|client| client.force_shutdown()), ), ) .await .map(|_| ()) } pub async fn wait_event(&mut self) -> EditorEvent { // the loop only runs once or twice and would be better implemented with a recursion + const generic // however due to limitations with async functions that can not be implemented right now loop { tokio::select! { biased; Some(event) = => { self.write_count -= 1; return EditorEvent::DocumentSaved(event) } Some(config_event) = self.config_events.1.recv() => { return EditorEvent::ConfigEvent(config_event) } Some(message) = => { return EditorEvent::LanguageServerMessage(message) } Some(event) = => { return EditorEvent::DebuggerEvent(event) } _ = helix_event::redraw_requested() => { if !self.needs_redraw{ self.needs_redraw = true; let timeout = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(33); if timeout < self.idle_timer.deadline() && timeout < self.redraw_timer.deadline(){ self.redraw_timer.as_mut().reset(timeout) } } } _ = &mut self.redraw_timer => { self.redraw_timer.as_mut().reset(Instant::now() + Duration::from_secs(86400 * 365 * 30)); return EditorEvent::Redraw } _ = &mut self.idle_timer => { return EditorEvent::IdleTimer } } } } pub async fn flush_writes(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { while self.write_count > 0 { if let Some(save_event) = { self.write_count -= 1; let save_event = match save_event { Ok(event) => event, Err(err) => { self.set_error(err.to_string()); bail!(err); } }; let doc = doc_mut!(self, &save_event.doc_id); doc.set_last_saved_revision(save_event.revision); } } Ok(()) } /// Switches the editor into normal mode. pub fn enter_normal_mode(&mut self) { use helix_core::{graphemes, Range}; if self.mode == Mode::Normal { return; } self.mode = Mode::Normal; let (view, doc) = current!(self); try_restore_indent(doc, view); // if leaving append mode, move cursor back by 1 if doc.restore_cursor { let text = doc.text().slice(..); let selection = doc.selection(|range| { Range::new( range.from(), graphemes::prev_grapheme_boundary(text,, ) }); doc.set_selection(, selection); doc.restore_cursor = false; } } pub fn current_stack_frame(&self) -> Option<&StackFrame> { self.debugger .as_ref() .and_then(|debugger| debugger.current_stack_frame()) } /// Returns the id of a view that this doc contains a selection for, /// making sure it is synced with the current changes /// if possible or there are no selections returns current_view /// otherwise uses an arbitrary view pub fn get_synced_view_id(&mut self, id: DocumentId) -> ViewId { let current_view = view_mut!(self); let doc = self.documents.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); if doc.selections().contains_key(¤ { // only need to sync current view if this is not the current doc if current_view.doc != id { current_view.sync_changes(doc); } } else if let Some(view_id) = doc.selections().keys().next() { let view_id = *view_id; let view = self.tree.get_mut(view_id); view.sync_changes(doc); view_id } else { doc.ensure_view_init(; } } } fn try_restore_indent(doc: &mut Document, view: &mut View) { use helix_core::{ chars::char_is_whitespace, line_ending::line_end_char_index, Operation, Transaction, }; fn inserted_a_new_blank_line(changes: &[Operation], pos: usize, line_end_pos: usize) -> bool { if let [Operation::Retain(move_pos), Operation::Insert(ref inserted_str), Operation::Retain(_)] = changes { move_pos + inserted_str.len() == pos && inserted_str.starts_with('\n') && inserted_str.chars().skip(1).all(char_is_whitespace) && pos == line_end_pos // ensure no characters exists after current position } else { false } } let doc_changes = doc.changes().changes(); let text = doc.text().slice(..); let range = doc.selection(; let pos = range.cursor(text); let line_end_pos = line_end_char_index(&text, range.cursor_line(text)); if inserted_a_new_blank_line(doc_changes, pos, line_end_pos) { // Removes tailing whitespaces. let transaction = Transaction::change_by_selection(doc.text(), doc.selection(, |range| { let line_start_pos = text.line_to_char(range.cursor_line(text)); (line_start_pos, pos, None) }); doc.apply(&transaction,; } }