; Special identifiers ;-------------------- ([ (identifier) (shorthand_property_identifier) (shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) ] @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z_][A-Z\\d_]+$")) ((identifier) @constructor (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) ((identifier) @variable.builtin (#match? @variable.builtin "^(arguments|module|console|window|document)$") (#is-not? local)) ((identifier) @function.builtin (#eq? @function.builtin "require") (#is-not? local)) ; Function and method definitions ;-------------------------------- (function name: (identifier) @function) (function_declaration name: (identifier) @function) (method_definition name: (property_identifier) @function.method) (method_definition name: (private_property_identifier) @function.method.private) (pair key: (property_identifier) @function.method value: [(function) (arrow_function)]) (pair key: (private_property_identifier) @function.method.private value: [(function) (arrow_function)]) (assignment_expression left: (member_expression property: (property_identifier) @function.method) right: [(function) (arrow_function)]) (assignment_expression left: (member_expression property: (private_property_identifier) @function.method.private) right: [(function) (arrow_function)]) (variable_declarator name: (identifier) @function value: [(function) (arrow_function)]) (assignment_expression left: (identifier) @function right: [(function) (arrow_function)]) ; Function and method parameters ;------------------------------- ; Arrow function parameters in the form `p => ...` are supported by both ; javascript and typescript grammars without conflicts. (arrow_function parameter: (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; Function and method calls ;-------------------------- (call_expression function: (identifier) @function) (call_expression function: (member_expression property: (property_identifier) @function.method)) (call_expression function: (member_expression property: (private_property_identifier) @function.method.private)) ; Variables ;---------- (identifier) @variable ; Properties ;----------- (property_identifier) @variable.other.member (private_property_identifier) @variable.other.member.private (shorthand_property_identifier) @variable.other.member (shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @variable.other.member ; Literals ;--------- (this) @variable.builtin (super) @variable.builtin [ (true) (false) (null) (undefined) ] @constant.builtin (comment) @comment [ (string) (template_string) ] @string (regex) @string.regexp (number) @constant.numeric.integer ; Tokens ;------- (template_substitution "${" @punctuation.special "}" @punctuation.special) @embedded [ ";" (optional_chain) ; ?. "." "," ] @punctuation.delimiter [ "-" "--" "-=" "+" "++" "+=" "*" "*=" "**" "**=" "/" "/=" "%" "%=" "<" "<=" "<<" "<<=" "=" "==" "===" "!" "!=" "!==" "=>" ">" ">=" ">>" ">>=" ">>>" ">>>=" "~" "^" "&" "|" "^=" "&=" "|=" "&&" "||" "??" "&&=" "||=" "??=" "..." ] @operator (ternary_expression ["?" ":"] @operator) [ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket [ "async" "debugger" "delete" "extends" "from" "get" "new" "set" "target" "typeof" "instanceof" "void" "with" ] @keyword [ "of" "as" "in" ] @keyword.operator [ "function" ] @keyword.function [ "class" "let" "var" ] @keyword.storage.type [ "const" "static" ] @keyword.storage.modifier [ "default" "yield" "finally" "do" "await" ] @keyword.control [ "if" "else" "switch" "case" "while" ] @keyword.control.conditional [ "for" ] @keyword.control.repeat [ "import" "export" ] @keyword.control.import [ "return" "break" "continue" ] @keyword.control.return [ "throw" "try" "catch" ] @keyword.control.exception