use futures_util::{stream::FuturesOrdered, FutureExt}; use helix_lsp::{ block_on, lsp::{ self, CodeAction, CodeActionOrCommand, CodeActionTriggerKind, DiagnosticSeverity, NumberOrString, }, util::{diagnostic_to_lsp_diagnostic, lsp_range_to_range, range_to_lsp_range}, Client, LanguageServerId, OffsetEncoding, }; use tokio_stream::StreamExt; use tui::{text::Span, widgets::Row}; use super::{align_view, push_jump, Align, Context, Editor}; use helix_core::{syntax::LanguageServerFeature, text_annotations::InlineAnnotation, Selection}; use helix_stdx::path; use helix_view::{ document::{DocumentInlayHints, DocumentInlayHintsId}, editor::Action, handlers::lsp::SignatureHelpInvoked, theme::Style, Document, View, }; use crate::{ compositor::{self, Compositor}, job::Callback, ui::{self, overlay::overlaid, FileLocation, Picker, Popup, PromptEvent}, }; use std::{ cmp::Ordering, collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet}, fmt::Write, future::Future, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; /// Gets the first language server that is attached to a document which supports a specific feature. /// If there is no configured language server that supports the feature, this displays a status message. /// Using this macro in a context where the editor automatically queries the LSP /// (instead of when the user explicitly does so via a keybind like `gd`) /// will spam the "No configured language server supports \" status message confusingly. #[macro_export] macro_rules! language_server_with_feature { ($editor:expr, $doc:expr, $feature:expr) => {{ let language_server = $doc.language_servers_with_feature($feature).next(); match language_server { Some(language_server) => language_server, None => { $editor.set_status(format!( "No configured language server supports {}", $feature )); return; } } }}; } struct SymbolInformationItem { symbol: lsp::SymbolInformation, offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding, } struct DiagnosticStyles { hint: Style, info: Style, warning: Style, error: Style, } struct PickerDiagnostic { path: PathBuf, diag: lsp::Diagnostic, offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding, } fn location_to_file_location(location: &lsp::Location) -> FileLocation { let path = location.uri.to_file_path().unwrap(); let line = Some(( location.range.start.line as usize, location.range.end.line as usize, )); (path.into(), line) } fn jump_to_location( editor: &mut Editor, location: &lsp::Location, offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding, action: Action, ) { let (view, doc) = current!(editor); push_jump(view, doc); let path = match location.uri.to_file_path() { Ok(path) => path, Err(_) => { let err = format!("unable to convert URI to filepath: {}", location.uri); editor.set_error(err); return; } }; jump_to_position(editor, &path, location.range, offset_encoding, action); } fn jump_to_position( editor: &mut Editor, path: &Path, range: lsp::Range, offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding, action: Action, ) { let doc = match, action) { Ok(id) => doc_mut!(editor, &id), Err(err) => { let err = format!("failed to open path: {:?}: {:?}", path, err); editor.set_error(err); return; } }; let view = view_mut!(editor); // TODO: convert inside server let new_range = if let Some(new_range) = lsp_range_to_range(doc.text(), range, offset_encoding) { new_range } else { log::warn!("lsp position out of bounds - {:?}", range); return; }; // we flip the range so that the cursor sits on the start of the symbol // (for example start of the function). doc.set_selection(, Selection::single(new_range.head, new_range.anchor)); if action.align_view(view, { align_view(doc, view, Align::Center); } } fn display_symbol_kind(kind: lsp::SymbolKind) -> &'static str { match kind { lsp::SymbolKind::FILE => "file", lsp::SymbolKind::MODULE => "module", lsp::SymbolKind::NAMESPACE => "namespace", lsp::SymbolKind::PACKAGE => "package", lsp::SymbolKind::CLASS => "class", lsp::SymbolKind::METHOD => "method", lsp::SymbolKind::PROPERTY => "property", lsp::SymbolKind::FIELD => "field", lsp::SymbolKind::CONSTRUCTOR => "construct", lsp::SymbolKind::ENUM => "enum", lsp::SymbolKind::INTERFACE => "interface", lsp::SymbolKind::FUNCTION => "function", lsp::SymbolKind::VARIABLE => "variable", lsp::SymbolKind::CONSTANT => "constant", lsp::SymbolKind::STRING => "string", lsp::SymbolKind::NUMBER => "number", lsp::SymbolKind::BOOLEAN => "boolean", lsp::SymbolKind::ARRAY => "array", lsp::SymbolKind::OBJECT => "object", lsp::SymbolKind::KEY => "key", lsp::SymbolKind::NULL => "null", lsp::SymbolKind::ENUM_MEMBER => "enummem", lsp::SymbolKind::STRUCT => "struct", lsp::SymbolKind::EVENT => "event", lsp::SymbolKind::OPERATOR => "operator", lsp::SymbolKind::TYPE_PARAMETER => "typeparam", _ => { log::warn!("Unknown symbol kind: {:?}", kind); "" } } } type SymbolPicker = Picker; fn sym_picker(symbols: Vec, workspace: bool) -> SymbolPicker { let symbol_kind_column = ui::PickerColumn::new("kind", |item: &SymbolInformationItem, _| { display_symbol_kind(item.symbol.kind).into() }); let columns = if workspace { vec![ symbol_kind_column, ui::PickerColumn::new("name", |item: &SymbolInformationItem, _| { }) .without_filtering(), ui::PickerColumn::new("path", |item: &SymbolInformationItem, _| { match item.symbol.location.uri.to_file_path() { Ok(path) => path::get_relative_path(path.as_path()) .to_string_lossy() .to_string() .into(), Err(_) => item.symbol.location.uri.to_string().into(), } }), ] } else { vec![ symbol_kind_column, // Some symbols in the document symbol picker may have a URI that isn't // the current file. It should be rare though, so we concatenate that // URI in with the symbol name in this picker. ui::PickerColumn::new("name", |item: &SymbolInformationItem, _| { }), ] }; Picker::new( columns, 1, // name column symbols, (), move |cx, item, action| { jump_to_location( cx.editor, &item.symbol.location, item.offset_encoding, action, ); }, ) .with_preview(move |_editor, item| Some(location_to_file_location(&item.symbol.location))) .truncate_start(false) } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] enum DiagnosticsFormat { ShowSourcePath, HideSourcePath, } type DiagnosticsPicker = Picker; fn diag_picker( cx: &Context, diagnostics: BTreeMap>, format: DiagnosticsFormat, ) -> DiagnosticsPicker { // TODO: drop current_path comparison and instead use workspace: bool flag? // flatten the map to a vec of (url, diag) pairs let mut flat_diag = Vec::new(); for (path, diags) in diagnostics { flat_diag.reserve(diags.len()); for (diag, ls) in diags { if let Some(ls) = cx.editor.language_server_by_id(ls) { flat_diag.push(PickerDiagnostic { path: path.clone(), diag, offset_encoding: ls.offset_encoding(), }); } } } let styles = DiagnosticStyles { hint: cx.editor.theme.get("hint"), info: cx.editor.theme.get("info"), warning: cx.editor.theme.get("warning"), error: cx.editor.theme.get("error"), }; let mut columns = vec![ ui::PickerColumn::new( "severity", |item: &PickerDiagnostic, styles: &DiagnosticStyles| { match item.diag.severity { Some(DiagnosticSeverity::HINT) => Span::styled("HINT", styles.hint), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION) => Span::styled("INFO",, Some(DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING) => Span::styled("WARN", styles.warning), Some(DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR) => Span::styled("ERROR", styles.error), _ => Span::raw(""), } .into() }, ), ui::PickerColumn::new("code", |item: &PickerDiagnostic, _| { match item.diag.code.as_ref() { Some(NumberOrString::Number(n)) => n.to_string().into(), Some(NumberOrString::String(s)) => s.as_str().into(), None => "".into(), } }), ui::PickerColumn::new("message", |item: &PickerDiagnostic, _| { item.diag.message.as_str().into() }), ]; let mut primary_column = 2; // message if format == DiagnosticsFormat::ShowSourcePath { columns.insert( // between message code and message 2, ui::PickerColumn::new("path", |item: &PickerDiagnostic, _| { let path = path::get_truncated_path(&item.path); path.to_string_lossy().to_string().into() }), ); primary_column += 1; } Picker::new( columns, primary_column, flat_diag, styles, move |cx, PickerDiagnostic { path, diag, offset_encoding, }, action| { jump_to_position(cx.editor, path, diag.range, *offset_encoding, action) }, ) .with_preview(move |_editor, PickerDiagnostic { path, diag, .. }| { let line = Some((diag.range.start.line as usize, diag.range.end.line as usize)); Some((path.clone().into(), line)) }) .truncate_start(false) } pub fn symbol_picker(cx: &mut Context) { fn nested_to_flat( list: &mut Vec, file: &lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier, symbol: lsp::DocumentSymbol, offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding, ) { #[allow(deprecated)] list.push(SymbolInformationItem { symbol: lsp::SymbolInformation { name:, kind: symbol.kind, tags: symbol.tags, deprecated: symbol.deprecated, location: lsp::Location::new(file.uri.clone(), symbol.selection_range), container_name: None, }, offset_encoding, }); for child in symbol.children.into_iter().flatten() { nested_to_flat(list, file, child, offset_encoding); } } let doc = doc!(cx.editor); let mut seen_language_servers = HashSet::new(); let mut futures: FuturesOrdered<_> = doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::DocumentSymbols) .filter(|ls| seen_language_servers.insert( .map(|language_server| { let request = language_server.document_symbols(doc.identifier()).unwrap(); let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let doc_id = doc.identifier(); async move { let json = request.await?; let response: Option = serde_json::from_value(json)?; let symbols = match response { Some(symbols) => symbols, None => return anyhow::Ok(vec![]), }; // lsp has two ways to represent symbols (flat/nested) // convert the nested variant to flat, so that we have a homogeneous list let symbols = match symbols { lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse::Flat(symbols) => symbols .into_iter() .map(|symbol| SymbolInformationItem { symbol, offset_encoding, }) .collect(), lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse::Nested(symbols) => { let mut flat_symbols = Vec::new(); for symbol in symbols { nested_to_flat(&mut flat_symbols, &doc_id, symbol, offset_encoding) } flat_symbols } }; Ok(symbols) } }) .collect(); if futures.is_empty() { cx.editor .set_error("No configured language server supports document symbols"); return; } move { let mut symbols = Vec::new(); // TODO if one symbol request errors, all other requests are discarded (even if they're valid) while let Some(mut lsp_items) = futures.try_next().await? { symbols.append(&mut lsp_items); } let call = move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| { let picker = sym_picker(symbols, false); compositor.push(Box::new(overlaid(picker))) }; Ok(Callback::EditorCompositor(Box::new(call))) }); } pub fn workspace_symbol_picker(cx: &mut Context) { use crate::ui::picker::Injector; let doc = doc!(cx.editor); if doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::WorkspaceSymbols) .count() == 0 { cx.editor .set_error("No configured language server supports workspace symbols"); return; } let get_symbols = |pattern: &str, editor: &mut Editor, _data, injector: &Injector<_, _>| { let doc = doc!(editor); let mut seen_language_servers = HashSet::new(); let mut futures: FuturesOrdered<_> = doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::WorkspaceSymbols) .filter(|ls| seen_language_servers.insert( .map(|language_server| { let request = language_server .workspace_symbols(pattern.to_string()) .unwrap(); let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); async move { let json = request.await?; let response: Vec<_> = serde_json::from_value::>>(json)? .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .map(|symbol| SymbolInformationItem { symbol, offset_encoding, }) .collect(); anyhow::Ok(response) } }) .collect(); if futures.is_empty() { editor.set_error("No configured language server supports workspace symbols"); } let injector = injector.clone(); async move { // TODO if one symbol request errors, all other requests are discarded (even if they're valid) while let Some(lsp_items) = futures.try_next().await? { for item in lsp_items { injector.push(item)?; } } Ok(()) } .boxed() }; let columns = vec![ ui::PickerColumn::new("kind", |item: &SymbolInformationItem, _| { display_symbol_kind(item.symbol.kind).into() }), ui::PickerColumn::new("name", |item: &SymbolInformationItem, _| { }) .without_filtering(), ui::PickerColumn::new("path", |item: &SymbolInformationItem, _| { match item.symbol.location.uri.to_file_path() { Ok(path) => path::get_relative_path(path.as_path()) .to_string_lossy() .to_string() .into(), Err(_) => item.symbol.location.uri.to_string().into(), } }), ]; let picker = Picker::new( columns, 1, // name column vec![], (), move |cx, item, action| { jump_to_location( cx.editor, &item.symbol.location, item.offset_encoding, action, ); }, ) .with_preview(|_editor, item| Some(location_to_file_location(&item.symbol.location))) .with_dynamic_query(get_symbols, None) .truncate_start(false); cx.push_layer(Box::new(overlaid(picker))); } pub fn diagnostics_picker(cx: &mut Context) { let doc = doc!(cx.editor); if let Some(current_path) = doc.path() { let diagnostics = cx .editor .diagnostics .get(current_path) .cloned() .unwrap_or_default(); let picker = diag_picker( cx, [(current_path.clone(), diagnostics)].into(), DiagnosticsFormat::HideSourcePath, ); cx.push_layer(Box::new(overlaid(picker))); } } pub fn workspace_diagnostics_picker(cx: &mut Context) { // TODO not yet filtered by LanguageServerFeature, need to do something similar as Document::shown_diagnostics here for all open documents let diagnostics = cx.editor.diagnostics.clone(); let picker = diag_picker(cx, diagnostics, DiagnosticsFormat::ShowSourcePath); cx.push_layer(Box::new(overlaid(picker))); } struct CodeActionOrCommandItem { lsp_item: lsp::CodeActionOrCommand, language_server_id: LanguageServerId, } impl ui::menu::Item for CodeActionOrCommandItem { type Data = (); fn format(&self, _data: &Self::Data) -> Row { match &self.lsp_item { lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(action) => action.title.as_str().into(), lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::Command(command) => command.title.as_str().into(), } } } /// Determines the category of the `CodeAction` using the `CodeAction::kind` field. /// Returns a number that represent these categories. /// Categories with a lower number should be displayed first. /// /// /// While the `kind` field is defined as open ended in the LSP spec (any value may be used) /// in practice a closed set of common values (mostly suggested in the LSP spec) are used. /// VSCode displays each of these categories separately (separated by a heading in the codeactions picker) /// to make them easier to navigate. Helix does not display these headings to the user. /// However it does sort code actions by their categories to achieve the same order as the VScode picker, /// just without the headings. /// /// The order used here is modeled after the [vscode sourcecode](>) fn action_category(action: &CodeActionOrCommand) -> u32 { if let CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(CodeAction { kind: Some(kind), .. }) = action { let mut components = kind.as_str().split('.'); match { Some("quickfix") => 0, Some("refactor") => match { Some("extract") => 1, Some("inline") => 2, Some("rewrite") => 3, Some("move") => 4, Some("surround") => 5, _ => 7, }, Some("source") => 6, _ => 7, } } else { 7 } } fn action_preferred(action: &CodeActionOrCommand) -> bool { matches!( action, CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(CodeAction { is_preferred: Some(true), .. }) ) } fn action_fixes_diagnostics(action: &CodeActionOrCommand) -> bool { matches!( action, CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(CodeAction { diagnostics: Some(diagnostics), .. }) if !diagnostics.is_empty() ) } pub fn code_action(cx: &mut Context) { let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); let selection_range = doc.selection(; let mut seen_language_servers = HashSet::new(); let mut futures: FuturesOrdered<_> = doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::CodeAction) .filter(|ls| seen_language_servers.insert( // TODO this should probably already been filtered in something like "language_servers_with_feature" .filter_map(|language_server| { let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let language_server_id =; let range = range_to_lsp_range(doc.text(), selection_range, offset_encoding); // Filter and convert overlapping diagnostics let code_action_context = lsp::CodeActionContext { diagnostics: doc .diagnostics() .iter() .filter(|&diag| { selection_range .overlaps(&helix_core::Range::new(diag.range.start, diag.range.end)) }) .map(|diag| diagnostic_to_lsp_diagnostic(doc.text(), diag, offset_encoding)) .collect(), only: None, trigger_kind: Some(CodeActionTriggerKind::INVOKED), }; let code_action_request = language_server.code_actions(doc.identifier(), range, code_action_context)?; Some((code_action_request, language_server_id)) }) .map(|(request, ls_id)| async move { let json = request.await?; let response: Option = serde_json::from_value(json)?; let mut actions = match response { Some(a) => a, None => return anyhow::Ok(Vec::new()), }; // remove disabled code actions actions.retain(|action| { matches!( action, CodeActionOrCommand::Command(_) | CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(CodeAction { disabled: None, .. }) ) }); // Sort codeactions into a useful order. This behaviour is only partially described in the LSP spec. // Many details are modeled after vscode because language servers are usually tested against it. // VScode sorts the codeaction two times: // // First the codeactions that fix some diagnostics are moved to the front. // If both codeactions fix some diagnostics (or both fix none) the codeaction // that is marked with `is_preferred` is shown first. The codeactions are then shown in separate // submenus that only contain a certain category (see `action_category`) of actions. // // Below this done in in a single sorting step actions.sort_by(|action1, action2| { // sort actions by category let order = action_category(action1).cmp(&action_category(action2)); if order != Ordering::Equal { return order; } // within the categories sort by relevancy. // Modeled after the `codeActionsComparator` function in vscode: // // if one code action fixes a diagnostic but the other one doesn't show it first let order = action_fixes_diagnostics(action1) .cmp(&action_fixes_diagnostics(action2)) .reverse(); if order != Ordering::Equal { return order; } // if one of the codeactions is marked as preferred show it first // otherwise keep the original LSP sorting action_preferred(action1) .cmp(&action_preferred(action2)) .reverse() }); Ok(actions .into_iter() .map(|lsp_item| CodeActionOrCommandItem { lsp_item, language_server_id: ls_id, }) .collect()) }) .collect(); if futures.is_empty() { cx.editor .set_error("No configured language server supports code actions"); return; } move { let mut actions = Vec::new(); // TODO if one code action request errors, all other requests are ignored (even if they're valid) while let Some(mut lsp_items) = futures.try_next().await? { actions.append(&mut lsp_items); } let call = move |editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| { if actions.is_empty() { editor.set_error("No code actions available"); return; } let mut picker = ui::Menu::new(actions, (), move |editor, action, event| { if event != PromptEvent::Validate { return; } // always present here let action = action.unwrap(); let Some(language_server) = editor.language_server_by_id(action.language_server_id) else { editor.set_error("Language Server disappeared"); return; }; let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); match &action.lsp_item { lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::Command(command) => { log::debug!("code action command: {:?}", command); execute_lsp_command(editor, action.language_server_id, command.clone()); } lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(code_action) => { log::debug!("code action: {:?}", code_action); // we support lsp "codeAction/resolve" for `edit` and `command` fields let mut resolved_code_action = None; if code_action.edit.is_none() || code_action.command.is_none() { if let Some(future) = language_server.resolve_code_action(code_action.clone()) { if let Ok(response) = helix_lsp::block_on(future) { if let Ok(code_action) = serde_json::from_value::(response) { resolved_code_action = Some(code_action); } } } } let resolved_code_action = resolved_code_action.as_ref().unwrap_or(code_action); if let Some(ref workspace_edit) = resolved_code_action.edit { let _ = editor.apply_workspace_edit(offset_encoding, workspace_edit); } // if code action provides both edit and command first the edit // should be applied and then the command if let Some(command) = &code_action.command { execute_lsp_command(editor, action.language_server_id, command.clone()); } } } }); picker.move_down(); // pre-select the first item let popup = Popup::new("code-action", picker).with_scrollbar(false); compositor.replace_or_push("code-action", popup); }; Ok(Callback::EditorCompositor(Box::new(call))) }); } pub fn execute_lsp_command( editor: &mut Editor, language_server_id: LanguageServerId, cmd: lsp::Command, ) { // the command is executed on the server and communicated back // to the client asynchronously using workspace edits let future = match editor .language_server_by_id(language_server_id) .and_then(|language_server| language_server.command(cmd)) { Some(future) => future, None => { editor.set_error("Language server does not support executing commands"); return; } }; tokio::spawn(async move { let res = future.await; if let Err(e) = res { log::error!("execute LSP command: {}", e); } }); } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ApplyEditError { pub kind: ApplyEditErrorKind, pub failed_change_idx: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ApplyEditErrorKind { DocumentChanged, FileNotFound, UnknownURISchema, IoError(std::io::Error), // TODO: check edits before applying and propagate failure // InvalidEdit, } impl ToString for ApplyEditErrorKind { fn to_string(&self) -> String { match self { ApplyEditErrorKind::DocumentChanged => "document has changed".to_string(), ApplyEditErrorKind::FileNotFound => "file not found".to_string(), ApplyEditErrorKind::UnknownURISchema => "URI schema not supported".to_string(), ApplyEditErrorKind::IoError(err) => err.to_string(), } } } /// Precondition: `locations` should be non-empty. fn goto_impl( editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor, locations: Vec, offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding, ) { let cwdir = helix_stdx::env::current_working_dir(); match locations.as_slice() { [location] => { jump_to_location(editor, location, offset_encoding, Action::Replace); } [] => unreachable!("`locations` should be non-empty for `goto_impl`"), _locations => { let columns = vec![ui::PickerColumn::new( "location", |item: &lsp::Location, cwdir: &std::path::PathBuf| { // The preallocation here will overallocate a few characters since it will account for the // URL's scheme, which is not used most of the time since that scheme will be "file://". // Those extra chars will be used to avoid allocating when writing the line number (in the // common case where it has 5 digits or less, which should be enough for a cast majority // of usages). let mut res = String::with_capacity(item.uri.as_str().len()); if item.uri.scheme() == "file" { // With the preallocation above and UTF-8 paths already, this closure will do one (1) // allocation, for `to_file_path`, else there will be two (2), with `to_string_lossy`. if let Ok(path) = item.uri.to_file_path() { res.push_str( &path.strip_prefix(cwdir).unwrap_or(&path).to_string_lossy(), ); } } else { // Never allocates since we declared the string with this capacity already. res.push_str(item.uri.as_str()); } // Most commonly, this will not allocate, especially on Unix systems where the root prefix // is a simple `/` and not `C:\` (with whatever drive letter) write!(&mut res, ":{}", item.range.start.line + 1) .expect("Will only failed if allocating fail"); res.into() }, )]; let picker = Picker::new(columns, 0, locations, cwdir, move |cx, location, action| { jump_to_location(cx.editor, location, offset_encoding, action) }) .with_preview(move |_editor, location| Some(location_to_file_location(location))); compositor.push(Box::new(overlaid(picker))); } } } fn to_locations(definitions: Option) -> Vec { match definitions { Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar(location)) => vec![location], Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Array(locations)) => locations, Some(lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse::Link(locations)) => locations .into_iter() .map(|location_link| lsp::Location { uri: location_link.target_uri, range: location_link.target_range, }) .collect(), None => Vec::new(), } } fn goto_single_impl(cx: &mut Context, feature: LanguageServerFeature, request_provider: P) where P: Fn(&Client, lsp::Position, lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier) -> Option, F: Future> + 'static + Send, { let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); let language_server = language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, feature); let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding); let future = request_provider(language_server, pos, doc.identifier()).unwrap(); cx.callback( future, move |editor, compositor, response: Option| { let items = to_locations(response); if items.is_empty() { editor.set_error("No definition found."); } else { goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding); } }, ); } pub fn goto_declaration(cx: &mut Context) { goto_single_impl( cx, LanguageServerFeature::GotoDeclaration, |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_declaration(doc_id, pos, None), ); } pub fn goto_definition(cx: &mut Context) { goto_single_impl( cx, LanguageServerFeature::GotoDefinition, |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_definition(doc_id, pos, None), ); } pub fn goto_type_definition(cx: &mut Context) { goto_single_impl( cx, LanguageServerFeature::GotoTypeDefinition, |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_type_definition(doc_id, pos, None), ); } pub fn goto_implementation(cx: &mut Context) { goto_single_impl( cx, LanguageServerFeature::GotoImplementation, |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_implementation(doc_id, pos, None), ); } pub fn goto_reference(cx: &mut Context) { let config = cx.editor.config(); let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); // TODO could probably support multiple language servers, // not sure if there's a real practical use case for this though let language_server = language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, LanguageServerFeature::GotoReference); let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding); let future = language_server .goto_reference( doc.identifier(), pos, config.lsp.goto_reference_include_declaration, None, ) .unwrap(); cx.callback( future, move |editor, compositor, response: Option>| { let items = response.unwrap_or_default(); if items.is_empty() { editor.set_error("No references found."); } else { goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding); } }, ); } pub fn signature_help(cx: &mut Context) { cx.editor .handlers .trigger_signature_help(SignatureHelpInvoked::Manual, cx.editor) } pub fn hover(cx: &mut Context) { let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); // TODO support multiple language servers (merge UI somehow) let language_server = language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, LanguageServerFeature::Hover); // TODO: factor out a doc.position_identifier() that returns lsp::TextDocumentPositionIdentifier let pos = doc.position(, language_server.offset_encoding()); let future = language_server .text_document_hover(doc.identifier(), pos, None) .unwrap(); cx.callback( future, move |editor, compositor, response: Option| { if let Some(hover) = response { // hover.contents / .range <- used for visualizing fn marked_string_to_markdown(contents: lsp::MarkedString) -> String { match contents { lsp::MarkedString::String(contents) => contents, lsp::MarkedString::LanguageString(string) => { if string.language == "markdown" { string.value } else { format!("```{}\n{}\n```", string.language, string.value) } } } } let contents = match hover.contents { lsp::HoverContents::Scalar(contents) => marked_string_to_markdown(contents), lsp::HoverContents::Array(contents) => contents .into_iter() .map(marked_string_to_markdown) .collect::>() .join("\n\n"), lsp::HoverContents::Markup(contents) => contents.value, }; // skip if contents empty let contents = ui::Markdown::new(contents, editor.syn_loader.clone()); let popup = Popup::new("hover", contents).auto_close(true); compositor.replace_or_push("hover", popup); } }, ); } pub fn rename_symbol(cx: &mut Context) { fn get_prefill_from_word_boundary(editor: &Editor) -> String { let (view, doc) = current_ref!(editor); let text = doc.text().slice(..); let primary_selection = doc.selection(; if primary_selection.len() > 1 { primary_selection } else { use helix_core::textobject::{textobject_word, TextObject}; textobject_word(text, primary_selection, TextObject::Inside, 1, false) } .fragment(text) .into() } fn get_prefill_from_lsp_response( editor: &Editor, offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding, response: Option, ) -> Result { match response { Some(lsp::PrepareRenameResponse::Range(range)) => { let text = doc!(editor).text(); Ok(lsp_range_to_range(text, range, offset_encoding) .ok_or("lsp sent invalid selection range for rename")? .fragment(text.slice(..)) .into()) } Some(lsp::PrepareRenameResponse::RangeWithPlaceholder { placeholder, .. }) => { Ok(placeholder) } Some(lsp::PrepareRenameResponse::DefaultBehavior { .. }) => { Ok(get_prefill_from_word_boundary(editor)) } None => Err("lsp did not respond to prepare rename request"), } } fn create_rename_prompt( editor: &Editor, prefill: String, history_register: Option, language_server_id: Option, ) -> Box { let prompt = ui::Prompt::new( "rename-to:".into(), history_register, ui::completers::none, move |cx: &mut compositor::Context, input: &str, event: PromptEvent| { if event != PromptEvent::Validate { return; } let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); let Some(language_server) = doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::RenameSymbol) .find(|ls| language_server_id.map_or(true, |id| id == else { cx.editor .set_error("No configured language server supports symbol renaming"); return; }; let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding); let future = language_server .rename_symbol(doc.identifier(), pos, input.to_string()) .unwrap(); match block_on(future) { Ok(edits) => { let _ = cx.editor.apply_workspace_edit(offset_encoding, &edits); } Err(err) => cx.editor.set_error(err.to_string()), } }, ) .with_line(prefill, editor); Box::new(prompt) } let (view, doc) = current_ref!(cx.editor); let history_register = cx.register; if doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::RenameSymbol) .next() .is_none() { cx.editor .set_error("No configured language server supports symbol renaming"); return; } let language_server_with_prepare_rename_support = doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::RenameSymbol) .find(|ls| { matches!( ls.capabilities().rename_provider, Some(lsp::OneOf::Right(lsp::RenameOptions { prepare_provider: Some(true), .. })) ) }); if let Some(language_server) = language_server_with_prepare_rename_support { let ls_id =; let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding); let future = language_server .prepare_rename(doc.identifier(), pos) .unwrap(); cx.callback( future, move |editor, compositor, response: Option| { let prefill = match get_prefill_from_lsp_response(editor, offset_encoding, response) { Ok(p) => p, Err(e) => { editor.set_error(e); return; } }; let prompt = create_rename_prompt(editor, prefill, history_register, Some(ls_id)); compositor.push(prompt); }, ); } else { let prefill = get_prefill_from_word_boundary(cx.editor); let prompt = create_rename_prompt(cx.editor, prefill, history_register, None); cx.push_layer(prompt); } } pub fn select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor(cx: &mut Context) { let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); let language_server = language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, LanguageServerFeature::DocumentHighlight); let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding); let future = language_server .text_document_document_highlight(doc.identifier(), pos, None) .unwrap(); cx.callback( future, move |editor, _compositor, response: Option>| { let document_highlights = match response { Some(highlights) if !highlights.is_empty() => highlights, _ => return, }; let (view, doc) = current!(editor); let text = doc.text(); let pos = doc.selection(; // We must find the range that contains our primary cursor to prevent our primary cursor to move let mut primary_index = 0; let ranges = document_highlights .iter() .filter_map(|highlight| lsp_range_to_range(text, highlight.range, offset_encoding)) .enumerate() .map(|(i, range)| { if range.contains(pos) { primary_index = i; } range }) .collect(); let selection = Selection::new(ranges, primary_index); doc.set_selection(, selection); }, ); } pub fn compute_inlay_hints_for_all_views(editor: &mut Editor, jobs: &mut crate::job::Jobs) { if !editor.config().lsp.display_inlay_hints { return; } for (view, _) in editor.tree.views() { let doc = match editor.documents.get(&view.doc) { Some(doc) => doc, None => continue, }; if let Some(callback) = compute_inlay_hints_for_view(view, doc) { jobs.callback(callback); } } } fn compute_inlay_hints_for_view( view: &View, doc: &Document, ) -> Option>>>> { let view_id =; let doc_id = view.doc; let language_server = doc .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::InlayHints) .next()?; let doc_text = doc.text(); let len_lines = doc_text.len_lines(); // Compute ~3 times the current view height of inlay hints, that way some scrolling // will not show half the view with hints and half without while still being faster // than computing all the hints for the full file (which could be dozens of time // longer than the view is). let view_height = view.inner_height(); let first_visible_line = doc_text.char_to_line(view.offset.anchor.min(doc_text.len_chars())); let first_line = first_visible_line.saturating_sub(view_height); let last_line = first_visible_line .saturating_add(view_height.saturating_mul(2)) .min(len_lines); let new_doc_inlay_hints_id = DocumentInlayHintsId { first_line, last_line, }; // Don't recompute the annotations in case nothing has changed about the view if !doc.inlay_hints_oudated && doc .inlay_hints(view_id) .map_or(false, |dih| == new_doc_inlay_hints_id) { return None; } let doc_slice = doc_text.slice(..); let first_char_in_range = doc_slice.line_to_char(first_line); let last_char_in_range = doc_slice.line_to_char(last_line); let range = helix_lsp::util::range_to_lsp_range( doc_text, helix_core::Range::new(first_char_in_range, last_char_in_range), language_server.offset_encoding(), ); let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding(); let callback = super::make_job_callback( language_server.text_document_range_inlay_hints(doc.identifier(), range, None)?, move |editor, _compositor, response: Option>| { // The config was modified or the window was closed while the request was in flight if !editor.config().lsp.display_inlay_hints || editor.tree.try_get(view_id).is_none() { return; } // Add annotations to relevant document, not the current one (it may have changed in between) let doc = match editor.documents.get_mut(&doc_id) { Some(doc) => doc, None => return, }; // If we have neither hints nor an LSP, empty the inlay hints since they're now oudated let mut hints = match response { Some(hints) if !hints.is_empty() => hints, _ => { doc.set_inlay_hints( view_id, DocumentInlayHints::empty_with_id(new_doc_inlay_hints_id), ); doc.inlay_hints_oudated = false; return; } }; // Most language servers will already send them sorted but ensure this is the case to // avoid errors on our end. hints.sort_unstable_by_key(|inlay_hint| inlay_hint.position); let mut padding_before_inlay_hints = Vec::new(); let mut type_inlay_hints = Vec::new(); let mut parameter_inlay_hints = Vec::new(); let mut other_inlay_hints = Vec::new(); let mut padding_after_inlay_hints = Vec::new(); let doc_text = doc.text(); for hint in hints { let char_idx = match helix_lsp::util::lsp_pos_to_pos(doc_text, hint.position, offset_encoding) { Some(pos) => pos, // Skip inlay hints that have no "real" position None => continue, }; let label = match hint.label { lsp::InlayHintLabel::String(s) => s, lsp::InlayHintLabel::LabelParts(parts) => parts .into_iter() .map(|p| p.value) .collect::>() .join(""), }; let inlay_hints_vec = match hint.kind { Some(lsp::InlayHintKind::TYPE) => &mut type_inlay_hints, Some(lsp::InlayHintKind::PARAMETER) => &mut parameter_inlay_hints, // We can't warn on unknown kind here since LSPs are free to set it or not, for // example Rust Analyzer does not: every kind will be `None`. _ => &mut other_inlay_hints, }; if let Some(true) = hint.padding_left { padding_before_inlay_hints.push(InlineAnnotation::new(char_idx, " ")); } inlay_hints_vec.push(InlineAnnotation::new(char_idx, label)); if let Some(true) = hint.padding_right { padding_after_inlay_hints.push(InlineAnnotation::new(char_idx, " ")); } } doc.set_inlay_hints( view_id, DocumentInlayHints { id: new_doc_inlay_hints_id, type_inlay_hints, parameter_inlay_hints, other_inlay_hints, padding_before_inlay_hints, padding_after_inlay_hints, }, ); doc.inlay_hints_oudated = false; }, ); Some(callback) }