# aurara # a messy mix of aura (dark, soft), noctis, and liberal use of helix's text styling # Author : rahil/rathewolf # aura ported by: # Author: elainabialkowski # aura originally by: # Author: Dalton Menezes # License: MIT # noctis ported by: # Author: 0rphee # who used this template: https://github.com/n0s4/helix-theme-template # noctis originally by: # Author: Liviu Schera and contributors # License: MIT # TODO: # maybe add a fallback for every table..? # figure out how to get alpha workin'.. # how does this differ from saturation? # get a dim color for var/let/mut keyword # currently using the same purple as operators.. which isn't too bad though, as it keeps a consistent scheme.. and it doesn't conflict with anything either. it's also good as a fallback for 'end', as that sometimes doesn't highlight properly.. # NOTE: # struct counts as a keyword, not a type, which can be confusing.. maybe there's more keyword properties..?? # blinking doesn't work with italics, another reason to not italicize comments # can fetch syntax highlighting tests from here: # https://github.com/sharkdp/bat ## GENERAL ============================== 'warning' = { fg ="orange-warning", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Editor warnings. TEMP/TEST/WARN 'error' = { fg = "red-error", modifiers = ["bold", "slow_blink"] } # Editor errors, like mis-typing a command. BUG ISSUE # but not ERROR..? 'info' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Code diagnostic info in gutter (LSP). TODO/INFO # def prefer noctis's blue-aqua over aura's here 'hint' = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold", "dim"] } # Code diagnostics hint in gutter (LSP). # ? Difference between info and hint ? 'diagnostic' = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } # Code diagnostics in editing area (LSP). 'diagnostic.unnecessary' = { modifiers = ["dim"] } # took this from default theme 'diagnostic.deprecated' = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] } # took this from default theme 'diagnostic.error' = { underline = { style = "curl", color = "red-error" }, modifiers = ["bold", "slow_blink", "dim"] } 'diagnostic.hint' = { underline = { style = "line", color = "cyan" }, modifiers = ["bold", "dim"] } 'diagnostic.info' = { underline = { style = "line", color = "blue-aqua" }, modifiers = ["bold", "dim"] } # TODO: TEST: diagnostics, might need a new set of colors..! can use all neon colors here!! # UI ============================== # For styling helix itself. 'ui.background' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", bg = "bg"} # Default background color., the fg seems to be used for borders.. 'ui.window' = { fg = "purple-pleasant" } # Window border between splits. 'ui.gutter' = { fg = "orange-warning"} # Left gutter for diagnostics and breakpoints. 'ui.text' = { fg = "purple-pleasant" } # Default text color. used in text files, pickers, ui, and more! 'ui.text.focus' = { fg = "pink", bg = "selection-ui", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Selection highlight in buffer-picker or file-picker. 'ui.text.info' = { fg = "pink", bg ="bg" } # Info popup contents (space mode menu). # NOTE: pink pops out, making it better than the comfy purple-pleasant here 'ui.text.inactive' = { fg = "gray-stone" } # i think used in autocomplete suggestion.. # TODO: a little hard to see, but i like it better than white-stone and purple-darker.. 'ui.cursor' = { fg = "light-green-complement", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold" ] } # Fallback cursor colour, non-primary cursors when there are multiple (shift-c). # should be slightly darker than primary cursor.. 'ui.cursor.primary' = { fg = "pink", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold"] } # The primary cursor when there are multiple (shift-c). # TODO: NOTE: this blinking at a different timing then the selection's blink is too much!! lol, but i do prefer it to blink.. # 'ui.cursor.insert' = { fg = "pink", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold"] } # The cursor in insert mode (i). # 'ui.cursor.select' = { fg = "pink", bg = "light-green", modifiers = ["reversed", "bold"] } # The cursor in select mode (v). 'ui.cursor.match' = { fg = "cyan", bg = "pink", modifiers = ["bold", "reversed", "slow_blink"] } # The matching parentheses of that under the cursor. # NOTE: changed from purple, which was a bit tough to see..; rapid_blink was just too annoying..; light-green was too much, trying cyan.. 'ui.selection' = { bg = "selection-ui", modifiers = [ "bold", "slow_blink" ] } # All currently selected text. # TODO: decide purple-selection vs the neutral selection-ui: purple is easier to see immediately, but the neutral selection shows text more clearly / less muddy, and with the aid of blinking, it's pretty easy to see too # 'ui.selection.primary' = { bg = "purple-selection" } # The primary selection when there are multiple. # 'ui.cursorline.primary' = { bg = 'purple-selection' } # # TODO: would need a very dim color, between selection-ui and background.. it could work of primary selection has a tinge of color to it (purple-selection), but without that, it would make it even harder to see the selection # 'ui.highlight.frameline' = { bg = "selection-ui" } # hmmm, not sure.. 'ui.linenr' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", modifiers = ["dim"]} # Line numbers. 'ui.linenr.selected' = { modifiers = [ "bold" ] } # Current line number. 'ui.virtual' = { fg = "purple-selection" } # Namespace for additions to the editing area. 'ui.virtual.ruler' = { bg = "selection-ui"} # Vertical rulers (colored columns in editing area). # TODO: TEST: haven't seen these two yet..error 'ui.virtual.whitespace' = { fg = "gray-stone"} # Whitespace markers in editing area: newline.. 'ui.virtual.indent-guide' = { fg = "marker13" } # Indentation guides. # 'ui.bufferline' = { fg = "red-error"} # 'ui.bufferline.active' = { modifiers = ["underline"] } # doesn't work.. # 'ui.bufferline.inactive' # also doesn't work.. # using ui.statusline instead: 'ui.statusline' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", bg = "bg-ui", modifiers = ["dim"] } # Status line. and tab bar # NOTE: matches line numbers 'ui.statusline.inactive' = { fg = "gray-stone", bg = "bg-ui", modifiers = [] } # Status line in unfocused windows. # TODO: too dim, likely inherited, but i don't know how to uninherit it.. "ui.statusline.normal" = { fg = "purple-pleasant" } "ui.statusline.insert" = { fg = "pink-salmon", modifiers = [] } # matches return keyword "ui.statusline.select" = { fg = "blue-aqua", modifiers = [] } # seems dark, even without dim.. not sure how inheritance works here.. # slow_blink on insert/select was too annoying.. # using a colored background was also too annoying 'ui.help' = { bg = "bg", fg = "pink"} # `:command` descriptions above the command line. 'ui.highlight' = { bg = "selection-ui", modifiers = ["slow_blink"] } # selected contents of symbol pickers (spc-s, spc-S) and current line in buffer picker (spc-b). 'ui.menu' = { fg = "pink", bg = "bg" } # Autocomplete menu. # pink is a nice change from purple-pleasant.. 'ui.menu.selected' = { bg = "selection-ui", fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Selected autocomplete item. # not a fan of slow_blink here.. # gold is fantastic for selected text and fuzzy matching 'ui.popup' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", bg = "bg" } # Documentation popups (space-k). 'ui.popup.info' = { fg = "pink", bg = "bg" } # Info popups box (space mode menu). # bold was just too much.. the pink is nice tho! vs purple-pleasant # it seems ui.text.info overrides this..?? # "ui.menu.scroll" = { } # SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING ============================== # All the keys here are Treesitter scopes. 'property' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # Regex group names. # TODO: no clue.. never seen this.. just matching regex strings for now.. 'special' = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Special symbols e.g `?` in Rust, `...` in Hare. 'attribute' = { fg = "purple" } # Class attributes, html tag attributes. 'type' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Variable type, like integer or string, including program defined classes, structs etc.. # NOTE: sometimes there's class / end, which looks odd not bolded like other control/end statements 'type.builtin' = { fg = "green-sea" } # Primitive types of the language (string, int, float). # dark-blue was just too ugly.. this is still a funky sea green.. TODO: this is still a funky sea green.. 'type.enum.variant' = { fg = "green-sea" } # A variant of an enum. # NOTE: i think was pink in aura theme.. but i def didn't like that for the enum values TODO: maybe white is fine 'constructor' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Constructor method for a class or struct. And in some cases applies to module names, as in ruby # was blue-aqua in noctis, it's pink in vs-code's aura, along with static... TODO: maybe could try a new color here.. # ruby's class seems to use this.. maybe best to stick to using the same color as type.., but then __init__ uses this too..; also used upon constructor call! Ok(), Some() in rust 'constant' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # Constant value # originally green in aura... and it seems a pretty good use of this green, as i don't use it for strings anymore.. # NOTE: if this is too dark, can use light-green, as there aren't too many of these.. # 'constant.builtin' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Special constants like `true`, `false`, `none`, etc. # 'constant.builtin.boolean' = { } # True or False. # 'constant.character' = { fg = "blue-aqua"} # Constant of character type. # 'constant.character.escape' = { fg = "mid-green", modifiers = ["bold"] } # escape codes like \n. # NOTE: matches regexp # 'constant.numeric' = { fg = "dark-blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } # constant integer or float value. # 'constant.numeric.integer' = { } # constant integer value. # 'constant.numeric.float' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # constant float value. 'string' = { fg = "purple-pleasant" } # String literal. # changed to use main text color (purple!) TODO: can decrease alpha more if needed 'string.regexp' = { fg = "green-aqua" } # Regular expression literal. # NOTE: matches character escape 'string.special' = { fg = "purple-pleasant", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Strings containing a path, URL, etc. # could use something funky 'n dark here.. # i hate long underlined text!, so def don't want that.. # TODO: TEST: italics # 'string.special.path' = { } # String containing a file path. # 'string.special.url' = { } # String containing a web URL. 'string.special.symbol' = { fg = "berry-desaturated" } # Erlang/Elixir atoms, Ruby symbols, Clojure keywords. # secondary text (pink) collides with punctuation :/ 'comment' = { fg = "gray-stone-lighter", modifiers = ["dim"] } # This is a comment. # TODO: dim and italics should be optional # TODO: this is beautiful when it's dim, but with a transparent background, it can be tough to see.. # even purple-pleasant dimmed doesn't look bad.. # 'comment.line' = { } # Line comments, like this. # 'comment.block' = { } # Block comments, like /* this */ in some languages. 'comment.block.documentation' = { fg = "gray-stone", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Doc comments, e.g '///' in rust. # TODO: TEST: maybe okay to use italics here.. 'variable' = { fg = "white-stone" } # Variable names. 'variable.builtin' = { fg = "blue-aqua" } # Language reserved variables: `this`, `self`, `super`, etc. # NOTE: matches class color 'variable.parameter' = { fg = "white-stone" } # Function parameters. # TODO: this would be really useful to differentiate.. white-sea-tinged isn't too bad.. # 'variable.other.member' = { } # Fields of composite data types (e.g. structs, unions). # TODO: could use another color here.. 'variable.function' = { fg = "orange-brighter" } # ? ruby-like everything is an object..? # NOTE: variable.other = "pink" in aura ?? 'label' = { fg = "purple" } # Loop labels in rust. 'punctuation' = { fg = "pink", modifiers = ["bold"] } # (){}[]:;,. # NOTE: the bolded gold from noctic is really, really nice, but it collides with the orange-brighter color; also, bolded white is too much white, should save white just for variables only 'punctuation.delimiter' = { fg = "pink-hot", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Commas and colons. # TODO: TEST: i might just prefer the same pink for consistency.. though this is very very slight..! 'punctuation.bracket' = { fg = "pink", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Parentheses, angle brackets, etc. 'punctuation.special' = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } # no clue.. 'keyword' = { fg = "purple" } # Language reserved keywords. var, void, struct, let, mut, was accent18 TODO: try it # TODO: could use another color here.. something that doesn't stick out.. snazzy's yellow is too bright (and dim too dim), maybe a purple-dark with less alpha..? 'keyword.control' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Control keywords. 'keyword.control.conditional' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # 'if', 'else', 'elif'. # TODO: could use a cascading shades of purple here, between purple and purple-darker of operator, darkest on the outside, yet it's also nice to have it consistent.. # 'keyword.control.repeat' = { } # 'for', 'while', 'loop'. 'keyword.control.import' = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic", "bold"] } # 'import', 'export' ('use'?). 'keyword.control.return' = { fg = "pink-salmon", modifiers = ["italic"] } # 'return' in most languages. # NOTE: tried red, but it's so ugly!!.. :/ but could use it's own color.. stole noctis's pink-salmon here.. bold is really nice too, more pink-salmony, but it eventually bugged me..; italics makes it feel like it's *pressed* in 'keyword.control.exception' = { fg = "pink-salmon", modifiers = ["italic"] } # 'raise' in python. 'keyword.operator' = { fg = "purple-darker", modifiers = ["bold"] } # 'or', 'and', 'in'. # TODO: doesn't look like it's working..?? 'keyword.directive' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Preprocessor directives (#if, #include in C). 'keyword.function' = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } # The keyword to define a funtion: 'def', 'fun', 'fn'. 'keyword.storage' = { fg = "purple" } # function and type modifiers/accessors: public/private, internal, readonly, const, etc.; also struct? var?? namespace?.. lots!! # only makes sense to bold in C#.. # NOTE: struct and var should match type.builtin 'operator' = { fg = "purple-darker", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Logical (&&, ||) and - I assume - Mathematical (+, %) operators # top three are ordered from brightest to darkest 'function' = { fg = "orange-brighter"} 'function.method' = { fg = "orange" } # Class / Struct methods. 'function.builtin' = { fg = "gold-dim" } # TODO: TEST: gold-dim and orange-warning TODO: try minimus's yellow-orange 'function.macro' = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Like macros in rust. 'function.special' = { fg = "orange-brighter", modifiers = ["italic"] } # Preprocessor in C. # package, import 'tag' = { fg = "purple-darker" } # As in for html. # must be darker then the default text 'namespace' = { fg = "dark-blue", modifiers = ["italic"] } # * Namespace keyword in java, C#, etc. # namespace::function, namespace::class, package main, *types.Tuple # requires a seperate color # TODO: this nasty dark-blue accurately matches how i feel about namespace syntax..: *barf*.. # Markup ============================== # Colors for markup languages, like Markdown or XML. also affects comments!! # a little different from code since it's so simple, using a simple two color scheme: purple 'n gold # NOTE: it inherits the main text color from ui.text, and punctuation too markup = "purple-pleasant" # fallback 'markup.bold' = { fg = "orange" } # Bold text. # bold text isn't so easy to read.. but purple bold works pretty well alongside purple-pleasant # this orange is surprisingly dim! not bad at all, and keeps a consistent two-color theme 'markup.italic' = { modifiers = ["italic"] } # Italicised text. "markup.strikethrough" = { modifiers = ["crossed_out"] } 'markup.heading' = { fg = "orange-brighter", modifiers = ["bold"] } # Markdown headings # TODO: gold vs orange-brighter, i really just like the bolded gold, but if it's too bright, orange-brighter is perfect # 'markup.heading.1' = { } # Markdown heading 1 color. # 'markup.heading.2' = { } # Markdown heading 2 color. # 'markup.heading.3' = { } # Markdown heading 3 color. # 'markup.heading.4' = { } # Markdown heading 4 color. # 'markup.heading.5' = { } # Markdown heading 5 color. # 'markup.heading.6' = { } # Markdown heading 6 color. 'markup.heading.marker' = { fg = "gold" } # Hashtag color on Markdown headings. # bolded gold is too distracting.. 'markup.list' = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } # the bullet symbols are like shiny jewelry in the sea :) 'markup.list.numbered' = { fg = "gold" } # Numbered list. # 'markup.list.unnumbered' = { } # Bullet point list. 'markup.link' = { modifiers = ["underline"] } # different color is annoying in comments # seems to underline only when highlighted, which is great!! 'markup.link.url' = { fg = "gray-stone"} # Urls pointed to by links. 'markup.link.label' = { fg = "gray-stone" } # Non-URL link references. 'markup.link.text' = { fg = "purple-pleasant"} # URL and image descriptions in links. 'markup.quote' = { fg = "pink", modifiers = ["italic"] } # `> Quotes` in Markdown. # 'markup.raw' # TODO: ?? # Markup - Interface ============================== # "These scopes are used for theming the editor interface." 'markup.normal' = { } 'markup.normal.completion' = { } # For completion doc popup ui. 'markup.normal.raw' = { } # For hover popup ui. 'markup.heading.completion' = { } # Headings for completion doc popup ui. 'markup.heading.raw' = { } # Headings for hover popup ui. 'markup.raw' = { } # Code block in Markdown. 'markup.raw.block' = { } # Multiline (```) codeblock in Markdown. 'markup.raw.inline' = { } # `Inline code block` in Markdown. 'markup.raw.inline.completion' = { } # ? 'markup.raw.inline.hover' = { } # ? # Diff ============================== # Version control changes. 'diff.plus' = "green-aqua" # { } # Additions. 'diff.minus' = "red-error" # { } # Deletions. 'diff.delta' = "orange-warning" # { } # Modifications. 'diff.delta.moved' = "green-sea" # Renamed or moved files / changes. [palette] # Define your custom colors here. # NOTE: there are 16 colors in the palette by default, these will override any that have the same name # noctis # dark-green = "#00262a" # backgrounds # mid-green = "#073a40" # highlights # autocomp-green = "#0d6772" # lighter than mid-green # these three were used for backgrounds light-green = "#48e9a7" # a nice sea green, bright neon when bolded, like the displays of deep sea instruments, was "green", re-used for text under the cursor pink-salmon = "#df769b" # re-used for return, was "pink", it's perfect! :D use sparingly as i really don't like themes with lots of red in it, only returns and maybe exceptions gold = "#ffd800" # a nice, shiny bolded gold used for punctuation, was "yellow", ..maybe was also used for it's variable text..? purple-darker = "#6f60ea" # this purple is slightly darker than aura's, used for cascading keywords, but seems to match vs-code's aura better?? white-sea-tinged = "#b1cace" # has a tinge of green in it.., pleasant tho orange = "#e4b782" # looks fantastic in noctics, fit for the sea theme, like a clown-fish, using it for functions green-dark = "#5b858b" # mainly for comments/background text, was "gray" red = "#e34e1b" dark-blue = "#19a2b7" # TODO: quite hideous toxic aqua green... currently using for namespaces, as i don't have anymore colors.. blue-aqua = "#47ace8" # currently used for types, a pretty standard blue for classes.. cyan = "#87efff" # a tad bit too bright.. # aura dark soft/dim purple = "#8464c6" purple-selection = "#3d375e7f" purple-selection-solid = "#29263c" green-aqua = "#54c59f" # used for constants/literals, not the prettiest, but it fits the aqua sea feelin' of the overall theme.. maybe can try bogster's green orange-warning = "#c7a06f" # warning, like a dim hazard sign pink = "#c17ac8" # great, comfy pink for pop-up-menu ui text, TODO: shuold be second main text color, but using it for punctuation at the moment.. pink-lighter = "#cb90d1" # 1/7th shade lighter (whiter) pink-hot = "#cc6cd6" # +25% saturation, nice 'n slight! green-sea = "#6cb2c7" # builtin type, a bit funky but very much readable red-error = "#c55858" # error, looks great when blinking, like red flashing like underwater! white-stone = "#bdbdbd" # variable, has a dim tinge of dirty stone to it gray-stone = "#6d6d6d" # comment, similar to white, but desaturated/grayed out, now a sort of dirty blonde; i didn't like it at first, but then became amazing once dimmed!! # gray-stone-dimmed = "#6d6d6d80" # 80 = 50%, 40 = 25% gray-stone-lighter = "#7d7d7d" # used for comments with the dim modifier; 9d9d9d dimmed seems slightly brighter than gray-stone undimmed.. 7d7d7d is out of the way, 858585 forces eyes to read it, vs 8d8d8d? # TODO: alpha doesn't seem to affect these, only dim works.. bg = "#15141b" # was "black" orange-brighter = "#ffca85" # brighter than noctis's orange purple-pleasant = "#a394f033" # great comfy purp for ui, should be main color, used for text (in .txt files) and strings and ui, was accent17 # aura colors shared between variations # text10 = "#adacae" # TODO: try it bg-ui = "#1f1a27" # soft dark, used in ui background, status line, tab bar, seems similar to purple-selection, was accent24 # somewhere hidden in aura selection-ui = "#2e2b38" # no purple tinge, more closer to gray-stone, was accent33 marker13 = "#2d2d2d" # a barely visible gray # others scraped from aura # cyan-aura = "#82e2ff" # seems like noctis's cyan.. also sticks out too much.. # purple14 = "#af8aff7f" # light purple TODO: try it # purple-pleasant-opaque = "#a394f000" # purple-pleasant with 00 alpha (opaque?), was accent18 # NOTE: doesn't seem to make a difference.. # new colors light-green-complement = "#e9488a" # initially used to create a high-contrast color for match surrounding pairs but it was too fugly to use as a cursor.. pink is better. currently using for secondary cursors as it's darker than the primary cursor's pink # from boo berry berry-desaturated = "#886C9C" # originally used for comments, but didn't quite work.. maybe because boo berry has a background color..; didn't quite work for keywords either, as it was too dim and didn't match the rest of the scheme, like dirty blood.. worth keeping! currently using for atoms, which isn't bad!.. gold-dim = "#E3C0A8" # a really nice, dim color, more yellow than orange tho # TODO: "shades of purple" theme has an actual orangey orange, a nice fuschia/deep purple, a good red, and a cyan that isn't too bright # TODO: try checking out noctis variants minimus and uva # this site seems fine for buildings shades of a color.. # https://www.radix-ui.com/colors/custom # this site seems fun too.. # coolors.co