; Namespaces ; ---------- (internal_module [((identifier) @namespace) ((nested_identifier (identifier) @namespace))]) (ambient_declaration "global" @namespace) ; Parameters ; ---------- ; Javascript and Typescript Treesitter grammars deviate when defining the ; tree structure for parameters, so we need to address them in each specific ; language instead of ecma. ; (p: t) ; (p: t = 1) (required_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; (...p: t) (required_parameter (rest_pattern (identifier) @variable.parameter)) ; ({ p }: { p: t }) (required_parameter (object_pattern (shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @variable.parameter)) ; ({ a: p }: { a: t }) (required_parameter (object_pattern (pair_pattern value: (identifier) @variable.parameter))) ; ([ p ]: t[]) (required_parameter (array_pattern (identifier) @variable.parameter)) ; (p?: t) ; (p?: t = 1) // Invalid but still possible to highlight. (optional_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) ; (...p?: t) // Invalid but still possible to highlight. (optional_parameter (rest_pattern (identifier) @variable.parameter)) ; ({ p }: { p?: t}) (optional_parameter (object_pattern (shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @variable.parameter)) ; ({ a: p }: { a?: t }) (optional_parameter (object_pattern (pair_pattern value: (identifier) @variable.parameter))) ; ([ p ]?: t[]) // Invalid but still possible to highlight. (optional_parameter (array_pattern (identifier) @variable.parameter)) ; Punctuation ; ----------- [ ":" ] @punctuation.delimiter (optional_parameter "?" @punctuation.special) (property_signature "?" @punctuation.special) (conditional_type ["?" ":"] @operator) ; Keywords ; -------- [ "abstract" "declare" "export" "infer" "implements" "keyof" "namespace" "override" "satisfies" ] @keyword [ "type" "interface" "enum" ] @keyword.storage.type [ "public" "private" "protected" "readonly" ] @keyword.storage.modifier ; Types ; ----- (type_parameter name: (type_identifier) @type.parameter) (type_identifier) @type (predefined_type) @type.builtin ; Type arguments and parameters ; ----------------------------- (type_arguments [ "<" ">" ] @punctuation.bracket) (type_parameters [ "<" ">" ] @punctuation.bracket) ; Literals ; -------- [ (template_literal_type) ] @string ; Tokens ; ------ (template_type "${" @punctuation.special "}" @punctuation.special) @embedded