[ (use_list) (block) (match_block) (arguments) (parameters) (declaration_list) (field_declaration_list) (field_initializer_list) (struct_pattern) (tuple_pattern) (unit_expression) (enum_variant_list) (call_expression) (binary_expression) (field_expression) (tuple_expression) (array_expression) (token_tree) ] @indent [ "}" "]" ")" ] @outdent ; Indent the right side of assignments. ; The #not-same-line? predicate is required to prevent an extra indent for e.g. ; an else-clause where the previous if-clause starts on the same line as the assignment. (assignment_expression . (_) @expr-start right: (_) @indent (#not-same-line? @indent @expr-start) (#set! "scope" "all") ) (compound_assignment_expr . (_) @expr-start right: (_) @indent (#not-same-line? @indent @expr-start) (#set! "scope" "all") ) (let_declaration "let" @expr-start value: (_) @indent alternative: (_)? @indent (#not-same-line? @indent @expr-start) (#set! "scope" "all") ) (let_condition . (_) @expr-start value: (_) @indent (#not-same-line? @indent @expr-start) (#set! "scope" "all") ) (if_expression . (_) @expr-start condition: (_) @indent (#not-same-line? @indent @expr-start) (#set! "scope" "all") ) (field_pattern . (_) @expr-start pattern: (_) @indent (#not-same-line? @indent @expr-start) (#set! "scope" "all") ) ; Indent type aliases that span multiple lines, similar to ; regular assignment expressions (type_item . (_) @expr-start type: (_) @indent (#not-same-line? @indent @expr-start) (#set! "scope" "all") ) ; Some field expressions where the left part is a multiline expression are not ; indented by cargo fmt. ; Because this multiline expression might be nested in an arbitrary number of ; field expressions, this can only be matched using a Regex. (field_expression value: (_) @val "." @outdent ; Check whether the first line ends with `(`, `{` or `[` (up to whitespace). (#match? @val "(\\A[^\\n\\r]+(\\(|\\{|\\[)[\\t ]*(\\n|\\r))") ) ; Same as above, but with an additional `call_expression`. This is required since otherwise ; the arguments of the function call won't be outdented. (call_expression function: (field_expression value: (_) @val "." @outdent (#match? @val "(\\A[^\\n\\r]+(\\(|\\{|\\[)[\\t ]*(\\n|\\r))") ) arguments: (_) @outdent ) ; Indent if guards in patterns. ; Since the tree-sitter grammar doesn't create a node for the if expression, ; it's not possible to do this correctly in all cases. Indenting the tail of the ; whole pattern whenever it contains an `if` only fails if the `if` appears after ; the second line of the pattern (which should only rarely be the case) (match_pattern . (_) @expr-start "if" @pattern-guard (#not-same-line? @expr-start @pattern-guard) ) @indent (for_expression "in" @in . (_) @indent (#not-same-line? @in @indent) (#set! "scope" "all") )