# Theme: Iroaseta # Author: YardQuit # SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING "attribute" = { fg = "yellow" } "type" = { fg = "white" } "type.builtin" = { fg = "white" } "type.parameter" = { fg = "white" } "type.enum" = { fg = "white" } "type.enum.variant" = { fg = "white" } "constructor" = { fg = "orange" } "constant" = { fg = "blue" } "constant.character.escape" = { fg = "yellow" } "string" = { fg = "blue" } "string.regexp" = { fg = "yellow" } "comment" = { fg = "gray" } "variable" = { fg = "orange" } "variable.parameter" = { fg = "yellow" } "variable.other" = { fg = "green" } "variable.other.member" = { fg = "green" } "label" = { fg = "blue" } "punctuation" = { fg = "white" } "punctuation.bracket" = { fg = "orange" } "punctuation.special" = { fg = "yellow" } "keyword" = { fg = "red" } "keyword.operator" = { fg = "blue" } "keyword.directive" = { fg = "white" } "keyword.function" = { fg = "red" } "keyword.storage" = { fg = "red" } "keyword.storage.modifier" = { fg = "green" } "operator" = { fg = "white" } "function" = { fg = "purple" } "function.method" = { fg = "green" } "function.macro" = { fg = "green" } "function.special" = { fg = "yellow" } "tag" = { fg = "green" } "namespace" = { fg = "white" } "diff" = { fg = "white" } "diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } "diff.delta" = { fg = "brown" } # MARKUP, SYNAX HIGHLIGHTING AND INTERFACE HYBRID "markup.heading" = { fg = "blaze_orange" } "markup.heading.1" = { fg = "crystal_blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } "markup.heading.2" = { fg = "sky_blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } "markup.heading.3" = { fg = "dreamy_blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } "markup.heading.4" = { fg = "crystal_blue" } "markup.heading.5" = { fg = "sky_blue" } "markup.heading.6" = { fg = "dreamy_blue" } "markup.list" = { fg = "blaze_orange" } "markup.bold" = { fg = "crystal_blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } "markup.italic" = { fg = "crystal_blue", modifiers = ["italic"] } "markup.strikethrough" = { fg = "crystal_blue", modifiers = ["crossed_out"] } "markup.link" = { fg = "crystal_blue", underline = { color = "light_purple", style = "line" } } "markup.link.url" = { fg = "slate_purple", underline = { color = "slate_purple", style = "line" } } "markup.link.label" = { fg = "crystal_blue" } "markup.link.text" = { fg = "crystal_blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } "markup.quote" = { fg = "misty_white", modifiers = ["italic"] } "markup.raw" = { fg = "misty_white" } "markup.raw.block" = { fg = "white" } # USER INTERFACE "ui.background" = { bg = "amber_shadow"} # workspace background "ui.background.separator" = { fg = "misty_white" } # picker separator below input line (space + j) "ui.gutter" = { bg = "amber_shadow" } # gutter "ui.gutter.selected" = { bg = "pitch_black" } # gutter for the line the cursor is on "ui.linenr" = { fg = "slate_gray" } # line numbers "ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "blaze_orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } # line number for the line the cursor is on "ui.statusline" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "pitch_black" } # statusline, fucused "ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "slate_gray", bg = "dark_steel" } # statusline, unfocused "ui.statusline.normal" = { fg = "amber_shadow", bg = "leafy_green", modifiers = ["bold"] } # statusline normal mode (if editor.color-modes is enabled) "ui.statusline.insert" = { fg = "amber_shadow", bg = "blaze_orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } # statusline insert mode (if editor.color-modes is enabled) "ui.statusline.select" = { fg = "amber_shadow", bg = "sky_blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } # statusline select mode (if editor.color-modes is enabled) "ui.statusline.separator" = { fg = "misty_white" } # separator character is statusline "ui.bufferline" = { fg = "slate_gray", modifiers = ["bold"] } # bufferline inactive tab "ui.bufferline.active" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "rustic_red" } # bufferline active tab "ui.bufferline.background" = { bg = "pitch_black" } # bufferline background "ui.virtual.ruler" = { bg = "rustic_red" } # ruler columns "ui.virtual.whitespace" = { fg = "brown" } # whitespace characters "ui.virtual.indent-guide" = { fg = "brown" } # vertical indent width guides "ui.virtual.inlay-hint" = { fg = "slate_gray" } # inlay hints of all kinds "ui.virtual.inlay-hint.parameter" = { fg = "slate_gray" } # inlay hints of kind parameter (lsps are not required to set a kind) "ui.virtual.inlay-hint.type" = { fg = "slate_gray" } # inlay hints of kind type (lsps are not required to set a kind) "ui.virtual.wrap" = { fg = "slate_gray" } # soft-wrap indicator "ui.virtual.jump-label" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } # virtual jump labels (g + w) "ui.selection" = { bg = "deep_purple" } # slave selections in the editing area "ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "light_purple" } # primary selection in the editing area "ui.cursor" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } # only if "ui.cursor.primary.normal" isn't set "ui.cursor.normal" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } # slave cursor block in normal mode "ui.cursor.insert" = { bg = "rustic_red" } # slave cursor block in insert mode "ui.cursor.select" = { bg = "deep_purple" } # slave cursor block in select mode "ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "amber_shadow", bg = "blaze_orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } # matching bracket etc "ui.cursor.primary" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } # cursor with primary selection (has no effect due to "ui.cursor.primary.normal" is set) "ui.cursor.primary.normal" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } # cursor block in normal mode "ui.cursor.primary.insert" = { fg = "amber_shadow", bg = "ruby_glow" } # cursor block in insert mode "ui.cursor.primary.select" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "deep_purple" } # cursor block in select mode (not the selected color) "ui.cursorline.primary" = { bg = "dark_steel" } # line of the primary cursor "ui.cursorline.secondary" = { bg = "midnight_black"} # lines of secondary cursors "ui.cursorcolumn.primary" = { bg = "dark_steel" } # column of the primary cursor "ui.cursorcolumn.secondary" = { bg = "midnight_black" } # columns of secondary cursors # USER INTERFACE - MENUS AND POPUP "ui.popup" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "midnight_black" } # documentation popups (space + k) "ui.popup.info" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "midnight_black" } # prompt for multiple key options, menu border (space, g, z, m, etc) "ui.window" = { fg = "pitch_black" } # borderlines separating splits "ui.help" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "midnight_black" } # description box for commands "ui.text" = { fg = "white" } # default text style, command prompts, popup text, etc "ui.text.focus" = { fg = "leafy_green" } # the currently selected line in the picker (space j, space f, space s, etc) "ui.text.inactive" = { fg = "slate_gray" } # same as ui.text but when the text is inactive e.g. suggestions "ui.text.info" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "midnight_black" } # the key: command in ui.popup.info boxes (space, g, z, m, etc) "ui.menu" = { fg = "ethereal_gray", bg = "pitch_black" } # code and command completion menus ":" "ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "dark_steel" } # selected autocomplete item "ui.menu.scroll" = { fg = "slate_gray", bg = "midnight_black" } # scrollbar "ui.highlight" = { underline = { color = "blaze_orange", style = "line" } } # highlighted lines in the picker preview # User Interface - Diagnostics "warning" = { fg = "lemon_zest" } # diagnostics warning (gutter) "error" = { fg = "ruby_glow" } # diagnostics error (gutter) "info" = { fg = "sky_blue" } # diagnostics info (gutter) "hint" = { fg = "walnut_brown" } # diagnostics hint (gutter) "diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } # diagnostics fallback style (editing area) "diagnostic.hint" = { fg = "amber_shadow", bg = "walnut_brown" } # diagnostics hint (editing area) "diagnostic.info" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "twilight_slate" } # diagnostics info (editing area) "diagnostic.warning" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "rustic_amber" } # diagnostics warning (editing area) "diagnostic.error" = { fg = "misty_white", bg = "rustic_red" } # diagnostics error (editing area) # COLOR NAMES [palette] # PALETTE USER INTERFACE amber_shadow = "#0d1117" midnight_black = "#010409" dark_steel = "#161b22" pitch_black = "#000000" misty_white = "#f2f0eb" slate_gray = "#838a97" ethereal_gray = "#91a3b0" blaze_orange = "#ff9000" lemon_zest = "#ffba00" leafy_green = "#81be83" dreamy_blue = "#6eb0ff" crystal_blue = "#99c7ff" twilight_slate = "#263c57" sky_blue = "#45b1e8" rustic_red = "#540b0c" ruby_glow = "#fa7970" walnut_brown = "#987654" rustic_amber = "#9d5800" slate_purple = "#d2a8ff" light_purple = "#7533bd" deep_purple = "#4c1785" # PALETTE SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING black = "#0d1117" red = "#fa7970" green = "#81be83" yellow = "#ffba00" orange = "#ff9000" blue = "#45b1e8" purple = "#d2a8ff" brown = "#987654" gray = "#838a97" white = "#dadada"