You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
2.4 KiB

; Namespaces
; ----------
[((identifier) @namespace) ((nested_identifier (identifier) @namespace))])
(ambient_declaration "global" @namespace)
; Parameters
; ----------
; Javascript and Typescript Treesitter grammars deviate when defining the
; tree structure for parameters, so we need to address them in each specific
; language instead of ecma.
; (p: t)
; (p: t = 1)
(identifier) @variable.parameter)
; (...p: t)
(identifier) @variable.parameter))
; ({ p }: { p: t })
(shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @variable.parameter))
; ({ a: p }: { a: t })
value: (identifier) @variable.parameter)))
; ([ p ]: t[])
(identifier) @variable.parameter))
; (p?: t)
; (p?: t = 1) // Invalid but still posible to hihglight.
(identifier) @variable.parameter)
; (...p?: t) // Invalid but still posible to hihglight.
(identifier) @variable.parameter))
; ({ p }: { p?: t})
(shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @variable.parameter))
; ({ a: p }: { a?: t })
value: (identifier) @variable.parameter)))
; ([ p ]?: t[]) // Invalid but still posible to hihglight.
(identifier) @variable.parameter))
; Punctuation
; -----------
] @punctuation.delimiter
(optional_parameter "?" @punctuation.special)
(property_signature "?" @punctuation.special)
(conditional_type ["?" ":"] @operator)
; Keywords
; --------
] @keyword
; Types
; -----
name: (type_identifier) @type.parameter)
(type_identifier) @type
(predefined_type) @type.builtin
; Type arguments and parameters
; -----------------------------
] @punctuation.bracket)
] @punctuation.bracket)
; Literals
; --------
] @string
; Tokens
; ------
"${" @punctuation.special
"}" @punctuation.special) @embedded